Hotkeys and shortcuts for Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)

(Total 130)

Function Key Shortcuts
Open Adobe Captivate Help
Function Key Shortcuts
Rename the selected object
Function Key Shortcuts
Test view the current slide
Function Key Shortcuts
Preview the project
Function Key Shortcuts
Record audio
Function Key Shortcuts
Import audio
Function Key Shortcuts
Perform a spelling and grammar check
Command + F11
Function Key Shortcuts
Preview the project in a web browser (HTML)
Command + F12
Function Key Shortcuts
Preview the project in a web browser (SWF)
Command + 1
Command + 2
Command + 3
Command + 4
Command + -
Zoom out
Command + +
Zoom in
Command + 0
Best Fit Zoom / Center Align Workspace
Command + R
Start/record new capture project
Command + Option + O
Record additional slides
Command + Enter
Stop recording
Delete the current selection
Command + F2
Pause or resume recording
Command + F6
Capture a screenshot manually
Preview project
Preview single slide
Edit caption text
Preview project in browser
Command + F4
Auto panning
Command + F3
Manual panning
Command + F7
Stop panning
Command + F9
Start Full Motion Recording
Command + F10
Stop Full Motion Recording
Command + F11
Snap recording window to mouse
Command + F12
Toggle mouse capture
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Scroll to the previous slide
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Scroll to the next slide
Option + A
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Create question pool
Option + Arrow Keys
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Click the object, click a resize handle, and use these options to resize the object in the selected direction by 1 pixel
Command + A
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Select all
Command + B
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Find audio in the Library/Change text to Bold
Command + C
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Copy (slide in Filmstrip, and selected object on stage)
Command + E
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Extend the length of the object display time to the end of the slide on the Timeline
Command + F
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Find/replace a particular object in the project Library
Command + I
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Increase the indent (selected object on stage)/Change text to Italics. Indentation is equal to the grid size.
Command + L
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Sync the selected object to the playhead
Command + M
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Merge the selected object with the background
Command + N
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Open new project
Command + O
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Open the project
Shift + Option + R
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert a random question slide
Command + R
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Start/record new capture project
Command + S
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Command + T
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Open project template
Command + V
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Paste what is on the clipboard (for example, slide, image, object, and so on)
Command + W
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Close the project
Command + X
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Cut (selected object on stage)
Command + Y
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Command + Z
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Command + Enter
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Preview the project
Command + Option + A
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Export PowerPoint slides as animation
Command + Option + B
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show or hide Filmstrip
Command + Option + C
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show the Closed Captioning dialog box
Command + Option + D
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Update the Library
Command + Option + E
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Edit points of polygon drawing object
Command + Option + F
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Find in the Library
Command + Option + G
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Create a slide group and autoadjust the rollover area
Command + Option + H
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Hide the selected object
Command + Option + I
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Find PowerPoint slides in the Library
Command + Option + J
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Edit PowerPoint slides
Command + Option + K
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Lock the selected object
Command + Option + L
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show or hide the Library
Command + Option + M
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert master slide
Command + Option + N
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show slide notes
Command + Option + O
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Record additional slides
Command + Option + P
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Remove a slide group.
Command + Option + Q
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show the Question Pools Manager
Command + Option + T
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show or hide the Timeline
Command + Option + U
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Library usage
Command + Option + V
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Import video file
Command + Option + X
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show/hide the SWF-Commenting pane
Command + Option + Z
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show/hide the Widget panel
Shift + F7
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show objects style manager
Command + ,
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Preferences dialog box
Command + Shift + F9
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Actions dialog box
Command + Shift + F10
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Table of contents
Command + Shift + F11
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Skin Editor panel
Command + Shift + F12
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Publish the file
Shift + A
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert Animation placeholder
Shift + F
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert Flash video placeholder
Shift + R
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert rollover caption placeholder
Shift + O
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert rollover image placeholder
Shift + C
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert Text Caption placeholder
Shift + V
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert video place holder
Shift + M
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert Image placeholder
Option + Q
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert Question slide placeholder
Shift + X
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert Text Animation placeholder
Shift + Option + A
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show Audio Management panel
Shift + Option + W
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Close all the open projects
Shift + Option + O
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert recording slide placeholder
Shift + Option + P
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Import Photoshop file
Shift + Option + S
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show Speech Management panel
Shift + Option + V
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Paste as Background
Shift + Option + Arrow keys
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Click the object, click a resize handle, and use these options to resize the object in the selected direction by 10 pixel
Shift + Command + A
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Add an animation object
Shift + Command + B
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Add a new button
Shift + Ctrl + C
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Add a new text caption
Command + Shift + D
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
View slide properties
Command + Shift + E
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert a new zoom area
Command + Shift + F
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert an FLV file
Command + Shift + H
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Hide/show slide
Command + Shift + I
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Decrease the indent
Command + Shift + J
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert a blank slide
Command + Shift + K
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Add a new click box
Command + Shift + L
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert a highlight box
Command + Shift + M
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Add a new image
Command + Shift + N
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Add a new animation slide
Command + Shift + O
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Add a new rollover image
Command + Shift + P
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Import PPT
Command + Shift + Q
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert a question slide
Command + Shift + R
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert a rollover caption
Command + Shift + S
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Save the project with different name
Command + Shift + T
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert a text entry box
Command + Shift + U
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert the mouse
Command + Shift + W
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert a widget
Command + Shift + X
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert a text animation
Command + Shift + Y
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Copy the background
Command + Shift + Z
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert Slidelet
Command + Shift + Option + B
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show Branching View
Command + Shift + Option + S
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert an image slide
Command + Shift + Option + E
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show/Hide effects panel
Command + Shift + V
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert stencil slides
Command + Shift + G
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Edit gradient