Hotkeys and shortcuts for Ardour

(Total 128)

Ctrl + Del
Transport and recording control
Destroy last recording
↑   Shift + R
Transport and recording control
Engage record
↑   Shift +
Transport and recording control
Fast forward
Transport and recording control
Loop play (the loop range)
↑   Shift +
Transport and recording control
Transport and recording control
Set playhead position
↑   Shift + Space
Transport and recording control
Start recording
Ctrl + Alt + Space
Transport and recording control
Stop (keep loop / range play)
Ctrl + Space
Transport and recording control
Stop and destroy
Transport and recording control
Toggle auto play
Transport and recording control
Toggle auto return
Transport and recording control
Toggle click (metronome)
↑   Shift + F
Transport and recording control
Toggle playhead follows edits
Ctrl + F
Transport and recording control
Toggle playhead tracking
Transport and recording control
Toggle roll
↑   Shift + B
Transport and recording control
Toggle selected track rec-enable
Alt + S
Transport and recording control
Toggle selected track solo status
↑   Shift +
Transport and recording control
Transition to reverse
↑   Shift +
Transport and recording control
Transition to roll
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N
Session and file handling
Add track(s) or bus(ses)
Win + E
Session and file handling
Export session
Ctrl + I
Session and file handling
Import audio files
Ctrl + N
Session and file handling
Open a new session
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + O
Session and file handling
Open a recent session
Ctrl + O
Session and file handling
Open an existing session
Ctrl + Q
Session and file handling
Ctrl + S
Session and file handling
Save session
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S
Session and file handling
Snapshot session
Alt + I
Session and file handling
Toggle selected track MIDI input
Changing what's visible
Fit tracks vertically
Ctrl +
Changing what's visible
Move selected tracks down
Ctrl +
Changing what's visible
Move selected tracks up
Page Down
Changing what's visible
Scroll down (page)
Changing what's visible
Scroll down (page)
Page Up
Changing what's visible
Scroll up (page)
Changing what's visible
Scroll up (step)
↑   Shift + E
Changing what's visible
Toggle editor window mixer
↑   Shift + Z
Changing what's visible
Visual undo
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Changing what's visible
Zoom height to selected region(s)
Alt + Z
Changing what's visible
Zoom height and time to selected region
Changing what's visible
Zoom in
Changing what's visible
Zoom out
Alt + L
Window visibility
Toggle locations dialog
Num /
Window visibility
Focus on main clock
Ctrl + Alt + F
Window visibility
Maximize editor space
Alt + M
Window visibility
Switch between editor and mixer window
Alt + F
Window visibility
Show rhythm ferret window
Alt + B
Window visibility
Toggle big clock
Alt + C
Window visibility
Toggle color manager
Alt + E
Window visibility
Toggle editor window
Alt + P
Window visibility
Toggle global audio patchbay
Alt + ↑   Shift + P
Window visibility
Toggle global midi patchbay
Alt + K
Window visibility
Toggle key bindings editor
Alt + O
Region Operations
Move to original position
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + P
All after playhead
Editing with Edit Point
EP to next region sync
Editing with Edit Point
EP to prev region sync
Editing with Edit Point
Cycle to next grid snap mode
Editing with Edit Point
Cycle to next zoom focus
Editing with Edit Point
Insert from region list
Ctrl + T
Editing with Edit Point
Insert time
Alt + ⤶ Enter
Editing with Edit Point
Move EP to playhead
Ctrl + `
Editing with Edit Point
Next EP w/marker
Editing with Edit Point
Next EP w/o marker
Editing with Edit Point
Trim back
Editing with Edit Point
Trim front
↑   Shift + }
Editing with Edit Point
Trim region end to edit point
↑   Shift + {
Editing with Edit Point
Trim region start to edit point
Ctrl + J
Editing with Edit Point
Trim region to end of prev region
Ctrl + K
Editing with Edit Point
Trim region to start of next region
Editing with Edit Point
Use previous grid unit
Editing with Edit Point
Use next grid unit
Ctrl + 3
Editing with Edit Point
Use previous grid unit
Ctrl + 4
Editing with Edit Point
Use next musical grid unit
Alt + A
Aligning with the Edit Point
Align end(s)
Ctrl + Win + A
Aligning with the Edit Point
Align start(s)
Win + A
Aligning with the Edit Point
Align start(s) relative
↑   Shift + A
Aligning with the Edit Point
Align sync points
Aligning with the Edit Point
Align sync points (relative)
Ctrl + >
Aligning with the Edit Point
Range end to next prev edge
Aligning with the Edit Point
Range end to next region edge
Ctrl + <
Aligning with the Edit Point
Range start to next region edge
Aligning with the Edit Point
Range start to prev region edge
Alt + Space
Edit Point Playback
Play edit range
Win + Space
Edit Point Playback
Play from EP & return
Edit Point Playback
Play selected region(s)
↑   Shift + D
Region Operations
Duplicate region (multi)
Alt + D
Region Operations
Duplicate region (once)
Ctrl + Win + E
Region Operations
Export selected region(s)
Region Operations
Increase region gain
Ctrl + M
Region Operations
Region Operations
Num -
Region Operations
Nudge backward
Num +
Region Operations
Nudge forward
Region Operations
Quantize MIDI notes
Region Operations
Reduce region gain
Alt + R
Region Operations
Region Operations
Set fade in length
Region Operations
Set fade out length
Region Operations
Set region sync point
Region Operations
Ctrl + /
Region Operations
Toggle fade in active
Ctrl + \
Region Operations
Toggle fade out active
Alt + T
Region Operations
Ctrl + C
Generic editing
Ctrl + X
Generic editing
Generic editing
Ctrl + V
Generic editing
Ctrl + R
Generic editing
Ctrl + Z
Generic editing
Ctrl + P
All before playhead
Ctrl + U
All enclosed by edit range
All present in edit range
Convert edit range to range
↑   Shift + I
Invert selection
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + E
Select all after EP
Ctrl + E
Select all before EP
Ctrl + L
Select all in loop range
Ctrl + D
Select all in punch range
Ctrl + A
Select everything
Alt +
Select next track/bus
Alt +
Select previous track/bus
Defining Loop, Punch Range and Tempo Changes
Set loop range from edit range
Alt + ]
Defining Loop, Punch Range and Tempo Changes
Set loop range from region(s)
Defining Loop, Punch Range and Tempo Changes
Set punch range from edit range
Alt + [
Defining Loop, Punch Range and Tempo Changes
Set punch range from region(s)
Defining Loop, Punch Range and Tempo Changes
Set tempo (1 bar) from edit range
Defining Loop, Punch Range and Tempo Changes
Set tempo (1 bar) from region(s)