Hotkeys and shortcuts for Brave Browser (Windows)

(Total 70)

Ctrl + T
Tabs and Windows
New Tab
Ctrl + Shift + P
Tabs and Windows
New Private Tab
Ctrl + Shift + S
Tabs and Windows
New Session Tab
Ctrl + N
Tabs and Windows
New Window
Ctrl + Q
Tabs and Windows
Quit Brave
Ctrl + W
Tabs and Windows
Close Tab
Ctrl + Shift + W
Tabs and Windows
Close Window
Ctrl + F4
Tabs and Windows
Close Frame
Ctrl + M
Tabs and Windows
Ctrl + Shift + T
Tabs and Windows
Reopen Last Closed Tab
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T
Tabs and Windows
Reopen Last Closed Window
Tabs and Windows
Toggle Full Screen View
Ctrl + 1
Tabs and Windows
Go to 1st tab
Ctrl + 2
Tabs and Windows
Go to 2nd tab
Ctrl + 3
Tabs and Windows
Go to 3rd tab
Ctrl + 4
Tabs and Windows
Go to 4th tab
Ctrl + 5
Tabs and Windows
Go to 5th tab
Ctrl + 6
Tabs and Windows
Go to 6th tab
Ctrl + 7
Tabs and Windows
Go to 7th tab
Ctrl + 8
Tabs and Windows
Go to 8th tab
Ctrl + 9
Tabs and Windows
Go to Last tab
Ctrl + Shift + ]
Tabs and Windows
Next Tab
Ctrl + Shift + [
Tabs and Windows
Previous Tab
Ctrl + Alt + Right
Tabs and Windows
Next Tab
Ctrl + Alt + Left
Tabs and Windows
Previous Tab
Ctrl + PageDown
Tabs and Windows
Next Tab
Ctrl + PageUp
Tabs and Windows
Previous Tab
Ctrl + Tab
Tabs and Windows
Next Tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Tabs and Windows
Previous Tab
Page Navigation and Display
Focus URL Bar
Alt + D
Page Navigation and Display
Focus URL Bar
Ctrl + L
Page Navigation and Display
Focus URL Bar
Ctrl + Shift + H
Page Navigation and Display
Go Home
Ctrl + F
Page Navigation and Display
Find on Page
Ctrl + G
Page Navigation and Display
Active tab Find Next
Ctrl + Shift + G
Page Navigation and Display
Active tab Find Previous
Ctrl + Shift + =
Page Navigation and Display
Zoom In
Ctrl + Shift + -
Page Navigation and Display
Zoom Out
Ctrl + =
Page Navigation and Display
Zoom In
Ctrl + -
Page Navigation and Display
Zoom Out
Ctrl + 0
Page Navigation and Display
Actual Size
Page Navigation and Display
Stop loading
Ctrl + R
Page Navigation and Display
Reload Page
Ctrl + Shift + R
Page Navigation and Display
Clean Reload
Page Navigation and Display
Ctrl + F5
Page Navigation and Display
Clean Reload
Alt + Left
Page Navigation and Display
Active Frame Back
Alt + Right
Page Navigation and Display
Active Frame Forward
Ctrl + [
Page Navigation and Display
Go Back
Ctrl + ]
Page Navigation and Display
Go Forward
Ctrl + Z
Page Navigation and Display
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Page Navigation and Display
Ctrl + X
Page Navigation and Display
Ctrl + C
Page Navigation and Display
Ctrl + V
Page Navigation and Display
Ctrl + Shift + V
Page Navigation and Display
Paste Without Formatting
Page Navigation and Display
Ctrl + A
Page Navigation and Display
Select All
Ctrl + D
Add/Edit Bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + O
Bookmarks Manager
Ctrl + ,
Ctrl + J
Downloads Manager
Ctrl + Y
View Browsing History
Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Clear Browsing Data
Ctrl + O
Open File
Ctrl + S
Save Page As
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Alt + U
View Source
Ctrl + Alt + J
Developer Tools
Ctrl + Shift + I
Developer Tools