Hotkeys and shortcuts for ChessBase 13

(Total 94)

Ctrl + K
Database window
Show openings key of the selected database
Ctrl + Q
Commentary symbols
£ Queen
Ctrl + N
Commentary symbols
¤ Knight
Ctrl + B
Commentary symbols
¥ Bishop
Ctrl + R
Board window
Replace game
Ctrl + P
Database window
Show players index of the selected database
Ctrl + A
Database window
Show annotator index of the selected database
Ctrl + I
Database window
Display databases as large icons
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C
Commentary symbols
Ctrl + Alt + I
Commentary symbols
With the idea
Ctrl + S
Database window
Show source index of the selected database
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Z
Commentary symbols
Zeitnot (time trouble)
Ctrl + Alt + D
Commentary symbols
Ctrl + L
Database window
Show games list of the selected database
↑   Shift + Ctrl + D
Commentary symbols
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Commentary symbols
Ctrl + Alt + C
Board window
Classify game according to opening in reference database
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + W
Commentary symbols
× Weak point
Ctrl + O
Database window
Open database and add it to My databases
Ctrl + W
Board window
Annotate correspondence chess move %%
Ctrl + Alt + W
Board window
Enter correspondence chess header
Ctrl + Alt + Q
Commentary symbols
« Queenside
Ctrl + Alt + K
Commentary symbols
» Kingside
Ctrl + E
Commentary symbols
v Endgame
Ctrl + Alt + P
Commentary symbols
Pair of bishops
Ctrl + Alt + O
Commentary symbols
® Bishops of opposite colour
Ctrl + Alt + E
Commentary symbols
¯ Bishops of same colour
Ctrl + M
Commentary symbols
° With compensation for material
Ctrl + 1
Commentary symbols
± White has the upper hand
Ctrl + 2
Commentary symbols
² White stands somewhat better
Ctrl + 3
Commentary symbols
÷ Unclear
Ctrl + 4
Commentary symbols
³ Black stands somewhat better
Ctrl + 5
Commentary symbols
µ Black has the upper hand
Ctrl + Alt + B
Board window
Open/close photos window
Ctrl + Alt + R
Commentary symbols
½ Draw
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + P
Commentary symbols
þ Passed pawn
Board window
Go to beginning of notation
Board window
Go to end of notation
↑   Shift +
Games lists
Mark games
Ctrl + Mouse left click
Games lists
Mark games
Shift + Page Down
Games lists
Mark page - full of games
↑   Shift + End
Games lists
Mark all games to end of list
⤶ Enter
Database window
Open selected database/start training
Board window
Load next game in list
Ctrl + F10
Board window
Load previous game in list
Ctrl + ←  →
Games lists
Automatic scrolling
Page Up / Down
Board window
Scroll one page up/down in the notation
↑  ↓
Games lists
Move highlight bar and scroll
Ctrl + G
Board window
Go to move number x
Alt + Q
Games lists
Toggle list format, e.g. show notation / game data
Ctrl + J
Games lists
Set start move
Games lists
Show statistics for marked/all games
↑   Shift + S
Games lists
Show piece probability for marked/all games
Games lists
Copy marked games into clip database
Games lists
Game overview in many diagrams
Board window
Takeback move, make next move a variation ("TNote")
Ctrl + F
Database window
Search for games in selected database
⭾ Tab
Database window
Switch between window "panes"
Board window
With the analysis engine on: Increase/decrease the number of lines calculated.
Games lists
Mark selected games as deleted
Ctrl + C
Database window
Mark all games for copying
Ctrl + V
Database window
Paste all games marked for copying in the selected database
← ↑ → ↓
Board window
Play moves forwards and backwards
Board window
Replay games automatically
Ctrl + Mouse movement
Board window
Make the move a variation without query
↑   Shift + Mouse movement
Board window
Overwrite next move without query
Ctrl + Alt + 0
Board window
Enter null move
Ctrl + Y
Board window
Delete variation
Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + C
Board window
Classify game according to themes
↑   Shift + F6
Board window
Find novelty/compare in reference database
↑   Shift + F7
Board window
Show Opening Reference for board position
Board window
Close variation
Board window
With the analysis engine on: Increase/decrease the number of lines calculated.
Board window
Cut remaining moves
Board window
Cut previous moves
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Y
Board window
Remove all variations and commentary
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + A
Board window
Enter text commentary before move
↑   Shift + 1
Board window
(or "!") Annotate with !, ? etc.
Ctrl + Alt + Y
Board window
Delete all graphic commentary
Ctrl + Alt + M
Board window
Enter training commentary
Alt + F2
Board window
Start/stop the default analysis engine
Board window
Insert best engine move into notation
Ctrl + Space
Board window
Insert best variation of all engines into notation
Board window
Show threat
Board window
Calculate next best move (only Fritz engine)
Ctrl + Alt + N
Board window
Open/close notation window
Board window
Close window
Ctrl + Z
Database window
Archive current database
Database window
Next higher directory level
Ctrl + F12
Database window
Go to My databases
Ctrl + Alt + L
Database window
Switch database preview pane on/off
Ctrl + X
Database window
Create a new database in the current directory
Ctrl + T
Database window
Show tournament index of the selected database
Ctrl + D
Database window
Display databases as detailed list