Hotkeys and shortcuts for CINEMA 4D (Windows)
(Total 117)
Ctrl + N |
FileNew file |
Shift + Ctrl + S |
FileSave as |
Ctrl + 0 |
FileOpen |
Shift + Ctrl + W |
FileClose all |
Shift + Ctrl + 0 |
FileAdd |
Ctrl + 5 |
FileSave |
Ctrl + Q |
FileQuit |
Shift + Create object |
Object ManagerNew object as child object |
Alt + Create object |
Object ManagerNew object as Parent object |
Shift + G |
Object ManagerExpand object group |
Alt + G |
Object ManagerGroup objects |
Ctrl + I |
Object ManagerProject information |
Ctrl + U |
Object ManagerShow fitter |
Ctrl + F |
Object ManagerShow search sar |
Shift + Ctrl + O |
Object ManagerMerge objects |
Click with RMB |
Object ManagerSelect object including child objects |
Ctrl + F |
Picture ViewerFullscreen mode |
Shift + Create object |
Picture ViewerAuto zoom |
O |
Picture ViewerSet as preview end |
Shift + G |
Picture ViewerSet as preview start |
Alt + G |
Picture ViewerSwap AB |
Ctrl + I |
Picture ViewerSet as B |
A |
Picture ViewerSet as A |
Spacebar key |
Picture ViewerPlay |
+/- |
Picture ViewerZoom In/Out |
Double-click |
Picture ViewerSwitch 100% and Fullscreen |
Alt |
Motion TrackingZoom |
Motion TrackingLasso selection |
Ctrl + LMB |
Motion TrackingIt create user Track |
Alt + O |
Motion TrackingSequence fullscreen |
Alt + RMB |
Motion TrackingScale sequence |
Alt + MMB |
Motion TrackingMove sequence |
Shift + Cut + 0 |
Material ManagerLoad materials |
Ctrl + N |
Material ManagerNew material |
Alt + Drag & Drop |
Material ManagerReplace material by another |
RMB + Arrow |
Attribute ManagerParameter to default |
Alt or Shift |
Attribute ManagerIncrease/decrease parameter change speed with arrows |
Shift + F5 |
Attribute ManagerNew attribute manager |
F7 |
Animation TimelineStop |
F6 |
Animation TimelinePlay backwards/stop |
F9 |
Animation TimelineRecord active objects |
Ctrl + Spacebar |
Animation Timeline. with selected Tracks |
Spacebar |
Animation TimelineKey mode/F-curve mode |
Shift + G |
Animation TimelineGoto end |
Ctrl + G |
Animation TimelineGoto Next Key |
Ctrl + F |
Animation TimelineGoto Previous Key |
Shift + F |
Animation TimelineGoto Start of Animation |
Ctrl + F9 |
Animation TimelineAutokeying |
F8 |
Animation TimelinePlay Forwards/Stop |
Ctrl + P |
Animation TimelineGoto First Key |
Ctrl + 0 (zero) |
Animation TimelineGoto Last Key |
Aft + F |
Animation TimelineGoto Start |
Aft + G |
Animation TimelineGoto End |
Ctrl + Shift + P |
Animation TimelineGoto First Marker |
Ctrl + Shift + 0 |
Animation TimelineGoto Last Marker |
Shift + N |
Animation TimelineGoto Next Marker |
Shift + P |
Animation TimelineGoto Previous Marker |
Alt + R |
Animation TimelineRipple Edit |
Ctrl + F |
Animation TimelineShow Search Bar |
Aft + A |
Animation TimelineAutomatic Mode |
Ctrl + U |
Animation TimelineShow Filter |
Shift + . or Shift + |
BodyPaint 3DIncrease Brush Hardness |
Shift + . or Shift + |
BodyPaint 3DDecrease Brush Hardness |
Ctrl + . or eta + I |
BodyPaint 3DIncrease Brush Pressure |
Ctrl + . or Ctrl + |
BodyPaint 3DDecrease Brush Pressure |
M |
ModellingNormal rotate |
C |
ModellingMake editable |
E |
ModellingMove |
R |
ModellingRotate |
T |
ModellingScale |
Space |
ModellingToggle Active Tool |
Return |
ModellingToggle Modeling Mode |
Shift + Z |
ModellingUndo (Action) |
X |
ModellingX -Axis / Heading |
Ctrl + A |
ModellingSelect All |
Shift + Ctrl + A |
ModellingDeselect All |
Shift + F12 |
EditorCustomize Commands Manager |
Shift + F11 |
EditorScript Manager |
Shift + F9 |
EditorStructure Manager |
Shift + F8 |
EditorContent Browser |
Shift + F7 |
EditorCoordinates Manager |
Shift + F6 |
EditorPicture Viewer |
Shift + F5 |
EditorAttributes Manager |
Shift + F4 |
EditorLayer Manager |
Shift + F3 |
EditorTimeline |
Shift + F2 |
EditorMaterials Manager |
Shift + Fl Shift + Fl |
EditorObject Manager |
Shift + W |
EditorClose Window |
Del |
EditorDelete |
J + LMB |
EditorModify Interactive Anim.Time |
Ctrl + F1 |
EditorHelp via setting/element |
Home |
Structure ManagerJump Home |
PgUp |
Structure ManagerJump Page Up |
PgDown |
Structure ManagerJump Page Down |
Shift + N |
Structure ManagerJump Last Selection |
Shift + Ctrl + 0 |
Structure ManagerImport ASCII Data |
End |
Structure ManagerJump End |
V |
Structure ManagerVertex Map |
Shift |
SculptingSmooth for all brushes |
Cut |
SculptingReverse brush effect |
Alt + X , Y , Z |
SculptingSwitch symmetry mode |
T + LMB |
SculptingMove, scale, rotate template |
Alt + 0 |
ViewHide/Show axes |
Shift + V |
ViewConfigure |
Alt + V |
ViewConfigure All |
Ctrl + R |
ViewRender View |
Shift + Ctrl + Z |
ViewUndo View |
Shift + Ctrl + Y |
ViewRedo View |
A |
ViewRedraw |
F5 |
ViewAll views |
Alt + A |
ViewUse Isoline Editing |
Ctrl + B |
RenderingRender Settings |
Alt + B |
RenderingMake Preview |
Alt + R |
RenderingInteractive Render Region |
Ctrl + R |
RenderingRender Active Viewport |
Shift + R |
RenderingRender to Picture Viewer |
Ctrl + Shift + R |
RenderingRender to Picture Viewer (IR) |