Hotkeys and shortcuts for Claws Mail
(Total 54)
Ctrl + P |
Compose windowMove a previous line |
Ctrl + W |
Compose windowClose |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + S |
Main windowSynchronise folders |
Ctrl + S |
Compose windowSave |
Ctrl + Q |
Main windowExit |
Ctrl + C |
Compose windowCopy |
Ctrl + A |
Compose windowSelect all |
Ctrl + F |
Compose windowMove a character forward |
↑ Shift + Ctrl + F |
Main windowSearch folder... |
Ctrl + T |
Main windowToggle threaded display |
N |
Main windowGo to next mail in Message List. The Down arrow does the same. |
↓ |
Main windowGo to next mail in Message List. The Down arrow does the same. |
P |
Main windowGo to previous mail. The Up arrow is a synonym. |
↑ |
Main windowGo to previous mail. The Up arrow is a synonym. |
↑ Shift + N |
Main windowGo to next unread mail. |
↑ Shift + P |
Main windowGo to previous unread mail. |
G |
Main windowGo to other folder… |
Ctrl + U |
Compose windowDelete line |
Ctrl + H |
Compose windowDelete a character backward |
V |
Main windowToggles the message view panel visibility. When invisible, Message List expands itself to fill the full window height and more summary lines are displayed |
/ |
Main windowPositions the cursor on the Quicksearch field, also opening the Quicksearch panel if needed |
Ctrl + Alt + U |
Main windowUpdate summary |
Ctrl + I |
Compose windowInsert file |
↑ Shift + Ctrl + I |
Main windowGet mail from all accounts |
Ctrl + M |
Compose windowAttach file |
Ctrl + R |
Main windowReply |
↑ Shift + Ctrl + R |
Main windowReply to all |
Ctrl + L |
Compose windowWrap current paragraph |
Ctrl + Alt + F |
Main windowForward message |
Ctrl + O |
Main windowMove... |
↑ Shift + Ctrl + O |
Main windowCopy... |
Ctrl + D |
Compose windowDelete a character forward |
↑ Shift + D |
Main windowEmpty all Trash folders |
↑ Shift + * |
Main windowMark message |
U |
Main windowUnmark message |
↑ Shift + ! |
Main windowMark message as unread |
↑ Shift + Ctrl + A |
Compose windowOpen address book |
X |
Main windowExecute |
↑ Shift + Ctrl + L |
Compose windowToggle auto wrapping |
Ctrl + F12 |
Main windowToggles menu bar visibility |
F11 |
Main windowFull screen |
Ctrl + ⤶ Enter |
Compose windowSend |
↑ Shift + Ctrl + S |
Compose windowSend later |
Ctrl + G |
Compose windowInsert signature |
Ctrl + Z |
Compose windowUndo |
Ctrl + Y |
Compose windowRedo |
Ctrl + X |
Compose windowCut |
Ctrl + V |
Compose windowPaste |
Ctrl + B |
Compose windowMove a character backward |
Ctrl + E |
Compose windowMove to end of line |
Ctrl + N |
Compose windowMove a next line |
Ctrl + K |
Compose windowDelete to end of line |
Ctrl + Alt + L |
Compose windowWrap all long lines |
↑ Shift + Ctrl + X |
Compose windowEdit with external editor |