Hotkeys and shortcuts for Comsol 5 (MacOS)

(Total 37)

Help and Documentation
Display help for the selected node or window
Command + F1
Help and Documentation
Open the COMSOLDocumentation front page in an external window
Model Tree
Rename the selected node, file, or folder
Model Tree
Disable selected nodes
Model Tree
Enable selected nodes
Model Tree
Delete selected nodes
Arrow Left
Model Tree
Collapse a branch in the model tree
Arrow Right
Model Tree
Expand a branch in the model tree
Arrow Up
Model Tree
Move to the node above in the model tree
Arrow Down
Model Tree
Move to the node below in the model tree
Ctrl + Arrow Left
Model Tree
Move to the previously selected node in the model tree
Ctrl + Arrow Right
Model Tree
Move to the next selected node in the model tree
Command + A
Model Tree
Select all domains, boundaries, edges, or points; select all cells in a table
Command + C
Model Tree
Copy text in fields
Command + D
Model Tree
Clear the selection of domains, boundaries, edges, or points
Command + F check
Model Tree
Find a search string
Command + N
Model Tree
New model
Command + O
Model Tree
Open a model file
Command + P
Model Tree
Print the contents of the plot window
Command + S
Model Tree
Save a model file
Command + V
Model Tree
Paste copied text
Model Tree
Redo the last undone operation
Command + Z
Model Tree
Undo the last operation
Command + Arrow Up
Model Tree
Move a definitions node, geometry node, physics node (except default nodes), material node, mesh node, study step node, or results node up one step
Command + Arrow Down
Model Tree
Move a definitions node, geometry node, physics node (except default nodes), material node, mesh node, study step node, or results node down one step
Ctrl + Tab
Model Tree
Switch focus to the next window on the desktop
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Model Tree
Switch focus to the previous window on the desktop
Command + Alt + Arrow Left
Model Tree
Switch focus to the Model Builder window
Command + Alt + Arrow Right
Model Tree
Switch focus to the Settings window
Command + Alt + Arrow Up
Model Tree
Switch focus to the previous section in the Settings window
Command + Alt + Arrow Down
Model Tree
Switch focus to the next section in the Settings window
Ctrl + F10
Model Tree
Open the context menu
Ctrl + Space
Model Tree
Open list of predefined quantities for insertion in Expression fields for plotting and results evaluation
Build and Compute
Update the Data Sets Solutions with respect to any new Global Definitions and Definitions without re-solving the model
Build and Compute
Build the preceding node in the geometry branch
Build and Compute
Build the selected node in the geometry and mesh branches, compute the selected study step, or compute the selected node in the solver sequence
Build and Compute
Build the geometry, build the mesh, compute the entire solver sequence, update results data, or update the plot