Hotkeys and shortcuts for Confluence
(Total 43)
G then D |
GeneralGo to your dashboard |
G then R |
GeneralGo to your recently viewed pages |
[ |
GeneralOpen and close the sidebar |
G then N |
GeneralGo to your notifications |
E |
EditorOpen the editor |
/ then / |
EditorOpen the date picker |
@ |
EditorMention your colleagues |
↑ Shift + ⤶ Enter |
EditorInsert a hard break (< br >) |
Ctrl + B |
EditorBold |
Ctrl + I |
EditorItalics |
Ctrl + U |
EditorUnderline |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + S |
EditorStrikethrough |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + M |
AutocompleteUse autocomplete for images |
Ctrl + X |
EditorCut |
Ctrl + C |
EditorCopy |
Ctrl + V |
EditorPaste |
Ctrl + Z |
EditorUndo |
Ctrl + Y |
EditorRedo |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + 7 |
EditorNumbered list |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + 8 |
EditorBulleted list |
Ctrl + Left Alt + 0 |
EditorSet paragraph style |
Ctrl + Left Alt + 1 |
Editor… to <keybs>6</keybs>: Set as heading 1-6 |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + 9 |
EditorQuote |
Ctrl + ⤶ Enter |
EditorPublish page |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + E |
EditorPreview |
{ |
EditorOpen macro browser |
Ctrl + M |
EditorInsert files & images |
Ctrl + K |
EditorInsert link |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + D |
EditorInsert markup |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + A |
EditorInsert macro |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + I |
EditorInsert a 3x3 table |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + - |
EditorInsert a horizontal rule |
Ctrl + H |
EditorFind / Replace |
Alt + ↑ Shift + ↑ |
EditorInsert table row before |
Alt + ↑ Shift + ↓ |
EditorInsert table row after |
Alt + ↑ Shift + → |
EditorInsert column after |
Alt + ↑ Shift + ← |
EditorInsert column before |
⭾ Tab |
EditorMove cursor to next cell in the table |
↑ Shift + ⭾ Tab |
EditorMove cursor to previous cell in the table |
Ctrl + \ |
EditorClear all formatting |
↑ Shift + ? |
EditorShow keyboard shortcuts |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + K |
AutocompleteUse autocomplete for links |
Esc |
AutocompleteCancel autocomplete |