Hotkeys and shortcuts for Cyberduck (MacOS)
(Total 36)
G + D |
GlobalGo to dashboard |
G + P |
GlobalBrowse to a project |
G + A |
GlobalGo to agile |
G + I |
GlobalFind issues |
G + G |
GlobalAdministration quick search |
/ |
GlobalQuick search |
C |
GlobalCreate an issue |
. |
GlobalQuick operation |
? |
GlobalOpen shortcut help |
Alt + S |
GlobalFrom submit |
E |
Issue ActionEdit issue |
A |
Issue ActionAssign issue |
M |
Issue ActionComment on issue |
I |
Issue ActionEdit issue labels |
, |
Issue ActionJump to fields for editing |
I |
Issue ActionAssign to me |
O / Enter |
Navigating IssuesView selected issue |
J |
Navigating IssuesNext issue |
K |
Navigating IssuesPrevious issue |
[ |
Navigating IssuesDock/undock the filters panel |
N |
Navigating IssuesNext activity |
P |
Navigating IssuesPrevious activity |
F |
Navigating IssuesFocus search field |
U |
Navigating IssuesSearch for issues |
T |
Navigating IssuesSwitch filter view |
Z |
Navigating IssuesDetails view order by |
1 |
Agile ShortcutsBacklog |
2 |
Agile ShortcutsActive sprints/ Kanban board |
3 |
Agile ShortcutsReports |
Z |
Agile ShortcutsPresentation mode |
N |
Agile ShortcutsNext column |
P |
Agile ShortcutsPrevious column |
T |
Agile ShortcutsHide/Show Details |
- |
Agile ShortcutsToggle all swimlanes |
S + T |
Agile ShortcutsSend to top |
S + B |
Agile ShortcutsSend to bottom |