Hotkeys and shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)

(Total 37)

Ctrl + 0
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Maximizes the drawing area
Ctrl + 1
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Turns the Properties Palette On/Off
Ctrl + 9
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Turns the Command Window On/Off
Ctrl + A
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Selects All non-frozen entities in the current Viewport
Ctrl + B
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Toggles Snap Mode during Command execution
Ctrl + C
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Copies entities to the Clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + C
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Copies entities with a specified reference point to the clipboard
Ctrl + F
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Finds and replaces Text in Notes, Annotations, and Dimension Text
Ctrl + G
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Toggles Grid display during command execution
Ctrl + K
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Attaches a hyperlink to entities or modifies an existing hyperlink
Ctrl + L
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Toggles Ortho mode during command execution
Ctrl + N
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Creates a New drawing file
Ctrl + O
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Opens an existing drawing file
Ctrl + P
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Plots the drawing to a File,Printer,Plotter
Ctrl + Q
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Ctrl + R
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Cycles through Tiled Views without clicking
Ctrl + S
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Saves Drawing
Ctrl + Shift + S
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Saves with New Filename
Ctrl + V
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Paste Data
Ctrl + Shift + V
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Paste from the clipboard as a Block
Ctrl + X
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Ctrl + Y
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Ctrl + Z
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Removes Selected
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Enforces Ortho Mode
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Cancels Current command
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Displays Online help
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Shows and hides the command history in a separate Command Window
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Turns EntitySnaps On/Off
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Switches the Isometric grid to next isoplane
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Turns Grid display On/Off
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Turns Ortho mode On/Off
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Turns Snap mode On/Off
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Turns Polar Guides On/Off
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Turns Entity Tracking On/Off
Ctrl + F4
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Exits Drawing but not the program
Alt + F4
37 Shortcuts for DraftSight (Windows)
Exit Program