Hotkeys and shortcuts for Eclipse

(Total 116)

Ctrl + N
Managing files and projects
Create a new project with Wizard
Ctrl + Alt + N
Managing files and projects
Create a new project, file, class, etc.
Alt + F then .
Managing files and projects
. Open project, file, etc.
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + R
Managing files and projects
Open resource file, folder or project
Alt + ⤶ Enter
Managing files and projects
Show and access file properties
Running and debugging
Step into function
Ctrl + S
Managing files and projects
Save currently open file
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S
Managing files and projects
Save all open files
Ctrl + W
Managing files and projects
Close currently open file
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + W
Managing files and projects
Close all files
Jump to the editor window
Ctrl + Page Down
Switch to previous editor
Ctrl + Page Up
Switch to next editor
Ctrl + M
Maximize or restore current editor window (also works with other windows)
Ctrl + E
Show the list of open editors
Ctrl + F6
Show the list of open editors, but switch immediately when you release <keybs>Ctrl</keybs>
Alt + ←  →
Go to previous / next editor windows
Alt + -
Open Editor Window Option menu
Ctrl + F10
Show view menu
Ctrl + F10 then N
n Show / hide line numbers
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Q
Show or hide the diff. column on the left (column that indicates changes since last save)
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + +
Zoom in
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + -
Zoom out
Navigation in editor window
Jump to beginning of indention. Press twice to jump to beginning of the line
Navigation in editor window
Jump to end of line
Ctrl + Home
Navigation in editor window
Jump to beginning of source
Ctrl + End
Navigation in editor window
Jump to end of source
Ctrl + ←  →
Navigation in editor window
Jump one word to the left / right
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ↑  ↓
Navigation in editor window
Jump to previous / next method
Ctrl + L
Navigation in editor window
Jump to line number
Ctrl + Q
Navigation in editor window
Jump to last edited location
Ctrl + .
Navigation in editor window
Jump to previous / next compiler syntax warning or error
Ctrl + ,
Navigation in editor window
Jump to previous / next compiler syntax warning or error
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + P
Navigation in editor window
With a bracket selected: Jump to matching closing or opening bracket
Ctrl + [
Navigation in editor window
Collapse / expand current method or class
Ctrl + ]
Navigation in editor window
Collapse / expand current method or class
Ctrl + Num -
Navigation in editor window
Collapse / expand current method or class
Ctrl + Num *
Navigation in editor window
Collapse / expand all methods or classes
Ctrl + ↑  ↓
Navigation in editor window
Scroll editor without changing cursor position
Alt + Page Up
Navigation in editor window
Previous sub-tab
Alt + Page Down
Navigation in editor window
Next sub-tab
↑   Shift + ←  →
Selecting text
Expand selection by one character to the left or right
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ←  →
Selecting text
Expand selection to the next or previous word
↑   Shift + ↑  ↓
Selecting text
Expand selection by one line up or down
↑   Shift + End
Selecting text
Expand selection to end of line
↑   Shift + Home
Selecting text
Expand eslection to beginning of line
Alt + ↑   Shift +
Selecting text
Expand selection to current element
Alt + ↑   Shift + ←  →
Selecting text
Expand selection to previous or next element
Alt + ↑   Shift +
Selecting text
Reduce previously expanded selection by one step
Ctrl + C
Editing text
Ctrl + X
Editing text
Ctrl + V
Editing text
Ctrl + Z
Editing text
Undo last action
Ctrl + Y
Editing text
Redo last undone action
Ctrl + D
Editing text
Delete line
Alt + ↑  ↓
Editing text
Move current line or selection up or down
Ctrl + Alt + ↑  ↓
Editing text
Duplicate current line or selection up or down
Ctrl + Del
Editing text
Delete next word
Ctrl + ⬅ Backspace
Editing text
Delete previous word
↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter
Editing text
Enter line below current line
↑   Shift + Ctrl + ⤶ Enter
Editing text
Enter line above current line
Editing text
Switch between insert and overwrite mode
↑   Shift + Ctrl + Y
Editing text
Convert selection to lowercase
↑   Shift + Ctrl + X
Editing text
Convert selection to uppercase
Ctrl + F
Search and replace
Open find and replace dialog box
Ctrl + K
Search and replace
Find previous occurence of the search term
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + K
Search and replace
Find next occurence of the search term
Ctrl + H
Search and replace
Search Workspace (Java search, Task search, and File search)
Ctrl + J
Search and replace
Incremental search forward
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + J
Search and replace
Incremental search backwards
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + O
Search and replace
Open a resource search dialog to find any class
⭾ Tab
Indentions and comments
Increase indent of selected text
↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab
Indentions and comments
Decrease indent of selected text
Ctrl + I
Indentions and comments
Correct indention of selected text or current line
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F
Indentions and comments
Auto format all code in editor using code formatter
Ctrl + /
Indentions and comments
Comment / uncomment line or selection (add //)
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C
Indentions and comments
Toggle comments
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + /
Indentions and comments
Add block comment arount selection (add /...*/)
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + \
Indentions and comments
Remove block comment
Alt + ↑   Shift + J
Indentions and comments
Add element comment (add /** ... */)
Ctrl + Space
Editing source code
Open content assist (e.g. show available methods or field names)
Ctrl + 1
Editing source code
Open quick fix and quick assist
Alt + /
Editing source code
Suggest word completion (after typing at least one letter). Press repeatedly until reaching correct name
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Insert
Editing source code
Deactivate or activate Smart Insert Mode (automatic indention, automatic brackets, etc.)
Ctrl + O
Code information
Show code outline or structure
Code information
Open class, method, or variable information (show as tooltip text)
Code information
Open declaration: Jump to Declaration of selected class, method, or parameter
Code information
Open Type Hierarchy window for selected item
Ctrl + T
Code information
Show or open Quick Type Hierarchy for selected item
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + T
Code information
Open type in hierarchy
Ctrl + Alt + H
Code information
Open call hierarchy
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + U
Code information
Find occurrences of expression in current file
Ctrl + Mouse movement
Code information
Open declaration or implementation
Alt + ↑   Shift + R
Rename selected element and all references
Alt + ↑   Shift + V
Move selected element to other class or file (with complete method or class selected)
Alt + ↑   Shift + C
Change method signature (with method name selected)
Alt + ↑   Shift + M
Extract selection to method
Alt + ↑   Shift + L
Extract local variable: Create and assign a variable from selected expression
Alt + ↑   Shift + I
Inline selected local variables, methods or constants when possible (replaces variable with its declarations/ assignment and puts it directly into the statements)
Ctrl + F11
Running and debugging
Save and launch application
Running and debugging
Running and debugging
Next step (line by line)
Running and debugging
Step out
Running and debugging
Skip to next breakpoint
Ctrl + F7
Switch forward between panels. Useful for switching back and forth between Package Explorer and Editor
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F7
Switch backward between panels. Useful for switching back and forth between Package Explorer and Editor
Ctrl + P
Open Eclipse help
↑   Shift + F10
Show context menu
Ctrl + Alt + S
Team (SVN Subversive)
Synchronize with repository
Ctrl + Alt + C
Team (SVN Subversive)
Ctrl + Alt + U
Team (SVN Subversive)
Ctrl + Alt + D
Team (SVN Subversive)
Update to revision
Ctrl + Alt + E
Team (SVN Subversive)
Ctrl + Alt + T
Team (SVN Subversive)
Show properties
Ctrl + Alt + I
Team (SVN Subversive)
Add to svn:ignore