Hotkeys and shortcuts for Everything

(Total 104)

Ctrl + A
Result list
Select all items
Ctrl + ⬅ Backspace
Search edit
Delete previous word
Ctrl + Space
Result list
Toggle item selection
⤶ Enter
Result list
Open the selected items
↑  ↓
Result list
Navigate item focus and selection
Alt + ↑  ↓
Search edit
Show search history
Mouse double click
Search edit
Select word
Mouse triple click
Search edit
Select all
Result list
Rename the focused item
Result list
Move selected items to the recycle bin
↑   Shift + Del
Result list
Permanently delete selected items
Result list
Scroll left
Result list
Scroll right
Ctrl +
Result list
Scroll left one page
Ctrl +
Result list
Scroll right one page
Ctrl + ⤶ Enter
Result list
Open the path of the selected item
Alt + ⤶ Enter
Result list
Display properties of the selected items
Ctrl + +
General keyboard shortcuts
Increase text size
Page Up
Result list
Navigate item focus and selection
Page Down
Result list
Navigate item focus and selection
Result list
Navigate item focus and selection
Result list
Navigate item focus and selection
↑   Shift + ↑  ↓
Result list
Extend item selection
Shift + Page Up
Result list
Extend item selection
Shift + Page Down
Result list
Extend item selection
↑   Shift + Home
Result list
Extend item selection
↑   Shift + End
Result list
Extend item selection
Ctrl + ↑  ↓
Result list
Navigate item focus
Ctrl + Page Up
Result list
Navigate item focus
Ctrl + Page Down
Result list
Navigate item focus
Ctrl + Home
Result list
Navigate item focus
Ctrl + End
Result list
Navigate item focus
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ↑  ↓
Result list
Extend item selection, keeping the current selection
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up
Result list
Extend item selection, keeping the current selection
Ctrl + Shift + Page Down
Result list
Extend item selection, keeping the current selection
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Home
Result list
Extend item selection, keeping the current selection
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + End
Result list
Extend item selection, keeping the current selection
Result list
Select focus
General keyboard shortcuts
Close the current window
Ctrl + C
Result list
Copy selected items
Ctrl + Insert
Result list
Copy selected items
Ctrl + E
Result list
Read the file size, date and attributes of the current selection. May be useful before exporting all sizes, dates and attributes
Ctrl + V
Result list
Paste items from the clipboard into the selected folder
↑   Shift + Insert
Result list
Paste items from the clipboard into the selected folder
Ctrl + X
Result list
Cut selected items
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C
Result list
Copy the full path and name of the current selection to the clipboard
↑   Shift + F10
Result list
Display item context menu for the current selection. Displays the result list context menu if no selection
⬅ Backspace
Result list
Remove the last character in the jump to text
Ctrl + W
General keyboard shortcuts
Close the Everything window
General keyboard shortcuts
Show the Everything help
General keyboard shortcuts
Focus and highlight the search edit
Ctrl + F
General keyboard shortcuts
Focus and highlight the search edit
Alt + D
General keyboard shortcuts
Focus and highlight the search edit
General keyboard shortcuts
Reload icons, file sizes, dates and attributes
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle fullscreen
Ctrl + ⭾ Tab
General keyboard shortcuts
Cycle between open windows
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab
General keyboard shortcuts
Cycle between open windows
⭾ Tab
General keyboard shortcuts
Cycle between search edit and results view
↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab
General keyboard shortcuts
Cycle between search edit and results view
Alt + 1
General keyboard shortcuts
Resize the window to 512 x 398
Alt + 2
General keyboard shortcuts
Resize the window to 640 x 497
Alt + 3
General keyboard shortcuts
Resize the window to 768 x 597
Alt + 4
General keyboard shortcuts
Auto size the window
Alt + P
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle the preview pane
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 1
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle extra large thumbnails
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 2
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle large thumbnails
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 3
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle medium thumbnails
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 6
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle detail view
Ctrl + Alt + +
General keyboard shortcuts
Increase thumbnail size
Ctrl + Alt + -
General keyboard shortcuts
Decrease thumbnail size
Ctrl + `
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle debug console
Ctrl + F1
General keyboard shortcuts
Show About Everything
Ctrl + 1
General keyboard shortcuts
Sort by name
Ctrl + 2
General keyboard shortcuts
Sort by path
Ctrl + 3
General keyboard shortcuts
Sort by size
Ctrl + 4
General keyboard shortcuts
Sort by extension
Ctrl + 5
General keyboard shortcuts
Sort by type
Ctrl + 6
General keyboard shortcuts
Sort by date modified
Ctrl + 7
General keyboard shortcuts
Sort by date created
Ctrl + 8
General keyboard shortcuts
Sort by attributes
Ctrl + 9
General keyboard shortcuts
Sort by date recently changed
Ctrl + B
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle match whole word
Ctrl + D
General keyboard shortcuts
Bookmark the current search
Ctrl + I
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle match case
Ctrl + M
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle match diacritics
Ctrl + N
General keyboard shortcuts
Open a new search window
Ctrl + O
General keyboard shortcuts
Open an Everything file list
Ctrl + P
General keyboard shortcuts
Show the Options window
Ctrl + Q
General keyboard shortcuts
Exit Everything
Ctrl + R
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle Regex
Ctrl + S
General keyboard shortcuts
Export the current results to an Everything file list, csv or txt file
Ctrl + T
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle always on top
Ctrl + U
General keyboard shortcuts
Toggle match path
Ctrl + -
General keyboard shortcuts
Decrease text size
Ctrl + 0
General keyboard shortcuts
Reset text size to Normal
Ctrl + Mouse wheel up
General keyboard shortcuts
Change view
Ctrl + Mouse wheel down
General keyboard shortcuts
Change view
Alt + Home
General keyboard shortcuts
Go to the home search
Alt +
General keyboard shortcuts
Go back to the previous search
Alt +
General keyboard shortcuts
Go forward to the next search
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F
General keyboard shortcuts
Organize filters
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + B
General keyboard shortcuts
Organize bookmarks
Ctrl + H
General keyboard shortcuts
Show all search history
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + H
General keyboard shortcuts
Show all search history