Hotkeys and shortcuts for For Honor
(Total 27)
W |
Limbo modeCamera zoom in |
S |
Limbo modeCamera zoom out |
A |
MovementMove left |
D |
MovementMove right |
↑ Shift |
MovementSprint |
Space |
CombatDodge. Double press Space to roll |
Ctrl |
CombatLock in / out of Guard Mode |
Alt |
CombatNext target |
Mouse left click |
Limbo modeRespawn |
Mouse right click |
Limbo modeDeny (stay dead) |
C |
CombatStance mechanic |
Mouse middle click |
CombatGuard break |
E |
Interaction and communicationInteract |
Q |
Limbo modeCycle to previous ally |
1 |
CombatFeat 1 |
2 |
CombatFeat 2 |
3 |
CombatFeat 3 |
4 |
CombatFeat 4 |
R |
CombatRevenge |
⭾ Tab |
MiscScoreboard |
Z |
Limbo modeReset camera pan |
F |
Interaction and communicationEmote 1 |
G |
Interaction and communicationEmote 2 |
T |
Interaction and communicationText chat |
' |
Interaction and communicationQuick chat |
V |
Interaction and communicationPush to talk (voice chat) |
B |
Interaction and communicationPing for help / revive |