Hotkeys and shortcuts for Freemind
(Total 53)
Ctrl + N |
File commandsNew map |
Ctrl + O |
File commandsOpen map |
Ctrl + S |
File commandsSave map |
Ctrl + A |
File commandsSave as |
Ctrl + P |
File commands |
Ctrl + W |
File commandsClose |
Ctrl + Q |
File commandsQuit |
Ctrl + ← |
File commandsPrevious map |
Ctrl + → |
File commandsNext Map |
Ctrl + E |
File commandsExport file to HTML |
Ctrl + H |
File commandsExport branch to HTML |
Alt + A |
File commandsExport branch to new MM file |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + W |
File commandsOpen first file in history |
Ctrl + F |
Edit commandsFind |
Ctrl + G |
Edit commandsFind next |
Ctrl + X |
Edit commandsCut |
Ctrl + C |
Edit commandsCopy |
Ctrl + Y |
Edit commandsCopy single |
Ctrl + V |
Edit commandsPaste |
Alt + 1 |
Mode commandsMindMap mode |
Alt + 2 |
Mode commandsBrowse mode |
Alt + 3 |
Mode commandsFile mode |
Ctrl + I |
Node formatting commandsItalicize |
Ctrl + B |
Node formatting commandsBold |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + B |
Node formatting commandsCloud |
Alt + C |
Node formatting commandsChange node color |
Alt + B |
Node formatting commandsBlend node color |
Alt + E |
Node formatting commandsChange node edge color |
Ctrl + L |
Node formatting commandsIncrease node font size |
Ctrl + M |
Node formatting commandsDecrease node font size |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + L |
Node formatting commandsIncrease branch font size |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + M |
Node formatting commandsDecrease branch font size |
Esc |
Node navigation commandsGo to root |
↑ |
Node navigation commandsMove up |
↓ |
Node navigation commandsMove down |
← |
Node navigation commandsMove left |
→ |
Node navigation commandsMove right |
Ctrl + ⤶ Enter |
Node navigation commandsFollow link |
Alt + ↑ |
Node navigation commandsZoom out |
Alt + ↓ |
Node navigation commandsZoom in |
⤶ Enter |
New node commandsAdd sibling node |
Insert |
New node commandsAdd child node |
↑ Shift + ⤶ Enter |
New node commandsAdd sibling before |
F2 |
Node editing commandsEdit selected node |
Alt + ⤶ Enter |
Node editing commandsEdit long node |
Ctrl + J |
Node editing commandsJoin nodes |
Space |
Node editing commandsToggle folded |
Ctrl + Space |
Node editing commandsToggle children folded |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + K |
Node editing commandsSet link by file chooser |
Ctrl + K |
Node editing commandsSet link by text entry |
Alt + K |
Node editing commandsSet image by file chooser |
Ctrl + ↑ |
Node editing commandsMove node up |
Ctrl + ↓ |
Node editing commandsMove node down |