Hotkeys and shortcuts for Google Earth 5 (Windows)

(Total 47)

arrow keys
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Move viewer left, right, up, or down
alt + arrow keys
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Move viewer in smaller increments
shift + arrow left / shift + arrow right
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Rotate view clockwise / counter-clockwise
shift + arrow down / shift + arrow up
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Tilt view up / down
alt + shift + arrow keys
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Rotate and Tilt in small increments
ctrl + arrow left / ctrl + arrow right
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Shift perspective right / left
ctrl + arrow down / ctrl + arrow up
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Shift perspective up / down
alt + ctrl + arrow keys
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Shift perspective in small increments
+ / -
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Zoom in / zoom out in small increments
ctrl + shift + + / ctrl + shift + -
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Zoom in / zoom out in larger increments (or use page up / page down)
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Reset View to rotate to "North up"
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Reset angle to view scene in "top-down" or "up" mode
3D Viewer - Keyboard Only
Reset angle to view "top-down" and rotates to "north-up" view
3D Viewer - Keyboard with Mouse
Move viewer left, right, up, or down
shift +click+drag left / right
3D Viewer - Keyboard with Mouse
Rotate the view clockwise / counter-clockwise
shift + lick+drag up / down
3D Viewer - Keyboard with Mouse
Tilt view up / tilt view down
ctrl +click+drag left / right
3D Viewer - Keyboard with Mouse
Point perspective to the right / to the left
ctrl +click+drag up / down
3D Viewer - Keyboard with Mouse
Point perspective up / down
right click+ arrow up / arrow down
3D Viewer - Keyboard with Mouse
Zoom in / out and automatic tilt at ground level
double-click or drag+release mouse
3D Viewer - Keyboard with Mouse
Start Motion
spacebar or click
3D Viewer - Keyboard with Mouse
Stop Motion
Adjust View
Switch to Full Screen
ctrl + alt + b
Adjust View
Show or hide sidebar
ctrl + m
Adjust View
Hide or show overview Window
ctrl + o
Google Earth Features
Open file dialog box
ctrl + alt + s
Google Earth Features
Save current view as Image
ctrl + p
Google Earth Features
Print dialog box
ctrl + alt + e
Google Earth Features
Email view
alt + f
Open File Menu
alt + e
Open Edit Menu
alt + v
Open View Menu
alt + a
Open Add Menu
alt + t
Open Tool Menu
alt + h
Open Help Menu
ctrl + c
Places Panel
Copy selected item
ctrl + x
Places Panel
Cut selected item
ctrl + v
Places Panel
Paste item
ctrl + f
Places Panel
Find item
Places Panel
Delete selected item
ctrl + alt + r
Places Panel
Edit selected Item
Places Panel
Zooms into selected item
ctrl + shift + p
Create Items on Map
Create new Placemark
ctrl + shift + n
Create Items on Map
Create new folder
ctrl + shift + o
Create Items on Map
Create new image Overlay
ctrl + shift + m
Create Items on Map
Create new Model
ctrl + shift + t
Create Items on Map
Create new Path
ctrl + shift + g
Create Items on Map
Create new Polygon