Hotkeys and shortcuts for Google Spreadsheets (Web Application)

(Total 57)

Arrow Keys
Movement within worksheets
Move one cell up, down, left, or right
Movement within worksheets
Move one cell to the right
Shift + Tab
Movement within worksheets
Move one cell to the left
Movement within worksheets
Move to the end of the row
Ctrl + End
Movement within worksheets
Go to last cell in data region
Movement within worksheets
Move to the beginning of the row
Ctrl + Home
Movement within worksheets
Move to the beginning of the worksheet
Ctrl + Arrow Left / Ctrl + Arrow Right
Movement within worksheets
Go to left-most / right-most cell in current row
Ctrl + Arrow Down / Ctrl + Arrow Up
Movement within worksheets
Go to bottom-most / to-most cell in current column
Ctrl + Page Down / Ctrl + Page Up
Movement within worksheets
Move to next / move to previousworksheet
Alt + Page Down / Alt + Page Up
Movement within worksheets
Move one screen to the right / one screen to the left
Ctrl + Backspace
Movement within worksheets
Scroll to the active cell when multiple cells are selected
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up / Page Down
Movement within worksheets
Switch sheets
Movement within a selected range
Move from top to bottom within the selected range
Shift + Enter
Movement within a selected range
Move from bottom to top within the selected range
Movement within a selected range
Move from left to right within the selected range. If cells in a single column are selected, move down.
Shift + Tab
Movement within a selected range
Move from right to left within the selected range. If cells in a single column are selected, move up.
Ctrl + a
Entering/editing data
Select the all / entire worksheet
Ctrl + b
Entering/editing data
Bold the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl + c
Entering/editing data
Copy the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl + f
Entering/editing data
Find words or phrases within the spreadsheet
Ctrl + i
Entering/editing data
Italicize the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl + p
Entering/editing data
Ctrl + r
Entering/editing data
Copy the content of the selected cell right (used in combo with Shift + arrow)
Ctrl + s
Entering/editing data
Ctrl + u
Entering/editing data
Underline the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl + v
Entering/editing data
Paste the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl + x
Entering/editing data
Cut the contents of the selected cell
Ctrl + y
Entering/editing data
Redo the last action
Ctrl + z
Entering/editing data
Undo the last action.
Entering/editing data
Complete a cell entry and select the cell below
Shift + Enter
Entering/editing data
Complete a cell entry and select the previous cell above
Alt + Enter
Entering/editing data
Start a new line in the same cell
Ctrl + Enter
Entering/editing data
Insert line break in a cell
Entering/editing data
Complete a cell entry and select the next cell to the right
Shift + Tab
Entering/editing data
Complete a cell entry and select the previous cell to the left
Entering/editing data
Edit the active cell and position the insertion point at the end of the cell contents
Shift + F2
Entering/editing data
Edit comment
Entering/editing data
Cancel cell entry
Entering/editing data
Edit the active cell and then clear it, or delete the preceding character in the active cell as you edit cell contents
Entering/editing data
Delete the character to the right of the insertion point, or delete the selection
Ctrl + Space
Entering/editing data
Select the entire column
Shift + Space
Entering/editing data
Select the entire row
Shift + Arrow Keys
Entering/editing data
Manual select
Ctrl + Shift + s
Entering/editing data
Make a copy of the document
Alt + Shift + 5
Entering/editing data
Strikethrough formatting for the contents of the cell
Alt + Shift + &
Entering/editing data
Apply border outline to selected cells
Alt + Shift + _
Entering/editing data
Remove border outline from selected cells
Alt + Shift + t
Entering/editing data
Apply or remove top border from the selected cells
Alt + Shift + b
Entering/editing data
Apply or remove bottom border from the selected cells
Alt + Shift + r
Entering/editing data
Apply or remove right border from the selected cells
Alt + Shift + l
Entering/editing data
Apply or remove left border from the selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Wrap current formula in an ArrayFormula
Ctrl + ;
Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert current date into cell
Ctrl + :
Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Insert current time into cell
Ctrl + /
Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Open keyboard shortcuts help
Ctrl + '
Miscellaneous Shortcuts
View all formulas