Hotkeys and shortcuts for IntelliJ (MacOS)

(Total 114)

Command + 0..9
General Shortcuts
Open Corresponding Tool Window
Command + S
General Shortcuts
Save All
Command + Option + Y
General Shortcuts
Command + Shift + F12
General Shortcuts
Toggle Maximize Editor
Command + Shift + A
General Shortcuts
Find Action
Command + ,
General Shortcuts
Open Setting Dialog
Command + ;
General Shortcuts
Open Project Structure Dialog
Ctrl + `
General Shortcuts
Quick Switch Current Scheme
Option + Shift + I
General Shortcuts
Inspect Current file with Current file
Option + F9
Debugging Shortcuts
Run to Cursor
Shift + F7 / Shift + F8
Debugging Shortcuts
Smart Step In/Step Out
Debugging Shortcuts
Step Over
Debugging Shortcuts
Step Into
Option + F8
Debugging Shortcuts
Evaluate Expression
Command + F8
Debugging Shortcuts
Switch Breakpoint
Command + Shift + F8
Debugging Shortcuts
View Breakpoints
Command + Option + R
Debugging Shortcuts
Resume Program
Ctrl + Spacebar
Editing Shortcuts
Basic Code Completion
Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar
Editing Shortcuts
Smart Code Completion
Ctrl + J
Editing Shortcuts
Quick Documentation Setup
Command + Click
Editing Shortcuts
Brief Info
Shift + F1
Editing Shortcuts
External document
Command + Shift + Enter
Editing Shortcuts
Complete Statement
Command + P
Editing Shortcuts
Parameter Information
Ctrl + O
Editing Shortcuts
Override Methods
Command + N
Editing Shortcuts
Generate Code
Ctrl + Enter
Editing Shortcuts
Generate Code
Ctrl + I
Editing Shortcuts
Implement Methods
Command + Option + T
Editing Shortcuts
Surround With
Command + /
Editing Shortcuts
Comment/Uncomment with Line Comment
Command + Option + /
Editing Shortcuts
Comment/Uncomment with Block Comment
Option + Up Arrow
Editing Shortcuts
Extend Selection
Option + Down Arrow
Editing Shortcuts
Shrink Selection
Ctrl + Shift + Q
Editing Shortcuts
Context Information
Option + Enter
Editing Shortcuts
Show Intention Actions and Quick Fixes
Command + Option + L
Editing Shortcuts
Reformat Code
Command + D
Editing Shortcuts
Duplicate Current Line
Command + X / Command + C / Command + V
Editing Shortcuts
Cut/Copy/Paste Current line to Clipboard
Ctrl + Option + O
Editing Shortcuts
Oraganize Import
Ctrl + Option + I
Editing Shortcuts
AutoIndent Lines
Command + Backspace
Editing Shortcuts
Delete line at caret
Shift + Enter
Editing Shortcuts
Start New line
Ctrl + Shift + J
Editing Shortcuts
Smart line join
Command + Enter
Editing Shortcuts
Smart line split
Command + W
Editing Shortcuts
Close Active Editor Tab
Command + Shift + +
Editing Shortcuts
Expand All
Command + Shift + -
Editing Shortcuts
Collapse All
Command + + / Command + -
Editing Shortcuts
Expand/Collapse Code block
Option + Del
Editing Shortcuts
Delete to end word
Option + Backspace
Editing Shortcuts
Delete to word start
Command + Shift + ]
Editing Shortcuts
Select till code block end
Command + Shift + [
Editing Shortcuts
Select till code block start
Command + Shift + U
Editing Shortcuts
Switch case for Word at Caret or Selected block
Command + F
Find and Replace Shortcuts
Command + R
Find and Replace Shortcuts
Double Shift
Find and Replace Shortcuts
Search Everywhere
Command + G
Find and Replace Shortcuts
Find Next
Command + Shift + G
Find and Replace Shortcuts
Find Previous
Command + Shift + F
Find and Replace Shortcuts
Find in Path
Command + Shift + R
Find and Replace Shortcuts
Replace in Path
Ctrl + G
Find and Replace Shortcuts
Select Next Occurance
Command + Ctrl + G
Find and Replace Shortcuts
Select All Occurance
Ctrl + G
Find and Replace Shortcuts
Unselect Occurance
Shift + F6
Command + Option + N
Command + F6
Change Signature
Ctrl + T
Refactor this
Command + Del
Safe Delete
Command + Option + M
Extract Method
Command + Option + F
Extract Field
Command + Option + P
Extract parameter
Command + Option + C
Extract Constant
Command + Option + V
Extract Variable
Command + F7
Usage Shortcuts
Find Usage in File
Option + F7
Usage Shortcuts
Find Usage
Command + Shift + F7
Usage Shortcuts
Highlight Usage in File
Command + Option + F7
Usage Shortcuts
Show Usage
Ctrl + V
VCS/Local History
VCS Quick Popup
Command + K
VCS/Local History
Commit Project to VCS
Command + T
VCS/Local History
Update Project from VCS
Command + Shift + K
VCS/Local History
Push Commits
Command + J
Live Templates
Insert Live Template
Command + Option + J
Live Templates
Surround with Live Template
Command + O
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Class
Command + Shift + O
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to File
Command + Option + O
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Symbol
Navigation Shortcuts
Go back to Previous tool window
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Editor
Shift + Esc
Navigation Shortcuts
Hide Active/Last Active Window
Command + L
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Line
Command + E
Navigation Shortcuts
Recent files Popup
Option + F1
Navigation Shortcuts
Select current file/Symbol in any View
Ctrl + Left Arrow / Ctrl + Right Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Next/Previous Tab
Ctrl + Shift + B
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Type Declaration
Command + Option + Left Arrow / Command + Option + Right Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Navigate back/forward
Command + Shift + Backspace
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to last edit location
Command + U
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to super method/super class
Ctrl + H
Navigation Shortcuts
Type Hierarchy
Command + Shift + H
Navigation Shortcuts
Method Hierarchy
Navigation Shortcuts
Toggle Bookmark
Option + F3
Navigation Shortcuts
Toggle Bookmark with Mnemonic
Command + F3
Navigation Shortcuts
Show Bookmarks
Ctrl + 0..9
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Numbered Bookmark
Option + Home
Navigation Shortcuts
Show Navigation bar
Navigation Shortcuts
Edit Source
Command + Down Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
View Source
Ctrl + Option + H
Navigation Shortcuts
Call Hierarchy
Command + F12
Navigation Shortcuts
File Structure Popup
Command + ] / Command + [
Navigation Shortcuts
Move to code block end/start
Command + B /Commad+ Click
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Declaration
Ctrl + Up Arrow / Ctrl + Down Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Previous/Next Method
Command + Y / Command + Spacebar
Navigation Shortcuts
Open Quick Definition Lookup