Hotkeys and shortcuts for jEdit

(Total 138)

Ctrl + N
New file.
Ctrl + O
Open file.
Ctrl + W
Close buffer.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + W
Close all buffers.
Ctrl + S
Save buffer.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + S
Save all buffers.
Ctrl + P
Print buffer.
Ctrl + Page Up
Go to previous buffer.
Ctrl + Page Down
Go to next buffer.
Ctrl + `
Go to recent buffer.
Alt + `
Show buffer switcher.
Ctrl + Q
Exit jEdit.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + T
Turn gutter (line numbering) on and off.
Ctrl + 0
Remove split containing current text area only.
Ctrl + 1
Remove all splits.
Ctrl + 2
Split view horizontally.
Ctrl + 3
Split view vertically.
Alt + Page Up
Send keyboard focus to previous text area.
Alt + Page Down
Send keyboard focus to next text area.
Ctrl + E then ← ↑ → ↓
Send keyboard focus to top; bottom; left; right docking area.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + `
Close currently focused docking area.
Ctrl + ⤶ Enter
Action bar
Display the action bar and give it keyboard focus.
Ctrl + Space
Action bar
Repeat last editor action.
← ↑ → ↓
Moving the caret
Move caret one character or line.
Ctrl + ← ↑ → ↓
Moving the caret
Move caret one word or paragraph.
Page Up / Down
Moving the caret
Move caret one screenful.
Moving the caret
First non-whitespace character of line, beginning of line, first visible line (repeated presses).
Moving the caret
Last non-whitespace character of line, end of line, last visible line (repeated presses).
Ctrl + Home
Moving the caret
Beginning of buffer.
Ctrl + End
Moving the caret
End of buffer.
Ctrl + ]
Moving the caret
Go to matching bracket.
Ctrl + E
Moving the caret
Go to previous bracket.
Ctrl + ;
Source code editing
Expand abbreviation.
Ctrl + L
Moving the caret
Go to line.
↑   Shift + ← ↑ → ↓
Selecting text
Extend selection by one character or line.
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ← ↑ → ↓
Selecting text
Extend selection by one word or paragraph.
Shift + Page Up
Selecting text
Extend selection by one screenful.
Shift + Page Down
Selecting text
Extend selection by one screenful.
↑   Shift + Home
Selecting text
Extend selection to first non-whitespace character of line, beginning of line, first visible line (repeated presses).
↑   Shift + End
Selecting text
Extend selection to last non-whitespace character of line, end of line, last visible line (repeated presses).
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Home
Selecting text
Extend selection to beginning of buffer.
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + End
Selecting text
Extend selection to end of buffer.
Ctrl + [
Selecting text
Select code block.
Ctrl + E then W
Selecting text
Select word; line; paragraph.
Ctrl + E then L
Selecting text
Select line
Ctrl + E then P
Selecting text
Select paragraph
Ctrl + E Ctrl + L
Selecting text
Select line range.
Ctrl + A
Selecting text
Select all.
Selecting text
Select none.
Alt + \
Selecting text
Switch between range and rectangular selection mode.
Ctrl + \
Selecting text
Switch between single and multiple selection mode.
Ctrl + E then I
Selecting text
Invert selection.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + J
Ensure current line is visible, and send focus to the text area.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + N
Center caret on screen.
Ctrl + '
Scroll up one line.
Ctrl + /
Scroll down one line.
Alt + '
Scroll up; down one page.
Alt + /
Scroll down one page.
Ctrl + Z
Text editing
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + Z
Text editing
⬅ Backspace
Text editing
Delete character before caret
Text editing
Delete character after caret
Ctrl + ⬅ Backspace
Text editing
Delete word before caret
Ctrl + Del
Text editing
Delete word after caret
Ctrl + D
Text editing
Delete line
Ctrl + E then D
Text editing
Delete paragraph
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⬅ Backspace
Text editing
Delete from caret to beginning; end of line.
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Del
Text editing
Delete from caret to end of line.
Ctrl + E then R
Text editing
Remove trailing whitespace from the current line (or all selected lines).
Ctrl + J
Text editing
Join lines.
Ctrl + B
Text editing
Complete word.
Ctrl + E then F
Text editing
Format paragraph (or selection).
Ctrl + X
Clipboard and registers
Cut selected text to clipboard.
↑   Shift + Del
Clipboard and registers
Cut selected text to clipboard.
Ctrl + C
Clipboard and registers
Copy selected text to clipboard.
Ctrl + Insert
Clipboard and registers
Copy selected text to clipboard.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + U
Clipboard and registers
Append selected text to clipboard, removing it from the buffer.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + A
Clipboard and registers
Append selected text to clipboard, leaving it in the buffer.
Ctrl + V
Clipboard and registers
Paste clipboard contents.
↑   Shift + Insert
Clipboard and registers
Paste clipboard contents.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + P
Clipboard and registers
Vertically paste clipboard contents.
Ctrl + R then Ctrl + X
Clipboard and registers
(press key afterwards) Cut selected text to register key.
Ctrl + R then Ctrl + C
Clipboard and registers
(press key afterwards) Copy selected text to register key.
Ctrl + R then Ctrl + U
Clipboard and registers
(press key afterwards) Append selected text to register key, removing it from the buffer.
Ctrl + R then Ctrl + A
Clipboard and registers
(press key afterwards) Append selected text to register key, leaving it in the buffer.
Ctrl + R then Ctrl + V
Clipboard and registers
(press key afterwards) Paste contents of register key.
Ctrl + R then Ctrl + P
Clipboard and registers
(press key afterwards) Vertically paste contents of register key.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + V
Clipboard and registers
Paste previous.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + Y
Clipboard and registers
Paste deleted.
Ctrl + E Ctrl + M
If current line doesn't contain a marker, one will be added. Otherwise, the existing marker will be removed. Use the Markers menu to return to markers added in this manner.
Ctrl + T
Add marker with shortcut key.
Ctrl + Y
Go to marker with shortcut key.
Ctrl + U
Select to marker with shortcut key.
Ctrl + K
Go to marker with shortcut key, and move the marker to the previous caret position.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + ,
Move caret to previous marker.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + .
Move caret to next marker.
Ctrl + F
Search and replace
Open search and replace dialog box.
Ctrl + G
Search and replace
Find next.
Ctrl + H
Search and replace
Find previous.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + B
Search and replace
Search in open buffers.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + D
Search and replace
Search in directory.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + R
Search and replace
Replace in selection.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + G
Search and replace
Replace in selection and find next.
Ctrl + ,
Search and replace
Incremental search bar.
Alt + ,
Search and replace
HyperSearch bar.
Ctrl + .
Search and replace
Incremental search for word under the caret.
Alt + .
Search and replace
HyperSearch for word under the caret.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + I
Search and replace
Toggle ignore case.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + X
Search and replace
Toggle regular expressions.
Alt + ←  →
Source code editing
Shift current line (or all selected lines) left; right.
↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab
Source code editing
Shift selected lines left; right. Note that pressing TAB with no selection active will insert a tab character at the caret position.
⭾ Tab
Source code editing
Shift selected lines left; right. Note that pressing TAB with no selection active will insert a tab character at the caret position.
Ctrl + I
Source code editing
Indent current line (or all selected lines).
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + C
Source code editing
Range comment selection.
Ctrl + E then Ctrl + K
Source code editing
Line comment selection.
Alt + ⬅ Backspace
Folding and narrowing
Collapse fold containing caret.
Alt + ⤶ Enter
Folding and narrowing
Expand fold containing caret one level only.
Alt + ↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter
Folding and narrowing
Expand fold containing caret fully.
Ctrl + E then X
Folding and narrowing
Expand all folds.
Ctrl + E then A
Folding and narrowing
Add explicit fold.
Ctrl + E then S
Folding and narrowing
Select fold.
Ctrl + E then ⤶ Enter
Folding and narrowing
Expand folds with level less than key, collapse all others.
Ctrl + E then N then N
Folding and narrowing
Narrow to fold.
Ctrl + E then N then S
Folding and narrowing
Narrow to selection.
Alt + ↑  ↓
Folding and narrowing
Moves caret to previous; next fold.
Ctrl + E then U
Folding and narrowing
Moves caret to the parent fold of the one containing the caret.
Ctrl + M then Ctrl + R
Record macro.
Ctrl + M then Ctrl + M
Record temporary macro.
Ctrl + M then Ctrl + S
Stop recording.
Ctrl + M then Ctrl + P
Run temporary macro.
Alt + J
Alternative shortcuts
Move caret to previous character.
Alt + L
Alternative shortcuts
Move caret to next character.
Alt + I
Alternative shortcuts
Move caret up one line
Alt + K
Alternative shortcuts
Move caret down one line
Alt + Q
Alternative shortcuts
Move caret up one screenful
Alt + A
Alternative shortcuts
Move caret down one screenful
Alt + Z
Alternative shortcuts
First non-whitespace character of line, beginning of line, first visible line (repeated presses).
Alt + X
Alternative shortcuts
Last non-whitespace character of line, end of line, last visible line (repeated presses).