Hotkeys and shortcuts for LibreOffice Base

(Total 23)

Creating Basic dialogs
Jump between windows
Query design
Deletes a table from the query design
⭾ Tab
Creating Basic dialogs
Selection of the control fields
↑   Shift + F10
Query design
Opens the context menu
Query design
Query design
Run query
Query design
Add table or query
Alt +
Control properties
Opens the combo box
Alt +
Control properties
Closes the combo box
↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter
Control properties
Inserts a new line
Control properties
Positions the cursor in the previous line
Control properties
Puts the cursor into the next line
⤶ Enter
Control properties
Completes the input in the field and places the cursor into the next field
Ctrl + F6
Control properties
Sets the focus (if not in design mode) to the first control. The first control is the first one listed in the Form Navigator
Ctrl + Page Up
Creating Basic dialogs
Jumps between tabs
Ctrl + Page Down
Creating Basic dialogs
Jumps between tabs
↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab
Creating Basic dialogs
Selection of the control fields in opposite direction
Ctrl + ⤶ Enter
Creating Basic dialogs
Inserts the selected control
← ↑ → ↓
Creating Basic dialogs
Moves the selected control in steps of 1 mm in the respective direction. In point edit mode, it changes the size of the selected control
Ctrl + ← ↑ → ↓
Creating Basic dialogs
Moves the selected control in steps of 1 mm in the respective direction. In point edit mode, it changes the size of the selected control
Ctrl + ⭾ Tab
Creating Basic dialogs
In point edit mode, jumps to next handle
↑   Shift + Ctrl + ⭾ Tab
Creating Basic dialogs
In point edit mode, jumps to previous handle
Creating Basic dialogs
Leaves the current selection