Hotkeys and shortcuts for LibreOffice Draw

(Total 44)

Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Enters text mode
Function keys for drawings
Opens group to edit individual objects
Ctrl + F3
Function keys for drawings
Close group editor
↑   Shift + F3
Function keys for drawings
Opens the Duplicate dialog
Function keys for drawings
Opens the Position and Size dialog
Function keys for drawings
Opens the Navigator
Function keys for drawings
Checks spelling
Ctrl + F7
Function keys for drawings
Opens the Thesaurus
Function keys for drawings
Edit points on/off
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F8
Function keys for drawings
Fits to frame
Function keys for drawings
Opens Styles and Formatting window
Zooms in
Zooms out
Num *
Zooms to fit entire page in screen
Num /
Zooms in on the current selection
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + G
Groups selected objects
↑   Shift + Ctrl + Alt + A
Ungroups selected group
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + K
Combines selected objects
Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + K
Uncombines selected objects
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + +
Bring to front
Ctrl + +
Bring forward
Ctrl + -
Send backward
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + -
Send to back
Page Up
Navigating in the Slide Sorter
/Down Set the focus to the next/previous slide
Page Down
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Switch to next page
Ctrl + Page Up
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Switch to previous layer
Ctrl + Page Down
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Switch to next layer
← ↑ → ↓
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Moves the selected object in the direction of the arrow key
Ctrl + ← ↑ → ↓
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Moves the page view in the direction of the arrow key
Ctrl + Mouse left click
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
(while dragging an object) Note: this shortcut key works only when the Copy when moving option in Tools - Options - LibreOffice Draw - General is enabled (it is enabled by default). Creates a copy of the dragged object when mouse button is released
Ctrl + ⤶ Enter
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Enters text mode if a text object is selected. If there are no text objects or if you have cycled through all of the text objects on the page, a new page is inserted
↑   Shift + F10
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Opens the context menu for the selected object
⤶ Enter
Navigating in the Slide Sorter
Change to Normal Mode with the active slide
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Press the Alt key and drag with the mouse to draw or resize an object from the center of the object outward
Alt + Mouse left click
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
on an object Selects the object behind the currently selected object
Alt + ↑   Shift + Mouse left click
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
an object Selects the object in front of the currently selected object
↑   Shift
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
key while selecting an object Adds or removes object to or from the selection
↑   Shift + Mouse movement
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
(drag while creating or resizing an object) Constrains the size to keep the object's aspect ratio
⭾ Tab
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Cycles through the objects on the page in the order in which they were created
↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Cycles through the objects on the page in the reverse-order in which they were created
Shortcut keys specific to drawings
Exits current mode
Navigating in the Slide Sorter
Set the focus to the first/last slide
Navigating in the Slide Sorter
Set the focus to the first/last slide
←  →
Navigating in the Slide Sorter
Set the focus to the next/previous slide