Hotkeys and shortcuts for Microstation v8i (Windows)

(Total 60)

Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Manage AccuDraw/ AccuSnap
Open the AccuDraw Shortcuts window.
h , a
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Manage AccuDraw/ AccuSnap
Suspend AccuDraw for the current tool operation. Selecting a new tool, or entering a Reset re-enables AccuDraw.
h , s
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Manage AccuDraw/ AccuSnap
Toggle AccuSnap on/off.
h , u
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Manage AccuDraw/ AccuSnap
Suspends AccuSnap for the current tool operation. Selecting a new tool, or entering a Reset re-enables AccuSnap.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Manage AccuDraw/ AccuSnap
Deactivates AccuDraw.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Smart LockIn Rectangular coordinates,
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Switches between Rectangular and Polar coordinates.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Moves the drawing plane origin to the current pointer position.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate drawing plane to align with the view axes.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate the drawing plane to align with the axes in a standard Top view.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate the drawing plane to align with the axes in a standard Front view.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate the drawing plane to align with the axes in a standard Side view.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate the drawing plane to align with the active ACS,
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate between three main planes: top, front, and side (3D only). This also works when your original plane is an ACS or context rotation, so you do not have to use RX, RY to rotate to a 90° plane.
r , c
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate the drawing plane to the current ACS.
r , e
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate the drawing plane to match the orientation of a selected element.
r , v
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate the active view to match the current drawing plane.
r , x
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate the drawing plane 90° about its x-axis.
r , y
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate the drawing plane 90° about its y-axis.
r , z
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Rotate the drawing plane 90° about its z-axis.
r , q
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Quickly and temporarily rotate the drawing plane.
r , a
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Drawing Plane
Permanently rotate the drawing plane.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Lock Elements
Toggle the lock status for the X value.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Lock Elements
Toggle the lock status for the Y value.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Lock Elements
Toggle the lock status for the Z value.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Lock Elements
Toggle the lock status for the Distance value.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Lock Elements
Toggle the lock status for the Angle value.
l , i
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Lock Elements
Locks the current index state.
l , p
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Lock Elements
Toggle ACS Grid Plane lock
l , a
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Lock Elements
Toggle ACS Plane lock.
l , s
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Lock Elements
Toggle ACS Plane snap lock.
l , z
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Lock Elements
Toggle Sticky Z Lock, which is used in conjunction with ACS Plane Snap Lock to force a series of snap points to lie on the active ACS' XY plane (Z=0).
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Bump an item in the tool settings dialog box
g , t
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Move focus to the Tool Settings window.
g , k
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Move focus to Key-in window
g , s
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Move focus to AccuDraw Settings dialog box
g , a
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Open the get ACS dialog box
w , a
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Open the Write to ACS dialog box
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Open the Data Point Key-in dialog box
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Open the Data Point Key-in dialog box for entering multiple data points.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Activates Intersect snap mode.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Activates Nearest snap mode.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
Activates Center snap mode.
Microstation AccuDraw/ AccuSnap Shortcuts - Dialog Boxes
open the Keypoint Snap Divisor dialog box, which is used to set the Snap Divisor for keypoint snapping.
Ctrl + N
Managing Design Files
New / Create Design File
Ctrl + O
Managing Design Files
Open Design File
Ctrl + W
Managing Design Files
Closes the active design file
Ctrl + S
Managing Design Files
Save changes
Ctrl + F
Managing Design Files
Save Settings
Ctrl + P
Managing Design Files
Print / Plot Dialog
Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + R
Undo / Redo
Ctrl + x , Ctrl + c , Ctrl + v
Cut, Copy, Paste
Ctrl + G
Group current selection
Ctrl + U
Ungroup current selection
Ctrl + L
Lock element
Ctrl + M
Unlock element
Ctrl + I
Element Information
Ctrl + E
View Levels Display
Ctrl + B
View Attributes
Ctrl + T
Tool Boxes dialog