Hotkeys and shortcuts for Pocket (Web)

(Total 29)

G then L
Viewing your list
Go to List
G then A
Viewing your list
Go to Archive
G then F
Viewing your list
Go to Favorites
G then R
Viewing your list
Go to Articles
G then V
Viewing your list
Go to Videos
G then I
Viewing your list
Go to Images
G then S
Viewing your list
Go to Search
G then B
Viewing your list
Bulk edit
G then U
Viewing your list
Save a URL
S then N
Viewing your list
Sort by newest
S then O
Viewing your list
Sort by oldest
V then L
Viewing your list
List view
V then T
Viewing your list
Tile view
V then W
Viewing your list
Switch to light theme
V then D
Viewing your list
Switch to dark theme
V then S
Viewing your list
Change to sepia theme (in Article view)
Viewing your list
Select next item
Viewing your list
Select previous item
When viewing an article
Archive item
When viewing an article
Favorite item
When viewing an article
Edit tags
When viewing an article
View original
⤶ Enter
Viewing your list
Open selected item
Viewing your list
Open help overlay
Viewing your list
Open help overlay
Ctrl + +
When viewing an article
Increase / decrease font size
Ctrl + -
When viewing an article
Increase / decrease font size
When viewing an article
Go back
When viewing an article
Toggle full screen mode