Hotkeys and shortcuts for Qt Creator (MacOS)
(Total 153)
Command + Z , Alt+ C |
Version Control - BazaarCommit/Submit |
Command + Z , Alt+ D |
Version Control - BazaarDiff |
Command + Z , Alt+ L |
Version Control - BazaarLog/Filelog |
Command + Z , Alt+ S |
Version Control - BazaarStatus |
Command + C , Alt+ A |
Version Control - CVSAdd |
Command + C , Alt+ C |
Version Control - CVSCommit/Submit |
Command + C , Alt+ D |
Version Control - CVSDiff |
Command + G , Command + A |
Version Control - GitAdd |
Command + G , Command + C |
Version Control - GitCommit/Submit |
Command + G , Command + D |
Version Control - GitDiff |
Command + G , Command + Shift + D |
Version Control - GitDiff project |
Command + G , Command + B |
Version Control - GitBlame/Annotate |
Command + G , Command + L |
Version Control - GitLog/Filelog |
Command + G , Command + K |
Version Control - GitLog project |
Command + G , Command + U |
Version Control - GitUndo changes/Revert |
Command + P , Command + A |
Version Control - MercurialAdd |
Command + P , Command + S |
Version Control - MercurialCommit/Submit |
Command + P , Command + D |
Version Control - MercurialDiff project |
Command + P , Command + F |
Version Control - MercurialLog/Filelog |
Command + P , Command + R |
Version Control - MercurialUndo changes/Revert |
Command + P , Command + E |
Version Control - MercurialEdit |
Command + G , Command + A |
Version Control - SubversionAdd |
Command + G , Command + C |
Version Control - SubversionCommit/Submit |
Command + G , Command + D |
Version Control - SubversionDiff |
Ctrl + O |
GeneralOpen file or project |
Ctrl + N |
GeneralNew file or project |
Command + V , Command + I |
GeneralOpen in external editor |
Ctrl + A |
GeneralSelect all |
Delete |
GeneralDelete |
Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V |
GeneralCut / Copy / Paste |
Ctrl + Z |
GeneralUndo |
Ctrl + Y |
GeneralRedo |
Ctrl + P |
General |
Ctrl + S |
GeneralSave |
Ctrl + Shift + S |
GeneralSave all |
Ctrl + W |
GeneralClose window |
Ctrl + Shift + W |
GeneralClose all windows |
Ctrl + F4 |
GeneralClose current file |
Command + Arrow Left / Command + Arrow Right |
GeneralGo back / Go forward |
Ctrl + L |
GeneralGo to line |
Ctrl +E, O |
GeneralGo to other split |
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab |
GeneralPrevious open document / Next open document in history |
Ctrl + K |
GeneralActivate Locator |
Ctrl + 1 |
GeneralSwitch to Welcome mode |
Ctrl + 2 |
GeneralSwitch to Edit mode |
Ctrl + 3 |
GeneralSwitch to Design mode |
Ctrl + 4 |
GeneralSwitch to Debug mode |
Ctrl + 5 |
GeneralSwitch to Projects mode |
Ctrl + 6 |
GeneralSwitch to Analyze mode |
Ctrl + 7 |
GeneralSwitch to Help mode |
Command + 1 |
GeneralToggle Issues pane |
Command + 2 |
GeneralToggle Search Results pane |
Command + 3 |
GeneralToggle Application Output pane |
Command + 4 |
GeneralToggle Compile Output pane |
Command + 5 ... 9 |
GeneralToggle other output panes |
Command + M |
GeneralActivate Bookmarks pane |
Command + Y |
GeneralActivate File System pane |
Command + O |
GeneralActivate Open Documents pane |
Command + 9 |
GeneralMaximize output panes |
F6 |
GeneralMove to next item in output panes |
Shift + F6 |
GeneralMove to previous item in output panes |
Command + X |
GeneralActivate Projects pane |
Ctrl + Shift + F11 |
GeneralFull screen |
Command + 0 |
GeneralToggle the sidebar |
Esc |
GeneralMove to Edit mode |
Ctrl + Q |
GeneralExit Qt Creator |
Ctrl + I |
EditorAuto-indent selection |
Ctrl + < / Ctrl + > |
EditorCollapse / Expand |
Ctrl + Space |
EditorTrigger a completion in this scope |
Ctrl + Insert |
EditorCopy line |
Ctrl + Command +Down |
EditorCopy line down / copy line up |
Ctrl + Shift + V |
EditorPaste from the clipboard history, Subsequent presses move you back in the history |
Shift + Delete |
EditorCut line |
Ctrl + J |
EditorJoin lines |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter |
EditorInsert line above current line |
Ctrl + Enter |
EditorInsert line below current line |
Ctrl +-/ Ctrl + + |
EditorDecrease / increase font size (or Ctrl+scroll) |
Ctrl + 0 |
EditorReset font size |
Command + V , Alt+ V |
EditorToggle Vim-style editing |
Ctrl + E , 2 |
EditorSplit |
Ctrl + E , 3 |
EditorSplit side by side |
Ctrl + E , 1 |
EditorRemove all splits |
Ctrl + E , 0 |
EditorRemove current split |
Ctrl + A |
EditorSelect all |
Ctrl + ] / Ctrl + [ |
EditorGo to block end / Go to block start |
Ctrl + } / Ctrl + { |
EditorGo to block end / Go to block start with selection |
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down / Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up |
EditorMove current line down / Move current line up |
Command + Enter |
EditorTrigger a refactoring action in this scope |
Ctrl + E , R |
EditorRewrap paragraph |
Ctrl + U |
EditorSelect the current block The second press extends the selection to the parent block |
Ctrl + E , Ctrl + W |
EditorEnable text wrapping |
Ctrl + / |
EditorToggle comment for selection |
Ctrl +E, Ctrl+ V |
EditorVisualize whitespace |
Ctrl + J |
EditorAdjust size |
Ctrl + G |
EditorLay out in a grid |
Ctrl + H |
EditorLay out horizontally |
Ctrl + L |
EditorLay out vertically |
Command + Shift + R |
EditorPreview |
F4 |
EditorEdit signals and slots |
Ctrl + M |
EditorToggle bookmark |
Ctrl + . / Ctrl + , |
EditorGo to next bookmark / go to previous bookmar |
Command + C , Alt+ F |
EditorFetch snippet |
Command + C , Alt+ P |
EditorPaste snippet |
Ctrl + Shift + U |
EditorFind usages |
F2 |
EditorFollow symbol under cursor; Works with namespaces, classes, methods, variables, include statements and macros |
Ctrl + Shift + R |
EditorRename symbol under cursor |
Shift + F2 |
EditorSwitch between method declaration and definition |
Ctrl + Shift + T |
EditorOpen type hierarchy |
F4 |
EditorSwitch between header and source file |
Command + U |
EditorTurn selected text into lowercase |
Command + Shift + U |
EditorTurn selected text into uppercase |
Ctrl + Shift + C |
EditorRun static checks on JavaScript code to find common problems |
Ctrl + F |
EditorFind and replace |
F3 / Shift + F3 |
EditorFind next / Find previous |
Ctrl + F3 / Ctrl + Shift + F3 |
EditorFind next / Find previous occurrence of selected text |
Ctrl + = |
EditorReplace next |
Ctrl + Shift + F |
EditorOpen advanced find |
Command + ( |
EditorRecord a text-editing macro |
Command + ) |
EditorStop recording a macro |
Command + R |
EditorPlay last macro |
Ctrl + Command + Space |
EditorShow Qt Quick toolbars |
Command + V , 1 ... 9 |
EditorExecute user actions 1 … 9 in FakeVim mode |
Ctrl + [ |
Image ViewerSwitch to background |
Ctrl + ] |
Image ViewerSwitch to outline |
Ctrl + + / Ctrl + - |
Image ViewerZoom in / Zoom out |
Ctrl + = |
Image ViewerFit to screen |
Ctrl + 0 |
Image ViewerOriginal size |
F2 |
Qt Quick DesignerOpen the QML file that defines the selected component |
F4 |
Qt Quick DesignerMove between code editor and visual editor |
Ctrl + Command + 0 |
Qt Quick DesignerToggle left sidebar |
Ctrl + Command + Shift + 0 |
Qt Quick DesignerToggle right sidebar |
F5 |
DebuggingStart or continue debugging |
Shift + F5 |
DebuggingExit debugger |
F10 |
DebuggingStep over |
F11 |
DebuggingStep into |
Shift + F11 |
DebuggingStep out |
F9 |
DebuggingToggle breakpoint |
Ctrl + F6 |
DebuggingRun to selected function |
Ctrl + F10 |
DebuggingRun to line |
F12 |
DebuggingReverse direction |
Ctrl + B |
ProjectBuild project |
Ctrl + Shift + B |
ProjectBuild all |
Ctrl + Shift + N |
ProjectNew project |
Ctrl + Shift + O |
ProjectOpen project |
Ctrl + T |
ProjectSelect the kit to build and run your project with |
Ctrl + R |
ProjectRun |
Version Control |
F1 |
HelpView context-sensitive help |
Ctrl + T |
HelpActivate contents in Help mode |
Ctrl + M |
HelpAdd bookmark in Help mode |
Ctrl + I |
HelpActivate index in Help mode |
Ctrl + 0 |
HelpReset font size |
Ctrl + S |
HelpActivate search in Help mode |