Hotkeys and shortcuts for Smartplant Review (Windows)

(Total 58)

Function Keys
Function Keys
Assign Materials to Elements
Ctrl + F2
Function Keys
Assign Materials to Display Set
Function Keys
Define Display Set
Ctrl + F3
Function Keys
Move Display Set
Function Keys
Hide Level (Object)
Ctrl + F4
Function Keys
Level Settings
Function Keys
Ctrl + F5
Function Keys
Refresh All
Shift + F5
Function Keys
Function Keys
View Settings
Ctrl + F6
Function Keys
Save and Recall (View Operations)
Shift + F6
Function Keys
Photo-Realism Settings
Function Keys
Frame Show Motion
Ctrl + F7
Function Keys
Motion Settings
Shift + F7
Function Keys
Global Lighting Settings
Function Keys
Snaplock Measurement
Ctrl + F8
Function Keys
Surface Measurement
Shift + F8
Function Keys
Edit Measurement Collections
Ctrl + Shift + F8
Function Keys
New Measurement Collections
Function Keys
Place Tag with leader line
Ctrl + F9
Function Keys
Place Tag without leader line
Function Keys
Next Tag
Ctrl + F10
Function Keys
Previous Tag
Function Keys
Full Screen Toggle
Ctrl + F11
Function Keys
Arrange All
Function Keys
Collision Detection
Ctrl + c
Standard Control Keys
Copy Text
Ctrl + f
Standard Control Keys
Find Object
Ctrl + o
Standard Control Keys
Ctrl + p
Standard Control Keys
Ctrl + s
Standard Control Keys
Ctrl + v
Standard Control Keys
Paste Text
Ctrl + x
Standard Control Keys
Cut Text
Ctrl + y
Standard Control Keys
Ctrl + z
Standard Control Keys
Alt + 0
Managing Smartplan Review
View Project Manager
Alt + 1
Managing Smartplan Review
View Position Control toolbar
Alt + 2
Managing Smartplan Review
View Perspective Angle toolbar
Alt + 3
Managing Smartplan Review
View Encircle Radius toolbar
Alt + 4
Managing Smartplan Review
Display Common Views control
Ctrl + d
Managing Smartplan Review
Delete all measurement collections
Ctrl + Alt + d
Managing Smartplan Review
Delete all measurements
Ctrl + m
Managing Smartplan Review
Delete last measurement
Ctrl + Shift + m
Managing Smartplan Review
Delete measurements in the active collection
Ctrl + r
Managing Smartplan Review
Play key frame motion
Ctrl + Space
Managing Smartplan Review
Pause key frame motion
Ctrl + Alt + r
Managing Smartplan Review
Play a Schedule Review session
Ctrl + Alt + Space
Managing Smartplan Review
Pause a Schedule Review session
Ctrl + Alt + s
Managing Smartplan Review
Stop a Schedule Review session
Shift + 1
Managing Smartplan Review
Switch to single view layout
Shift + 3
Managing Smartplan Review
Switch to three view layout
Shift + 4
Managing Smartplan Review
Switch to four view layout
Ctrl + 1
Managing Smartplan Review
Toggle display of theMain window
Ctrl + 2
Managing Smartplan Review
Toggle display of the Plan window
Ctrl + 3
Managing Smartplan Review
Toggle display of the Elevation window
Ctrl + 4
Managing Smartplan Review
Toggle display of the Text window
Managing Smartplan Review
Stop the current view update, key frame motion, or raytrace