Hotkeys and shortcuts for Unity3D 5 (Windows)
(Total 56)
Q |
ToolsPan |
W |
ToolsMove |
E |
ToolsRotate |
R |
ToolsScale |
T |
ToolsRect Tool |
Z |
ToolsPivot Mode toggle |
X |
ToolsPivot Rotation Toggle |
V |
ToolsVertex Snap |
Ctrl + Click |
ToolsSnap |
Ctrl + Shift + N |
Game ObjectNew Empty Game Object |
Alt + Shift + N |
Game ObjectNew Empty Child to Selected Game Object |
Ctrl + Alt + F |
Game ObjectMove to View |
Ctrl + Shift + F |
Game ObjectAlign with View |
Shift + F / Double F |
Game ObjectLocks Scene View Camera to the Selected Game Object |
Ctrl + 1 |
WindowScene |
Ctrl + 2 |
WindowGame |
Ctrl + 3 |
WindowInspector |
Ctrl + 4 |
WindowHierarchy |
Ctrl + 5 |
WindowProject |
Ctrl + 6 |
WindowAnimation |
Ctrl + 7 |
WindowProfiler |
Ctrl + 9 |
WindowAsset store |
Ctrl + 0 |
WindowVersion Control |
Ctrl + Shift + C |
WindowConsole |
Ctrl + Z |
EditUndo |
Ctrl + Y |
EditRedo |
Ctrl + X |
EditCut |
Ctrl + C |
EditCopy |
Ctrl + V |
EditPaste |
Ctrl + D |
EditDuplicate |
Shift + Del |
EditDelete |
F |
EditFrame(Centre) Selection |
Ctrl + F |
EditFind |
Ctrl + A |
EditSelect All |
Ctrl + P |
EditPlay |
Ctrl + Shift + P |
EditPause |
Ctrl + Alt + P |
EditStep |
Ctrl + Shift + 1 |
SelectionLoad Selection 1 |
Ctrl + Shift + 2 |
SelectionLoad Selection 2 |
Ctrl + Shift + 3 |
SelectionLoad Selection 3 |
Ctrl + Shift + 4 |
SelectionLoad Selection 4 |
Ctrl + Shift + 5 |
SelectionLoad Selection 5 |
Ctrl + Shift + 6 |
SelectionLoad Selection 6 |
Ctrl + Shift + 7 |
SelectionLoad Selection 7 |
Ctrl + Shift + 8 |
SelectionLoad Selection 8 |
Ctrl + Shift + 9 |
SelectionLoad Selection 9 |
Ctrl + Alt + 1 |
SelectionSave Selection 1 |
Ctrl + Alt + 2 |
SelectionSave Selection 2 |
Ctrl + Alt + 3 |
SelectionSave Selection 3 |
Ctrl + Alt + 4 |
SelectionSave Selection 4 |
Ctrl + Alt + 5 |
SelectionSave Selection 5 |
Ctrl + Alt + 6 |
SelectionSave Selection 6 |
Ctrl + Alt + 7 |
SelectionSave Selection 7 |
Ctrl + Alt + 8 |
SelectionSave Selection 8 |
Ctrl + Alt + 9 |
SelectionSave Selection 9 |
Ctrl + R |
AssetsRefresh |