Hotkeys and shortcuts for VLC Media Player (Windows)

(Total 45)

Most used
Most used
Exit full screen mode
Most used
Pause or play movie
Most used
Subtitles on/ off
Most used
Select audio track
Ctrl + Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Most used
Volume up/ down in 5% increments
Most used
Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left
Jump in playback
Jump 3 seconds forward/ backward
Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left
Jump in playback
Jump 10 seconds forward/ backward
Ctrl + Arrow Right / Arrow Left
Jump in playback
Jump 1 minute forward/ backward
Scroll up/ down
Mouse actions
Volume or Position (see settings)
Mouse actions
Local menu (play controls, audio/ video)
Ctrl + D
Movie Navigation
Open Disc menu
Ctrl + F
Movie Navigation
Open Folder (browse folder menu)
Ctrl + R
Movie Navigation
Advanced open file
Ctrl + O
Movie Navigation
Open single file(s)
Movie Navigation
Mute and unmute audio
Movie Navigation
Play movie (from the very beginning)
Movie Navigation
Stop movie (not pause; this stops the movie completely)
[ / ]
Movie Navigation
Increase/ decrease playback by 0.1x
Movie Navigation
Adjust playback to normal (1.0x)
Movie Navigation
Change screen Crop 16:10, 16:9, 4:3, etc.
Movie Navigation
Change Aspect ratio 16:10, 16:9, 4.:3, etc.
G / H
Movie Navigation
Decrease/ increase subtitle delay
J / K
Movie Navigation
Decrease/ increase audio delay
Movie Navigation
Change zoom mode
Ctrl + 1 ... 4
Movie Navigation
Play Recent media (in Media - Recent media menu)
Movie Navigation
Show time
Ctrl + T
Movie Navigation
Goto time
Movie Navigation
Frame by Frame Mode; continue pressing E to advance one frame at a time.
Ctrl +H
Movie Navigation
Hide Control
Ctrl + P
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Preferences/ interface settings
Ctrl + E
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Adjustments and audio/ video Effects
Ctrl + B
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Edit Bookmarks
Ctrl + M
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Open Messages
Ctrl + N
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Open Network
Ctrl + C
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Open Captue device
Ctrl + L
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Open PlayList; press again to return to movie.
Ctrl + Y
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Save playlist
Ctrl + I
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Media Information
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Toggle Deinterlace
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Play next movie from playlist
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Show help
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Window full-screen (not equal to pressing F)
Ctrl + W
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Quit VLC