
Miscellaneous commands

...<keybs>9</keybs>: Create folder bookmark

↑   Shift + Alt + 0

All hotkeys for 7-Zip

File menu
Open current item

⤶ Enter

File menu
Open current item as folder inside 7-Zip

Ctrl + Page Down

File menu
Open current item in new window

↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

File menu
Open selected item with editor


File menu
Rename selected item


File menu
Copy selected items


File menu
Move selected items


File menu
Delete selected items


File menu
Set comment for file

Ctrl + Z

File menu
Create new folder


File menu
Create a new file

↑   Shift + F4

File menu
Close the program

Alt + F4

View menu
Display items by using large icons

Ctrl + 1

View menu
Display items by using small icons

Ctrl + 2

View menu
Display items in a list

Ctrl + 3

View menu
Display items in a list with detailed information about each item

Ctrl + 4

View menu
Sort items by name

Ctrl + F3

View menu
Sort items by type

Ctrl + F4

View menu
Sort items by date

Ctrl + F5

View menu
Sort items by size

Ctrl + F6

View menu
Do not sort items

Ctrl + F7

View menu
Switch On/Off second panel


View menu
Open root computer folder


View menu
Open the folder one level up

⬅ Backspace

View menu
Open folder history

Alt + F12

View menu
Refresh items list

Ctrl + R

View menu
Open 7-Zip Help


Miscellaneous commands
Switch between panels

⭾ Tab

Miscellaneous commands
Select / Deselect current item


Miscellaneous commands
Display the shortcut menu for the selected items

↑   Shift + F10

Miscellaneous commands
...<keybs>9</keybs>: Open folder bookmark

Right Ctrl + 0

Miscellaneous commands
...<keybs>9</keybs>: Open folder bookmark

Alt + 0

Miscellaneous commands
...<keybs>9</keybs>: Create folder bookmark

↑   Shift + Right Ctrl + 0

Miscellaneous commands
...<keybs>9</keybs>: Create folder bookmark

↑   Shift + Alt + 0

Miscellaneous commands
Edit the folder address on left panel

Alt + F1

Miscellaneous commands
Edit the folder sddress on right panel

Alt + F2

Miscellaneous commands
(numpad)  Adjust optimal column width for items

Ctrl + +

Miscellaneous commands
Open same folder in other panel

Alt +

Miscellaneous commands
Open current folder in other panel

Alt + ←  →

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)
Graphics diagnostics

↑   Shift + Alt + 0

None, hide "Views" panel

↑   Shift + Alt + 0