Hotkeys and shortcuts for Adobe Acrobat 2017 (Mac)

(Total 116)

Working with Forms
Align selected fields horizontal
General navigating
Activate selected tool, item (such as a movie clip or bookmark), or command
Working with Forms
Align selected fields vertical
Selecting tools
Marquee Zoom tool
↑   Shift + Z
Selecting tools
Cycle through zoom tools: Marquee Zoom, Dynamic Zoom, Loupe
↑   Shift
Selecting tools
Temporarily select Dynamic Zoom tool (when Marquee Zoom tool is selected)
⌥ Option
Selecting tools
Temporarily zoom out (when Marquee Zoom tool is selected)
Space + ⌘ Cmd
Selecting tools
Temporarily select Zoom In tool
Working with Forms
Align selected fields right
Selecting tools
Edit Object tool
Selecting tools
Enter/Exit Forms editing
Selecting tools
Crop tool
Working with Forms
Align selected fields left
Selecting tools
Text Field tool
↑   Shift + F
Selecting tools
Cycle through tools in forms authoring mode: Text Field, Check Box, Radio Button, List Box, Dropdown Box, Button, Digital Signature, Barcode
Selecting tools
3D tool
↑   Shift + M
Selecting tools
Cycle through Multimedia tools: 3D object, SWF, Sound, Video
Working with Forms
Align selected fields top
↑   Shift + Y
Selecting tools
↑   Shift + T
Selecting tools
Cycle through Touch Up tools: Touch Up Text, Touch Up Reading Order, Touch Up Object
⌘ Cmd + J
Selecting tools
JavaScript Debugger
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + T
Selecting tools
Insert Blank Pages tool
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + I
Selecting tools
Insert Files
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + D
Selecting tools
Delete pages
Selecting tools
Open Output Preview
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + U
Selecting tools
Touch Up Reading Order tool (or if already selected, return focus to dialog box)
Working with comments
Sticky Note tool
Working with comments
Text Edits tool
Working with comments
Stamp tool
Working with comments
Current highlighting tool
↑   Shift + U
Working with comments
Cycle through highlighting tools: Highlighter,Underline Text, Cross Out Text
Working with comments
Current drawing markup tool
↑   Shift + D
Working with Forms
Document JavaScripts
Working with comments
Cloud tool
Working with comments
Text Box tool
Working with comments
Current Stamp or Attach tool
↑   Shift + J
Working with comments
Cycle through Stamp, Attach File, Record Audio Comment
⭾ Tab
Navigation panels
Move among the elements of the active navigation panel
↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab
General navigating
Move focus to previous comment, link, or form field in the document pane
⤶ Enter
General navigating
Activate selected tool, item (such as a movie clip or bookmark), or command
General navigating
Return to Hand tool or Select tool
Page Up
Working with PDF Portfolios
If in the body of the file list, move to the next or last set of rows to fit the screen
↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter
Navigating PDF
Previous screen
Page Down
Working with PDF Portfolios
If in the body of the file list, move to the next or last set of rows to fit the screen
Working with PDF Portfolios
If in the body of the file list, move to the first or last row
Shift + Command + Page Up
Navigating PDF
First page
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd +
Navigating PDF
First page
Working with PDF Portfolios
If in the body of the file list, move to the first or last row
Shift + Command + Page Down
Navigating PDF
Last page
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd +
Navigating PDF
Last page
Navigation panels
Collapse the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarks panel)
Command + Page Up
Navigating PDF
Previous page
Navigation panels
Expand the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarks panel)
Command + Page Down
Navigating PDF
Next page
⌘ Cmd + F6
General navigating
Move to next open document window (when focus is on document pane)
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + F6
Navigating PDF
(UNIX) Next open document
Navigation panels
Move focus to previous item in a navigation panel
Navigation panels
Move focus to next item in a navigation panel
⌘ Cmd + =
Navigating PDF
Zoom in
⌘ Cmd + -
Navigating PDF
Zoom out
Working with Forms
Toggle between editing and previewing your form
Working with Forms
Toggle Guides On / Off
Working with Forms
Align selected fields bottom
↑   Shift + H
Working with Forms
Center fields horizontally
↑   Shift + V
Working with Forms
Center fields vertically
↑   Shift + L
Working with Forms
Highlight fields
↑   Shift + N
Working with Forms
Show Tab Order
⬅ Backspace
Working with PDF Portfolios
If pressed in the body of the file list, navigate one level up from within a folder
⌘ Cmd + A
Working with PDF Portfolios
Select or deselect all files
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + A
Working with PDF Portfolios
Select or deselect all files
↑   Shift +
Working with PDF Portfolios
If in the body of the file list, extend the selection by adding the next row above  the selected row
↑   Shift +
Working with PDF Portfolios
If in the body of the file list, extend the selection by adding the next row below the selected row
⌘ Cmd + Space
Working with PDF Portfolios
Change whether the row with focus is in the selection
⌘ Cmd +
Working with PDF Portfolios
Move focus up one row without changing the selection
⌘ Cmd +
Working with PDF Portfolios
Move focus down one row without changing the selection
Navigation panels
Move focus among the document, message bar, and navigation panels
↑   Shift + F6
Navigation panels
Move focus to previous pane or panel
⌥ Option + ⭾ Tab
General navigating
Move focus to next tab in a tabbed dialog box
⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab
Navigating task panes
Move focus to the previous panel in the Task pane
↑   Shift + F4
Navigating task panes
Open or close the Task pane
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F4
Navigating task panes
Close the pane that lists the tasks of an Action
General navigating
Close context menu
↑   Shift + F8
General navigating
Move focus to toolbar in browser and application (In application, sets focus to the first button in the top bar - Home)
Control + ⭾ Tab
General navigating
Move to next open document tab (when multiple documents are open in same window)
Control + ↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab
General navigating
Move to previous open document tab (when multiple documents are open in same window)
⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + F6
General navigating
Move to previous open document window (when focus is on document pane)
⌘ Cmd + F4
General navigating
Close current document
General navigating
Move focus to document pane
↑   Shift + F10
General navigating
Open context menu
↑   Shift + F3
General navigating
Move to previous search result and highlight it in the document
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + G
General navigating
Move to previous search result and highlight it in the document
General navigating
Move to next search result and highlight it in the document
⌘ Cmd + G
General navigating
Move to next search result and highlight it in the document
Alt + ↑   Shift +
General navigating
(Windows only) Search previous document (with Search results displaying multiple files)
Alt + ↑   Shift +
General navigating
(Windows only) Search next document (with Search results displaying multiple files)
↑   Shift + ← ↑ → ↓
General navigating
Select text (with Select tool selected)
⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift +
General navigating
Select next word  (with Select tool selected)
⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift +
General navigating
Deselect previous word (with Select tool selected)
⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + F5
Navigation panels
Open and move focus to navigation pane
↑   Shift + +
Navigation panels
Right Expand the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarks panel)
Navigation panels
Collapse the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarks panel)
↑   Shift + *
Navigation panels
Expand all bookmarks
Navigation panels
Collapse selected bookmark
Help window
Open Help window
⌘ Cmd + +
Help window
Help window
⌘ Cmd + W
Help window
Close Help window
⌘ Cmd +
Help window
Move back to previously opened topic
⌘ Cmd +
Help window
Move forward to next topic
⌘ Cmd + P
Help window
Print Help topic
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + 5
Change reading settings for the current document
⌘ Cmd + 4
Reflow a tagged PDF, and return to unreflowed view
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + Y
Activate and deactivate Read Out Loud
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + V
Read only the current page out loud
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + B
Read out loud from the current page to the end of the document
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + C
Pause reading out loud
↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + E
Stop reading out loud