Atlassian Crucible (Web Application)

File Navigation

Go to First File

Shift + K

All hotkeys for Atlassian Crucible (Web Application)

General shortcuts
Opens Reference list of Keyboard Shortcuts


General shortcuts
Closes Reference list of Keyboard Shortcuts


General shortcuts
Hold down then click and drag to select source line contents


General shortcuts
Toggle full screen review mode

Shift + F

General shortcuts

Custom Navigation
Go to the Previous Element (file, comment, defect or diff hunk depending on your current context)


Custom Navigation
Go to the Next Element (file, comment, defect or diff hunk depending on your current context)


Comment Navigation
Go to Next Review Comment


Comment Navigation
Go to Previous Review Comment


Comment Navigation
Go to First Review Comment

Shift + P

Comment Navigation
Go to Last Review Comment

Shift + N

Comment Navigation
Go to Next Thread


Comment Navigation
Go to Previous Thread


Comment Navigation
Go to Next Unread Comment


Comment Navigation
Go to Previous Unread Comment


Comment Navigation
Reply to A Comment


Comment Navigation
Toggle Comment Read/Unread Status


File Navigation
Go to the Next Element (file, comment, defect or diff hunk depending on your current context)


File Navigation
Go to the Previous Element (file, comment, defect or diff hunk depending on your current context)


File Navigation
Go to First File

Shift + K

File Navigation
Go to Last File

Shift + J

File Navigation
Go to Next Unreviewed File


File Navigation
Go to Previous Unreviewed File


File Navigation
Set File Reviewed and go to Next Unreviewed File


File Navigation
Toggle File Reviewed/Unreviewed Status

Shift + Y

File Navigation
Expand Current File


File Navigation
Collapse Current File


File Navigation
Expand All Files

Shift + E

File Navigation
Collapse All Files

Shift + C

Similar combinations for other applications

Thunderbird (Windows)
Ignore or Unignore Subthread
Mark, Delete and Move Message

Shift + K

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Ignore or Unignore Subthread
Mark, Delete and Move Message

Shift + K

Thunderbird (Linux)
Ignore or Unignore Subthread
Mark, Delete and Move Message

Shift + K

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Slice tool
Selecting Tools

Shift + k

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Add/remove keyword shortcut from selected photo
Metadata and Keywords in the Library module

Shift + K

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Windows)
Slice tool
Selecting Tools

Shift + k

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (MacOS)
Add/remove keyword shortcut from selected photo
Metadata and Keywords in the Library module

Shift + K

Audacity 2 (Windows)
Select > Cursor to Track End
Edit Menu

Shift + K

Feedly (Web Application)
Previous feed or collection

shift + k

Camtasia 2 (MacOS)
Jump to next / previous keyframe
Timeline & Editing

Option + K / Shift + K

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Add/ remove Keyword shortcut from selected photo
Metadata and Keywords in Library Module

Shift + K

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Add/ remove Keyword shortcut from selected photo
Metadata and Keywords in Library Module

Shift + K

Adobe Illustrator CC (MacOS)
Slice tool
Selectiong Tool

Shift + K

Adobe Illustrator CC (Windows)
Slice tool
Selectiong Tool

Shift + K

InDesign CC (Windows)
Slice tool

Shift + K

InDesign CC (MacOS)
Slice tool

Shift + K

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Go to the next keyframe
Mark Menu

Shift + K

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Label Tool

Shift + K

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Label Tool

Shift + K

GitLab (Web Application)
Scroll to Top
NetWork Graph Shortcuts

Shift + Up Arrow / Shift + K

SalesForce (Web Application)
Show Keyboard Shortcuts
Console Controls

Shift + K

Blender 3D (Windows)
Enable Transformation of Entire Animation System
Object Mode

Shift + K

DAZ Studio (Windows)
Turn On Keyboard Navigation
Keyboard Navigation Commands

Shift + K

DAZ Studio (MacOS)
Turn On Keyboard Navigation
Keyboard Navigation Commands

Shift + K

Blender 3D (Windows)
All vertex colors are erased

Shift + K

Chief Architect (Windows)
Camera View Tools - Perspective Full Overview
View Mode

Shift + K

Chief Architect (MacOS)
Camera View Tools - Perspective Full Overview
View Mode

Shift + K

Yahoo Mail (Web Application)
Mark As Unread

Shift + K

Garageband 10 (MacOS)
Turn count+in on/off
MIsellaneous Shortcuts

Shift + K

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Next KeyFrame

Shift + K

Houdini (Windows)
Kill all jobs
Render Scheduler

Shift + K

DrawPlus (Windows)
Knife Tool
Tools Shortcuts

Shift + K

TVPaint Animation (Windows)
89 Shortcuts for TVPaint Animation (Windows)

Shift + K

TurboCAD (Windows)
Provide Snap extension apparent intersection lines
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Shift + K

Vectorworks (Windows)
Loft Surface
3D Modelling Tool Set

Shift + K

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Loft Surface
3D Modelling Tool Set

Shift + K

gEDA (Linux)
Decrement clearance (soldermask to copper edge (NOTE: can go negative!))
Other Important Shortcuts

Shift + K