Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)

Tree View

Delete current item

Backspace OR Delete

All hotkeys for Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)


Ctrl + ,

Toggle command palette

Ctrl + Shift + p

Browse list of open files

Ctrl + b

Reload Atom

Ctrl + Alt + r

Change synatx highlighting

Ctrl + Shift + l

Show available code snippets

Alt + Shift + s

Markdown preview

Ctrl + Shift + m

Toggle Developer Tools

Ctrl + Alt + i

File Management
New file

Ctrl + n

File Management
New Window

Ctrl + Shift + n

File Management
Open file (type the name to perform a search)

Ctrl + p

File Management
Open file

Ctrl + o

File Management
Open folder

Ctrl + Shift + o

File Management

Ctrl + s

File Management
Save as

Ctrl + Shift + s

File Management
Close tab

Ctrl + w

File Management
Close window

Ctrl + Shift + w

Editing Lines
Go to line

Ctrl + g

Editing Lines
Select line

Ctrl + l

Editing Lines
Duplicate line

Ctrl + Shift + d

Editing Lines
Delete line

Ctrl + Shift + k

Editing Lines
Move line up/down

Ctrl + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Editing Lines
Toggle comment line

Ctrl + /

Editing Lines
New line below

Ctrl + Enter

Editing Lines
New line above

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Editing Lines
Indent / outdent selected lines

Ctrl + [ / ]

Editing Lines
Join lines

Ctrl + j

Editing Words and Brackets
Move to beginning / end of current word

Alt + b / f

Editing Words and Brackets
Select to beginning / end of current word

Alt + Shift + b / f

Editing Words and Brackets
Delete to beginning of current word

Ctrl + Backspace OR Alt + h

Editing Words and Brackets
Delete to end of current word

Ctrl + Delete OR Alt + d

Editing Words and Brackets
Complete bracket

Ctrl + Alt + .

Editing Words and Brackets
Go to matching bracket

Ctrl + m

Editing Words and Brackets
Select code inside matching brackets

Ctrl + Alt + m

Code Folding
Fold all code at indent level 1 ... 9

Ctrl + k , then Ctrl + 1 ... 9

Code Folding
Fold / unfold code

Ctrl + Alt + /

Code Folding
Fold selected code

Ctrl + Alt + f

Code Folding
Fold / unfold all code

Ctrl + Alt + [ / ]

Find and Replace
Find in current file

Ctrl + f

Find and Replace
Find in project

Ctrl + Shift + f

Find and Replace
Find next


Find and Replace
Find previous

Shift + F3

Find and Replace
Replace all

Ctrl + Enter

Find and Replace
Use Regex in search

Ctrl + Alt + /

Find and Replace
Match case in search

Ctrl + Alt + c

Find and Replace
Search only in selection

Ctrl + Alt + s

Find and Replace
Match whole word

Ctrl + Alt + w

Increase / decrease text size

Ctrl + Shift + = / -

Reset text size

Ctrl + 0 (zero)

Toggle fullscreen


Tree View
Toggle focus Tree View

Ctrl + 0 (zero)

Tree View
Toggle tree view

Ctrl + k , then b

Tree View
Select next/previous item

j / k

Tree View
Expand / collapse selected directory

h / l OR Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Tree View
Recursively expand / collapse directories

Alt + Arrow Left / Arrow Right OR Ctrl + Alt + [ / ]

Tree View
Open selected item


Tree View
Move selected item

m OR F2

Tree View
Delete current item

Backspace OR Delete

Tree View
Duplicate selected item


Tree View
Open selected item in pane 1 ... 9

Ctrl + 1 ... 9

Tree View
Add new file


Tree View
Add new folder

Shift + a

Tree View
Toggle display of VCS ignored files


Github Integration
Open on Github: blame

Alt + g , then b

Github Integration
Open on Github: copy-url

Alt + g , then c

Github Integration
Open on Github: repository

Alt + g , then g

Github Integration
Open on Github: history

Alt + g , then h

Github Integration
Open on Github: issues

Alt + g , then i

Github Integration
Open on Github: file

Alt + g , then o

Github Integration
Open on Github: branch-compare

Alt + g , then r

Manage Diffs
Toggle list of diffs in file

Alt + g , then d

Manage Diffs
Move to next/previous diff in file

Alt + g , then Arrow Down / Arrow Up

Similar combinations for other applications

Google Calendar (Web Application)
Delete event (after clicking an event's title bar)

Backspace or Delete

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
Delete current item
Tree View

Backspace OR Delete