AutoCAD 2016 (MacOS)

Manage Screen

Display dashboard.

Fn + F12

All hotkeys for AutoCAD 2016 (MacOS)

Displays Help

Fn + F1 or Cmd + /

Expands or collapses the display of the Command Window.

Fn + F2

Toggles object snap mode on and off.

Fn + F3

Toggles 3D object snap mode on and off.

Fn + F4

Toggles isoplane mode.

Fn + F5

Toggles Dynamic UCS mode on and off.

Fn + F6 or Cmd + D

Toggles grid display on and off.

Fn + F7

Toggles ortho mode on and off.

Fn + F8

Toggles ortho mode on and off.

Fn + F9 or Cmd + B

Toggles polar tracking on and off.

Fn + F10 or Cmd + U

T oggles Dynamic Input mode on and off.

Shift + Cmd + D

Toggles Clean Screen mode on and off.

Shift + Cmd + F

Toggles Infer Constraints mode on and off.

Shift + Cmd + I

Toggles object snap tracking on and off.

Shift + Cmd + T

Toggles the coordinates display mode.

Ctrl + I

Toggles Selection Cycling.

Ctrl + W

Toggles PICKSTYLE on and off.

Ctrl + H

Toggles the display of all palettes on or off.

Shift + Cmd + H

Toggle General Features
Opens or closes the Tool Sets palette.

Cmd + 1

Toggle General Features
Opens or closes the Content palette.

Cmd + 2

Toggle General Features
Opens or closes the command window

Cmd + 3

Toggle General Features
Opens or closes the Layers palette.

Cmd + 4

Toggle General Features
Opens or closes the Properties Inspector palette.

Cmd + 5

Toggle General Features
Toggles the status bar.

Cmd + 6

Toggle General Features
Opens or closes the Reference Manager palette./td>

Cmd + 7

Toggle General Features
Opens or closes the Project Manager palette.

Cmd + 8

Toggle General Features
Opens or closes the Material Browser palette.

Cmd + 9

Toggle General Features
Launches the online help (browser).

Cmd + /

Toggle General Features
Displays the Export Data dialog.

Cmd + E

Toggle General Features
Displays the Find and Replace dialog.

Cmd + F

Toggle General Features
Groups selected objects.

Cmd + G

Toggle General Features
Displays the Properties Inspector palette.

Cmd + I

Toggle General Features
Regenerates the current viewport.

Cmd + R

Toggle General Features
Closes the current drawing.

Cmd + W

Toggle General Features
Zooms in 2x.

Cmd + +

Toggle General Features
Zooms out 0.5x.

Cmd + -

Toggle General Features
Displays the Application Preferences dialog.

Cmd + ,

Toggle General Features
Displays the Quick View dialog

Cmd + ./td>

Toggle General Features
Displays the color palette.

Shift + Cmd + C

Toggle General Features
Displays the Check Spelling dialog.

Shift + Cmd + ;

Manage Drawings
Selects all objects in the current layout.

Cmd + A or Ctrl + A

Manage Drawings
Hides AutoCAD window.

Cmd + H

Manage Drawings
Minimizes the current drawing window

Cmd + M

Manage Drawings
Creates new drawing

Cmd + N or Ctrl + N

Manage Drawings
Opens drawing

Cmd + O or Ctrl + O

Manage Drawings
Displays the Print/Plot dialog box.

Cmd + P or Ctrl + P

Manage Drawings
Closes the program

Cmd + Q or Ctrl + Q

Manage Drawings
Regenerates the current viewport.

Cmd + R

Manage Drawings
Saves the current drawing. If the drawing has not been saved yet, the Save Drawing As dialog box is displayed

Cmd + S or Ctrl + S

Manage Drawings
Closes the current drawing.

Cmd + W

Manage Drawings
Closes all drawings.

Cmd + Opt + W

Manage Drawings
Ungroups the selected group.

Shift + Cmd + G

Manage Drawings
Displays the Page Setup Manager

Shift + Cmd + P

Manage Drawings
Regenerates all viewports in the current layout

Shift + Cmd + R

Manage Drawings
Displays the Save Drawing As dialog box

Shift + Cmd + S or

Manage Drawings
Selects all objects in the current layout.

Ctrl + A

Manage Drawings
Minimizes all.

Cmd + Opt + M

Manage Workflow
Copies the selected objects to the Clipboard

Cmd + C or Ctrl + C

Manage Workflow
Displays the Export Data dialog box.

Cmd + E

Manage Workflow
Displays the Find and Replace dialog box.

Cmd + F

Manage Workflow
Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to the current layout.

Cmd + V

Manage Workflow
Removes the selected from the drawing and adds them to the Clipboard.

Cmd + X

Manage Workflow
Reverses the most recent undo.

Cmd + Y

Manage Workflow

Ctrl + [

Manage Workflow
Displays the Check Spelling dialog box./td>

Shift + Cmd + ;

Manage Workflow
Repeats the previous command.

Ctrl + J

Manage Workflow
Copies the selected objects with a specified base point.

Shift + Ctrl + C

Manage Workflow
Implied Face Extrusion (PressPull).

Shift + Ctrl + E

Manage Screen
Hides all open windows

Fn + F11

Manage Screen
Display dashboard.

Fn + F12

Manage Screen
Opens or closes the Tool Sets palette.

Cmd + 1

Manage Screen
Copy toOpens or closes the Content palette on and off.

Cmd + 2

Manage Screen
Shows or hides the Command Window.

Cmd + 3

Manage Screen
Opens or closes the.Layers palette

Cmd + 4

Manage Screen
Toggles the display of the status bar on and off.

Cmd + 6

Manage Screen
Opens or closes the Reference Manager palette.

Cmd + 7

Manage Screen
Project Manager/td>

Cmd + 8

Manage Screen
Material Browser.

Cmd + 9

Manage Screen
Toggles Clean Screen on and off.

Cmd + 0

Manage Screen
Zooms out

Cmd + -

Manage Screen
Zooms in

Cmd + +

Manage Screen

Cmd + ,

Manage Screen
Displays the Quick View dialog box

Cmd + .

Manage Screen
Displays the Color Palette.Select a new color to make it the current color for new objects.

Shift + Cmd + C

Manage Screen
Hides the Windows of all other applications

Cmd + Opt + H

Manage Screen

Cmd + Opt + I

Manage Screen
Toggles Toolset Palette.

Cmd + Opt + T

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Fast forward

Fn + F12

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Adjust volume

Fn + F12

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Next track

Fn + F12