Cisco IOS

Controlling capitalization

Change the word at the cursor lowercase

Esc then L

All hotkeys for Cisco IOS

Moving the cursor
One character to the left

Moving the cursor
One character to the left

Ctrl + B

Moving the cursor
Back one word

Esc then B

Moving the cursor
Forward one word

Esc then F

Moving the cursor
To the beginning of the line

Ctrl + A

Moving the cursor
To the end of the line

Ctrl + E

Moving the cursor
Scroll forward through previous commands

Moving the cursor
Scroll backwards through previous commands

Moving the cursor
Previous command

Ctrl + P

Moving the cursor
Next command

Ctrl + N

Reprint the line

Ctrl + L

Refresh (start a new line, with same command shown)

Ctrl + R

Command auto-complete

⭾ Tab

Exit / End config mode

Ctrl + C

Apply the command line and exit from config mode (return to previleged EXEC mode)

Ctrl + Z

Break sequence. Use to abort DNS lookups, traceroutes, pings

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 6

Controlling capitalization
Make the letter at the cursor uppercase

Esc then C

Controlling capitalization
Change the word at the cursor lowercase

Esc then L

Controlling capitalization
Make the letter from the cursor to the end of the word uppercase

Esc then U

Delete CLI entries
Delete character to the left of the cursor


Delete CLI entries
Delete character to the left of the cursor

⬅ Backspace

Delete CLI entries
Delete character at the cursor

Ctrl + D

Delete CLI entries
Delete all characters from the cursor to the end of the command line

Ctrl + K

Delete CLI entries
Delete all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the command line

Ctrl + U

Delete CLI entries
Delete all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the command line

Ctrl + X

Delete CLI entries
Delete word to the left of the cursor

Ctrl + W

Delete CLI entries
Delete from cursor to the end of the word

Esc then D

Using the delete buffer
Paste most recent entry in the delete buffer ("Y" is for "Yank" from the buffer)

Ctrl + Y

Using the delete buffer
Paste the previous entry in the delete buffer ("Y" is for "Yank" from the buffer)

Esc then Y

Transposing mistyped characters
Transpose mistyped character

Ctrl + T

Similar combinations for other applications