Foxit Reader (MacOS)

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)

Page Up

Shift + Spacebar

All hotkeys for Foxit Reader (MacOS)

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Open File

Command + O

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Close File

Command + W

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Save As

Command + Shift + S

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Close All

Command + Shift + W

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Print Document

Command + P

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Quit Foxit Reader

Command + Q

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)

Option + 1

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Full Screen

Option + 2

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Zoom in

Command + NumPad +

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Zoom Out

Command + NumPad -

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Zoom To

Command + M

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Actual Size

Command + 1

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Fit to Page

Command + 2

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Fit Width

Command + 3

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Rotate Clockwise

Command + Shift + +

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Rotate CounterClockwise

Command + Shift + -

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Reset Toolbars

Option + F8

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Hide Toolbars


30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
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30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
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Left Arrow

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
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Right Arrow

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
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30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Go to Page

Shift + Command + N

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Select All

Command + A

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Page Down


30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Page Up

Shift + Spacebar

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)

Command + C

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Find Text

Command + F

30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Find Next


30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)

Command + K

Similar combinations for other applications

Firefox (MacOS)
Navigation Controls

Shift + Spacebar

Zoho Sheet (MacOS)
Select row

Shift + Spacebar

Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 (Windows)
Walk through mode

Shift + Spacebar

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Select a row.
Move in Side Pane

Shift + Spacebar

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (Windows)
Rotate Canvas (Hold Mode) (Mouse)
Frequently Used Shortcuts

Shift + Spacebar

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (MacOS)
Rotate Canvas
Frequently Used Shortcuts

Shift + Spacebar

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (Windows)
Rotate Page

Shift + Spacebar

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (MacOS)
Rotate Page

Shift + Spacebar

Soundforge (Windows)
Play All
Navigation and Playback

Shift + Spacebar / Shift + F12

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Play from start
Playback,Recording and Preview

Shift + Spacebar

Foxit Reader (Windows)
Page Up
30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (Windows)

Shift + Spacebar

Foxit Reader (Linux)
Page Up
30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (Linux)

Shift + Spacebar

Altium Designer (Windows)
Rotate clockwise by 90 degrees while moving an object
Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts

Shift + Spacebar

Altium Designer (Windows)
Cycle Step through placement modes while placing a wire/bus/line
Schematic Editor Only Shortcuts

Shift + Spacebar

Altium Designer (Windows)
Rotate 3D body clockwise
3D Body Placement Shortcuts

Shift + Spacebar