FreeMind 0.9.0 (Windows)

Node navigation commands

Zoom in

Alt + Down

All hotkeys for FreeMind 0.9.0 (Windows)

File commands
New map

Ctrl + N

File commands
Open map

Ctrl + O

File commands
Save map

Ctrl + S

File commands
Save as...

Ctrl + Shift + S

File commands

Ctrl + P

File commands
Close map

Ctrl + W

File commands

Ctrl + Q

File commands
Previous map

Alt + Shift + Left

File commands
Next map

Alt + Shift + Right

File commands
Export to html

Ctrl + E

File commands
Export branch to html

Ctrl + H

File commands
Export branch to new MM file

Alt + Shift + A

File commands
Open first file in history

Ctrl + Shift + W

Edit commands

Ctrl + F

Edit commands
Find next

Ctrl + G

Edit commands

Ctrl + X

Edit commands

Ctrl + C

Edit commands
Copy single

Ctrl + Shift + C

Edit commands

Ctrl + V

Mode commands
MindMap mode

Alt + 1

Mode commands
Browse mode

Alt + 2

Mode commands
File mode

Alt + 3

Node formatting commands

Ctrl + I

Node formatting commands

Ctrl + B

Node formatting commands

Ctrl + Shift + B

Node formatting commands
Change node color

Alt + Shift + F

Node formatting commands
Blend node color

Alt + Shift + B

Node formatting commands
Change node edge color

Alt + Shift + E

Node formatting commands
Increase node font size

Ctrl + +

Node formatting commands
Decrease node font size

Ctrl + -

Node navigation commands
Go to root


Node navigation commands
Move up


Node navigation commands
Move down


Node navigation commands
Move left


Node navigation commands
Move right


Node navigation commands
Follow link

Ctrl + Enter

Node navigation commands
Zoom out

Alt + Up

Node navigation commands
Zoom in

Alt + Down

Node navigation commands
Move node up

Ctrl + Up

Node navigation commands
Move node down

Ctrl + Down

Node navigation commands
Moved node left

Ctrl + Left

Node navigation commands
Moved node right

Ctrl + Right

New node commands
Add sibling node


New node commands
Add child node


New node commands
Add sibling before

Shift + Enter

New node commands
Add parent node

Shift + Insert

Node editing commands
Edit selected node


Node editing commands
Edit long node

Alt + Enter

Node editing commands
Join nodes

Ctrl + J

Node editing commands
Toggle folded


Node editing commands
Toggle children folded

Ctrl + Space

Node editing commands
Set link by filechooser

Ctrl + Shift + K

Node editing commands
Set link by text entry

Ctrl + K

Node editing commands
Set image by filechooser

Alt + K

Similar combinations for other applications

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Data Compare - Next existing row

Alt + Down

DAZ Studio (Windows)
Bottom view
View Commands

Alt + Down

Geany (MacOS)
Scroll down by one line
Moving around in the document

Alt + Down

Geany (Linux)
Scroll down by one line
Moving around in the document

Alt + Down

Geany (Windows)
Scroll down by one line
Moving around in the document

Alt + Down

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Send the selected object backward
Object Menu

Alt + Down