
Source code editing

Find next

Control + G

All hotkeys for GitHub

Site wide shortcuts
Focus the search bar


Site wide shortcuts
Focus the search bar


Site wide shortcuts
Go to your notifications

G then N

Network Graph
Scroll left


Project boards: Moving a card
Cancel the move in progress


Go to the Code tab

G then C

Go to the Issues tab

G then I

Go to the Pull requests tab

G then P

Go to the Projects tab

G then B

Go to the Wiki tab

G then W

Source code editing
Start searching in file editor

Control + F

Source code editing
Start searching in file editor

⌘ Cmd + F

Source code editing
Find next

Control + G

Source code editing
Find next

⌘ Cmd + G

Source code editing
Find previous

↑   Shift + Control + G

Source code editing
Find previous

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + G

Source code editing

↑   Shift + Control + F

Source code editing

⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + F

Source code editing
Replace all

↑   Shift + Control + R

Source code editing
Replace all

↑   Shift + ⌘ Cmd + ⌥ Option + F

Source code editing
Jump to line

Alt + G

Source code editing

Control + Z

Source code editing

⌘ Cmd + Z

Source code editing

Control + Y

Source code editing

⌘ Cmd + Y

Changes in pull requests
Open the list of changed files in the pull request


Issues and pull requests
Apply a label


Source code browsing
Switch to a new branch or tag


Mark as read


Network Graph
Scroll right


Source code browsing
Open blame view


Insert Markdown formatting for bolding text

Control + B

Insert Markdown formatting for bolding text

⌘ Cmd + B

Project boards: Moving a column
Move column to the rightmost position

Control + I

Project boards: Moving a column
Move column to the rightmost position

⌘ Cmd + I

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the top of the column

Control + K

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the top of the column

⌘ Cmd + K

Toggle between the Write and Preview comment tabs

Control + ↑   Shift + P

Toggle between the Write and Preview comment tabs

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + P

Submit a comment

Control + ⤶ Enter

Opens saved replies menu and then autofills comment field with a saved reply.

Control then Control then Num 0 - Num 9

Changes in pull requests
Open the list of commits in the pull request


Issue and pull request lists
Filter by author


Issues and pull requests
Set a milestone


Issues and pull requests
Set an assignee


Issue and pull request lists
Quote the selected text in your reply


Issue and pull request lists
Open issue


Project boards: Moving a card
Complete the move in progress

⤶ Enter

Issues and pull requests
Request a reviewer


Network Graph
Scroll down


Network Graph
Scroll up


Project boards: Moving a card
Start moving the focused card


Network Graph
Scroll all the way left

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the leftmost column

⌘ Cmd +

Project boards: Moving a column
Move column to the leftmost position

⌘ Cmd + H

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the leftmost column

Control + H

Network Graph
Scroll right

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column

⌘ Cmd +

Network Graph
Scroll down

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card down

⌘ Cmd +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card down

⌘ Cmd + J

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card down

Control +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the column

Control + J

Network Graph
Scroll up

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the top of the column

⌘ Cmd +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the top of the column

Control +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the top of the column on the left

↑   Shift +

Network Graph
Scroll all the way left

↑   Shift + H

Project boards: Moving a card
h Move card to the bottom of the leftmost column

⌘ Cmd

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the leftmost column

Control +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the top of the leftmost column

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the top of the leftmost column

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + H

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the top of the leftmost column

Control + ↑   Shift +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the top of the leftmost column

Control + ↑   Shift + H

Network Graph
Scroll all the way right

↑   Shift +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the top of the column on the right

↑   Shift + L

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column

⌘ Cmd + L

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column

Control +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column

Control + L

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + L

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column

Control + ↑   Shift +

Project boards: Moving a card
Move card to the bottom of the rightmost column

Control + ↑   Shift + L

Mark as read


Mute thread

↑   Shift + M

Network Graph
Scroll all the way right

↑   Shift + I

Network Graph
Scroll all the way up

↑   Shift +

Network Graph
Scroll all the way up

↑   Shift + K

Network Graph
Scroll all the way down

↑   Shift +

Network Graph
Scroll all the way down

↑   Shift + J

Similar combinations for other applications

Convert to opposite case

Control + G

Total War: Attila (Mac)
Toggle locked group
Battles: Unit / group

Control + G

IntelliJ IDEA (macOS)
Unselect occurence
Search and replace

Control + G

Visual Studio Code (Mac)
Go to line

Control + G