iTunes 11 for Windows

Control menu

Mute the sound (song keeps playing)

Ctrl + Alt +

All hotkeys for iTunes 11 for Windows

With full keyboard navigation enabled
Click the currently selected control

⤶ Enter

Move backward or forward within a song

Ctrl + Alt + ←  →

Listen to previous or next album in a list

↑   Shift + ←  →

With full keyboard navigation enabled
Open or close the selected item's disclosure triangle

←  →

File and window
(on the video) Choose artwork for the selected video

Ctrl + Mouse left click

Library and playlist
Create a playlist from a selection of songs

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N

Library and playlist
Create a new smart playlist

Ctrl + Alt + N

Refresh source list


iTunes Store
Go to next page in the iTunes Store

Ctrl + ]

iTunes Store
Go to previous page in the iTunes Store

Ctrl + [

iTunes Store
(after typing in Search field) Initiate a search in the iTunes Store

↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

iTunes Store
Open the Store menu

Alt + S

File and window
In the Get Info window, see the info for the next or previous song in the list

Alt + N

File and window
In the Get Info window, see the info for the next or previous song in the list

Alt + P

File and window
Select the search field

Ctrl + F

File and window
then press the indicated key to use an option (not all visual effects support this)


File and window
Stream audio file at a specific URL to iTunes

Ctrl + U

(while opening iTunes) Open iTunes in “safe mode” (without external plug-ins)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift

Spoken word shortcuts
Go to last or next chapter (if available)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ←  →

File menu
Create a new playlist

Ctrl + N

File menu
Add a file to your music library

Ctrl + O

File menu
Close the iTunes window

Ctrl + W

File menu
Open the song or CD Info window for the selected song or CD

Ctrl + I

File menu
Show where a song file is located

Ctrl + R

File menu
Show the currently playing song in the list

Ctrl + L

Edit menu
Open iTunes Preferences

Ctrl + ,

Edit menu
Undo your last typing change while still in edit mode

Ctrl + Z

Edit menu
Cut the selected song’s information or artwork

Ctrl + X

Edit menu
Copy the selected song’s information or artwork

Ctrl + C

Edit menu
Paste the selected song’s information or artwork

Ctrl + V

Edit menu
Select all the songs in the list

Ctrl + A

Edit menu
Deselect all the songs in the list

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + A

Control menu
Start or stop playing the selected song


Control menu
When a song is playing, play the next song in a list

Control menu
When a song is playing, play the previous song in a list

Control menu
Increase the volume

Ctrl +

Control menu
Decrease the volume

Ctrl +

Control menu
Mute the sound (song keeps playing)

Ctrl + Alt +

Control menu
Eject a CD

Ctrl + E

View menu
Switch to the MiniPlayer

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + M

View menu
Hide or show the Browser (Artist and Album columns)

Ctrl + B

View menu
Turn the visualizer on or off

Ctrl + T

View menu
Switch between viewing visual effects using the entire screen or in the iTunes window (when visualizer is on)

⌘ Cmd + F

View menu
Enter or exit full-screen view

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F

View menu
Open the View Options window for the selected source

Ctrl + J

Help menu
Open iTunes help

Ctrl + ?

Edit the name of the currently selected item


Interrupt the current process (burning a CD, syncing, converting a file, and so on)

Ctrl + Break

With full keyboard navigation enabled
Select the next control

⭾ Tab

With full keyboard navigation enabled
Open the selected item's disclosure triangle


With full keyboard navigation enabled
Close the selected item's disclosure triangle


Similar combinations for other applications

Affinity Photo
Precise Increase Paragraph Leading
Text shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt +

RStudio (Mac)
Add Cursor Below Current Cursor

Ctrl + Alt +

Add Cursor Below Current Cursor

Ctrl + Alt +

Open the desktop switching dialog, to go to the desktop below the current one (This will only be useful if you use a pager to set up a desktop layout with multiple rows)

Ctrl + Alt +

Unfolds your workspace cube allowing you to see more than one of your workspaces at once, using the left and right cursor keys with this active will allow you to select the workspace you wish to use
When Desktop Effects enabled

Ctrl + Alt +

Ace Editor
Add multi-cursor below

Ctrl + Alt +

Zendesk Support
Move to next ticket

Ctrl + Alt +

Bottom workspace
Switching workspace

Ctrl + Alt +

ArtRage Studio Pro
Merge Layer Down
Layer Commands

Ctrl + Alt +

PyCharm 2018.2
Navigate to a next found item.
Navigation in source code

Ctrl + Alt +

Go to min version
Project / tags / versions bin

Ctrl + Alt +

Atom (Windows)
All shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt +

Kindle for PC
Cell below
Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)

Ctrl + Alt +

Linux Mint
Open applications in the current workspace
Frequently used shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt +

Chromebook and Chrome OS
Go to bottom of page
Page and web browser

Ctrl + Alt +

AWS Cloud9 IDE (Windows)
Add Cursor Below

Ctrl + Alt +

Go to calling method

Ctrl + Alt +

LibreOffice Writer
Move the active paragraph or selected paragraphs down one paragraph
Paragraphs and Heading Levels

Ctrl + Alt +

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)
Arrow Table.RowBelow
HTML Editor Design View

Ctrl + Alt +

Qt Creator
Copy line down

Ctrl + Alt +

Guitar Pro
Move down

Ctrl + Alt +

Track: Go to next track
Section: Main

Ctrl + Alt +

Sublime Text
Column selection down

Ctrl + Alt +

Navigate to next method implementation in lexical order in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using Ctrl + Q + L

Ctrl + Alt +

Volume Down

Ctrl + Alt +

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Display a popup listing all open windows
Windows management

Ctrl + Alt +

NVDA Screen Reader
Cell below

Ctrl + Alt +

Volume down

Ctrl + Alt +

Move torrent down in queue

Ctrl + Alt +

GOM Player
Decrease equalizer level
Volume control

Ctrl + Alt +

Move to the next cell in a column
Scan mode keyboard commands

Ctrl + Alt +