Hotkeys and shortcuts for JAWS

(Total 220)

Reading text
Rewind during a Say All
Reading text
Fast Forward during a Say All
Num 5
Table layer
Say current cell
Num 5 then Num 5
Reading text
Say Character Phonetically
Insert +
Reading text
Say Prior Word
Insert +
Reading text
Say Next Word
Insert + Num 5
Reading text
Say Word
Insert + Num 5 then Num 5
Reading text
Spell Word
Reading text
Say Prior Line
Reading text
Say Next Line
Insert +
Reading text
Say Current Line
Insert + then
Reading text
Spell Current Line
Alt +
Working with dialog boxes
Close Combo Box
Alt +
Working with dialog boxes
Open Combo Box
Alt + Num 5
Reading text
Say Current Sentence
Insert + Home
Reading text
Say to Cursor
Insert + Page Up
Reading text
Say from Cursor
Insert + Home then Home
Reading text
Spell to Cursor
Insert + Page Up then Page Up
Reading text
Spell from Cursor
Insert +
Reading text
Say All
Insert + Space then S
Reading text
Toggle Full Speech, Speech On Demand (default), or Mute Speech
Insert + Space then ↑   Shift + S
Reading text
Toggle Speech On Demand or Mute Speech (Full Speech must be disabled)
Insert + 5
Reading text
Say Color
Num 5 then Num 5 then Num 5
Reading text
Say ASCII or Hexadecimal Value
Insert + F then Insert + F
Reading text
Say Font
Ctrl + Insert +
Reading text
Start Skim Reading
Ctrl + Insert + ↑   Shift +
Reading text
Skim Reading dialog box
Insert + Win + C
Copy Selected Text to FSClipboard
Alt + Ctrl + Page Down
Change voice rate on the fly
Temporarily Decrease Voice Rate
Alt + Ctrl + Page Up
Change voice rate on the fly
Temporarily Increase Voice Rate
Alt + Win + Ctrl + Page Down
Change voice rate on the fly
Permanently Decrease Voice Rate
Alt + Win + Ctrl + Page Up
Change voice rate on the fly
Permanently Increase Voice Rate
Insert + Esc
Refresh Screen and Unmute Current Sound Device
Page Down
Change voice rate on the fly
Decrease Voice Rate
Page Up
Change voice rate on the fly
Increase Voice Rate
Insert + F12
Navigation & Informational
Say System Time
Insert + F12 then F12
Navigation & Informational
Say System Date
Insert + T
Navigation & Informational
Say Window Title
Insert + ⭾ Tab
Working with dialog boxes
Say Window Prompt in Text
Insert + End
Navigation & Informational
Say Top Line of Window
Insert + Page Down
Navigation & Informational
Say Bottom Line of Window
Insert + ↑   Shift +
Navigation & Informational
Say Selected Text
Insert + ↑   Shift + then
Navigation & Informational
Spell Selected Text
Ctrl + Insert + V
Navigation & Informational
Say Application Version
Insert + F10
Navigation & Informational
Window List
Insert + F11
Navigation & Informational
List System Tray Icons
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F11
Navigation & Informational
View System Tray Contents
Ctrl + Insert + ↑   Shift + G
Navigation & Informational
List Labeled Graphics
Insert + E
Working with dialog boxes
Say Default Button of Dialog
↑   Shift + Num 5
Table layer
Read the current column
Insert + B
Working with dialog boxes
Read Current Window
Insert + C
Working with dialog boxes
Read Word in Context
Ctrl + ↑   Shift
Working with dialog boxes
Select Multiple List Items
Ctrl + Space
Working with dialog boxes
Select Multiple List Items
Ctrl + \
Working with dialog boxes
Unselect All But Current
Ctrl + Insert + 0 - 9
Working with dialog boxes
Read List View Columns 1 through 10
Insert + F1
Accessing help
Screen Sensitive Help
Num +
Cursors and mouse simulation
(press twice quickly if the Touch Cursor is currently active) PC Cursor
Num -
Cursors and mouse simulation
JAWS Cursor
Num - then Num -
Cursors and mouse simulation
Invisible Cursor
↑   Shift + Num +
Cursors and mouse simulation
Touch Cursor
Insert + Num +
Cursors and mouse simulation
Route PC Cursor to JAWS Cursor
Insert + Num -
Cursors and mouse simulation
Route JAWS Cursor to PC Cursor
Ctrl + Insert + Num -
Cursors and mouse simulation
Tether JAWS to PC
Insert + R
Cursors and mouse simulation
Restrict JAWS Cursor or Virtual PC Cursor
Num /
Cursors and mouse simulation
Left Mouse Button
Num *
Cursors and mouse simulation
Right Mouse Button
Insert + Num /
Cursors and mouse simulation
Left Mouse Button Lock
Insert + Num *
Cursors and mouse simulation
Right Mouse Button Lock
Ctrl + Insert + Num /
Cursors and mouse simulation
Drag and Drop
Alt + Del
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Say Active Cursor
Ctrl + Insert + ↑   Shift + C
Cursors and mouse simulation
Say Cursor Type
Alt + ↑   Shift +
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
(when the JAWS Cursor is active) Mouse Down
Alt + ↑   Shift +
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
(when the JAWS Cursor is active) Mouse Left
Alt + ↑   Shift +
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
(when the JAWS Cursor is active) Mouse Right
Alt + ↑   Shift +
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
(when the JAWS Cursor is active) Mouse Up
Insert + V
Quick Settings
Insert + Ctrl + S
Select a Voice Profile
Ctrl + Win + L
Select Language
Interrupt Speech
Insert + Space then D
Audio Ducking Toggle
Insert + Space then F11
Screen Shade Toggle
Screen Shade Toggle
Insert + Space then Print Screen
Screen Shade Toggle
Insert + Ctrl + H
Custom Highlight Assign
Insert + S
Screen Echo Toggle
Insert + 2
Typing Echo Toggle
Insert + 3
Pass Key Through
Insert + 4
Select Symbol to Print
Insert + J
JAWS Window
Insert + Ctrl + F
Insert + F3
JAWS Find Next
Insert + ↑   Shift + F3
JAWS Find Previous
Insert + F4
Shut Down JAWS
Insert + Space then L
Keyboard Lock
Insert + Q then Q
Say Active Configuration Name
Insert + F2
Accessing JAWS utilties
(then select Window Class Reassign) Window Class Reassign
Insert + Ctrl + W
Open Word Index
Insert + Win + W
Open Skim Read Summary (Based on the last word selected from the Word Index list)
Insert + Alt + W
Virtualize Window
Insert + Space then H
View Speech History
Insert + Space then ↑   Shift + H
Clear Speech History
Insert + Alt + S
Select Scheme
Win + M
Minimize All Applications
Insert + Win + Num -
(Desktop layout) Script Utility Mode Toggle
⇪ Caps Lock + Win + -
(Laptop layout) Script Utility Mode Toggle
Insert + Space then J
Accessing JAWS utilties
JAWS Command Search
Ctrl + Insert + ⭾ Tab
Accessing JAWS utilties
Create a Prompt
Insert + G
Accessing JAWS utilties
Graphics Labeler
Ctrl + Insert + G
Accessing JAWS utilties
Start Auto Graphics Labeler
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + [
Accessing JAWS utilties
Set Frame Top Left
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ]
Accessing JAWS utilties
Set Frame Bottom Right
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + [ then [
Accessing JAWS utilties
Set Frame to Window
Ctrl + Insert + C
Accessing JAWS utilties
Clear Initial Values
Insert + 6
Accessing JAWS utilties
Settings Center
Insert + D
Accessing JAWS utilties
Dictionary Manager
Insert + 9
Accessing JAWS utilties
Frame Viewer
Insert + 8
Accessing JAWS utilties
Keyboard Manager
Insert + 0
Accessing JAWS utilties
Script Manager
Insert + 7
Accessing JAWS utilties
Window Class Reassign
Ctrl + Insert + F1
Accessing JAWS utilties
Screen Sensitive Help Technical
Ctrl + Insert + F2
Accessing JAWS utilties
Say Special Window Classes
Insert + X
Accessing JAWS utilties
Say Frame at Cursor
Table layer
List the keystrokes you can use in this layer
← ↑ → ↓
Table layer
Move to cell above, below, left, or right
Table layer
Move to the beginning of the current row
Table layer
Move to the end of the current row
Ctrl + Home
Table layer
Jump to the first cell in a table
Ctrl + End
Table layer
Jump to the last cell in a table
Ctrl +
Table layer
Move to the beginning of the current column
Ctrl +
Table layer
Move to the bottom of the current column
Ctrl +
Table layer
Move to the beginning of the current row
Ctrl +
Table layer
Move to end of current row
Ctrl + ⤶ Enter
Table layer
Jump to next table
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter
Table layer
Jump to prior table
↑   Shift +
Table layer
Read the current row
Shift + Page Up
Table layer
Read from the current cell
↑   Shift + Home
Table layer
Read to the current cell
Shift + Page Down
Table layer
Read to the bottom of the column
↑   Shift + End
Table layer
Read from the top of the column
Alt + Ctrl + Num 5
Working in tables
Say Current Cell
Alt + Ctrl +
Working in tables
Cell to Right
Alt + Ctrl +
Working in tables
Cell to Left
Alt + Ctrl +
Working in tables
Cell Below
Alt + Ctrl +
Working in tables
Cell Above
Alt + Ctrl + Home
Working in tables
First Cell
Alt + Ctrl + End
Working in tables
Last Cell
Alt + Ctrl + ↑   Shift +
Working in tables
First Cell in Column
Alt + Ctrl + ↑   Shift +
Working in tables
Last Cell in Column
Alt + Ctrl + ↑   Shift +
Working in tables
First Cell in Row
Alt + Ctrl + ↑   Shift +
Working in tables
Last Cell in Row
Alt + Win +
Working in tables
Read Next Row
Alt + Win +
Working in tables
Read Prior Row
Alt + Win + ,
Working in tables
Read Current Row
Alt + Win + Num 5
Working in tables
Read Current Row
Insert + ↑   Shift + Home
Working in tables
Read from Start of Row
Insert + Shift + Page Up
Working in tables
Read to End of Row
Alt + Win +
Working in tables
Read Next Column
Alt + Win +
Working in tables
Read Prior Column
Alt + Win + .
Working in tables
Read Current Column
Insert + ↑   Shift + End
Working in tables
Read from Top of Column
Insert + Shift + Page Down
Working in tables
Read to Bottom of Column
Insert + Alt + R
Working in tables
Toggle Revision Detection On or Off
Insert + 1
Accessing help
Keyboard Help
Insert + F1 then F1
Accessing help
JAWS Help for Applications
Insert + H
Accessing help
Hot Key Help
Insert + W
Accessing help
Window Key Help
⇪ Caps Lock + M
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Prior Character
⇪ Caps Lock + .
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Next Character
⇪ Caps Lock + ,
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Character
⇪ Caps Lock + , then ,
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Character Phonetically
⇪ Caps Lock + J
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Prior Word
⇪ Caps Lock + L
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Next Word
⇪ Caps Lock + K
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Word
⇪ Caps Lock + K then K
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Spell Word
⇪ Caps Lock + U
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Prior Line
⇪ Caps Lock + O
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Next Line
⇪ Caps Lock + I
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Line
⇪ Caps Lock + I then I
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Spell Current Line
⇪ Caps Lock + Y
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Prior Sentence
⇪ Caps Lock + N
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Next Sentence
⇪ Caps Lock + H
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Sentence
⇪ Caps Lock + Ctrl + U
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Prior Paragraph
⇪ Caps Lock + Ctrl + O
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Next Paragraph.  (Note: For Internet Explorer, this command opens a list that shows the objects available on the current Web page. The HTML Object tag embeds content such as Flash movies, JAVA applets, images, audio, and video.)
⇪ Caps Lock + Ctrl + I
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Paragraph
⇪ Caps Lock + Home
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Spell to Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + J
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say to Cursor
Caps Lock + Page Up
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
or  Spell from Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + L
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say from Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + J then J
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Spell to Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + L then L
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Spell from Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + A
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say All
⇪ Caps Lock +
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say All
⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + A
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Selected Text
⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift +
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Selected Text
⇪ Caps Lock + 5
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Color
⇪ Caps Lock + F
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Font
⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + Y
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Top Line of Window
⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + N
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Bottom Line of Window
⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + B
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Report Battery Level
⇪ Caps Lock + then , then , then , then ,
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say ASCII or Hexadecimal Value
Alt + ↑   Shift + ,
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Current Table Cell
Alt + ↑   Shift + M
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Move to Prior Table Cell
Alt + ↑   Shift + .
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Move to Next Table Cell
Alt + ↑   Shift + Y
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Move Up One Table Cell
Alt + ↑   Shift + N
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Move Down One Table Cell
Ctrl + ⇪ Caps Lock +
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Start Skim Reading
Ctrl + ⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift +
Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Skim Reading dialog box
⇪ Caps Lock + ;
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
(press twice quickly if the Touch Cursor is currently active) PC Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + P
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
JAWS Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + P then P
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Invisible Cursor
↑   Shift + ⇪ Caps Lock + ;
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Touch Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + '
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Route PC Cursor to JAWS Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + [
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Route JAWS Cursor to PC Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + R
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Restrict JAWS Cursor or Virtual PC Cursor
⇪ Caps Lock + 8
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Left Mouse Button
⇪ Caps Lock + 9
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Right Mouse Button
Ctrl + Win + 8
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Left Mouse Button Lock
Ctrl + Win + 9
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Right Mouse Button Lock
⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + 8
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Drag and Drop