Table layer

Move to end of current row

Ctrl +

All hotkeys for JAWS

Reading text
Rewind during a Say All

Reading text
Fast Forward during a Say All

Table layer
Say current cell

Num 5

Reading text
Say Character Phonetically

Num 5 then Num 5

Reading text
Say Prior Word

Insert +

Reading text
Say Next Word

Insert +

Reading text
Say Word

Insert + Num 5

Reading text
Spell Word

Insert + Num 5 then Num 5

Reading text
Say Prior Line

Reading text
Say Next Line

Reading text
Say Current Line

Insert +

Reading text
Spell Current Line

Insert + then

Working with dialog boxes
Close Combo Box

Alt +

Working with dialog boxes
Open Combo Box

Alt +

Reading text
Say Current Sentence

Alt + Num 5

Reading text
Say to Cursor

Insert + Home

Reading text
Say from Cursor

Insert + Page Up

Reading text
Spell to Cursor

Insert + Home then Home

Reading text
Spell from Cursor

Insert + Page Up then Page Up

Reading text
Say All

Insert +

Reading text
Toggle Full Speech, Speech On Demand (default), or Mute Speech

Insert + Space then S

Reading text
Toggle Speech On Demand or Mute Speech (Full Speech must be disabled)

Insert + Space then ↑   Shift + S

Reading text
Say Color

Insert + 5

Reading text
Say ASCII or Hexadecimal Value

Num 5 then Num 5 then Num 5

Reading text
Say Font

Insert + F then Insert + F

Reading text
Start Skim Reading

Ctrl + Insert +

Reading text
Skim Reading dialog box

Ctrl + Insert + ↑   Shift +

Copy Selected Text to FSClipboard

Insert + Win + C

Change voice rate on the fly
Temporarily Decrease Voice Rate

Alt + Ctrl + Page Down

Change voice rate on the fly
Temporarily Increase Voice Rate

Alt + Ctrl + Page Up

Change voice rate on the fly
Permanently Decrease Voice Rate

Alt + Win + Ctrl + Page Down

Change voice rate on the fly
Permanently Increase Voice Rate

Alt + Win + Ctrl + Page Up

Refresh Screen and Unmute Current Sound Device

Insert + Esc

Change voice rate on the fly
Decrease Voice Rate

Page Down

Change voice rate on the fly
Increase Voice Rate

Page Up

Navigation & Informational
Say System Time

Insert + F12

Navigation & Informational
Say System Date

Insert + F12 then F12

Navigation & Informational
Say Window Title

Insert + T

Working with dialog boxes
Say Window Prompt in Text

Insert + ⭾ Tab

Navigation & Informational
Say Top Line of Window

Insert + End

Navigation & Informational
Say Bottom Line of Window

Insert + Page Down

Navigation & Informational
Say Selected Text

Insert + ↑   Shift +

Navigation & Informational
Spell Selected Text

Insert + ↑   Shift + then

Navigation & Informational
Say Application Version

Ctrl + Insert + V

Navigation & Informational
Window List

Insert + F10

Navigation & Informational
List System Tray Icons

Insert + F11

Navigation & Informational
View System Tray Contents

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F11

Navigation & Informational
List Labeled Graphics

Ctrl + Insert + ↑   Shift + G

Working with dialog boxes
Say Default Button of Dialog

Insert + E

Table layer
Read the current column

↑   Shift + Num 5

Working with dialog boxes
Read Current Window

Insert + B

Working with dialog boxes
Read Word in Context

Insert + C

Working with dialog boxes
Select Multiple List Items

Ctrl + ↑   Shift

Working with dialog boxes
Select Multiple List Items

Ctrl + Space

Working with dialog boxes
Unselect All But Current

Ctrl + \

Working with dialog boxes
Read List View Columns 1 through 10

Ctrl + Insert + 0 - 9

Accessing help
Screen Sensitive Help

Insert + F1

Cursors and mouse simulation
(press twice quickly if the Touch Cursor is currently active) PC Cursor

Num +

Cursors and mouse simulation
JAWS Cursor

Num -

Cursors and mouse simulation
Invisible Cursor

Num - then Num -

Cursors and mouse simulation
Touch Cursor

↑   Shift + Num +

Cursors and mouse simulation
Route PC Cursor to JAWS Cursor

Insert + Num +

Cursors and mouse simulation
Route JAWS Cursor to PC Cursor

Insert + Num -

Cursors and mouse simulation
Tether JAWS to PC

Ctrl + Insert + Num -

Cursors and mouse simulation
Restrict JAWS Cursor or Virtual PC Cursor

Insert + R

Cursors and mouse simulation
Left Mouse Button

Num /

Cursors and mouse simulation
Right Mouse Button

Num *

Cursors and mouse simulation
Left Mouse Button Lock

Insert + Num /

Cursors and mouse simulation
Right Mouse Button Lock

Insert + Num *

Cursors and mouse simulation
Drag and Drop

Ctrl + Insert + Num /

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Say Active Cursor

Alt + Del

Cursors and mouse simulation
Say Cursor Type

Ctrl + Insert + ↑   Shift + C

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
(when the JAWS Cursor is active) Mouse Down

Alt + ↑   Shift +

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
(when the JAWS Cursor is active) Mouse Left

Alt + ↑   Shift +

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
(when the JAWS Cursor is active) Mouse Right

Alt + ↑   Shift +

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
(when the JAWS Cursor is active) Mouse Up

Alt + ↑   Shift +

Quick Settings

Insert + V

Select a Voice Profile

Insert + Ctrl + S

Select Language

Ctrl + Win + L

Interrupt Speech


Audio Ducking Toggle

Insert + Space then D

Screen Shade Toggle

Insert + Space then F11

Screen Shade Toggle


Screen Shade Toggle

Insert + Space then Print Screen

Custom Highlight Assign

Insert + Ctrl + H

Screen Echo Toggle

Insert + S

Typing Echo Toggle

Insert + 2

Pass Key Through

Insert + 3

Select Symbol to Print

Insert + 4

JAWS Window

Insert + J


Insert + Ctrl + F

JAWS Find Next

Insert + F3

JAWS Find Previous

Insert + ↑   Shift + F3

Shut Down JAWS

Insert + F4

Keyboard Lock

Insert + Space then L

Say Active Configuration Name

Insert + Q then Q

Accessing JAWS utilties
(then select Window Class Reassign) Window Class Reassign

Insert + F2

Open Word Index

Insert + Ctrl + W

Open Skim Read Summary (Based on the last word selected from the Word Index list)

Insert + Win + W

Virtualize Window

Insert + Alt + W

View Speech History

Insert + Space then H

Clear Speech History

Insert + Space then ↑   Shift + H

Select Scheme

Insert + Alt + S

Minimize All Applications

Win + M

(Desktop layout) Script Utility Mode Toggle

Insert + Win + Num -

(Laptop layout) Script Utility Mode Toggle

⇪ Caps Lock + Win + -

Accessing JAWS utilties
JAWS Command Search

Insert + Space then J

Accessing JAWS utilties
Create a Prompt

Ctrl + Insert + ⭾ Tab

Accessing JAWS utilties
Graphics Labeler

Insert + G

Accessing JAWS utilties
Start Auto Graphics Labeler

Ctrl + Insert + G

Accessing JAWS utilties
Set Frame Top Left

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + [

Accessing JAWS utilties
Set Frame Bottom Right

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ]

Accessing JAWS utilties
Set Frame to Window

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + [ then [

Accessing JAWS utilties
Clear Initial Values

Ctrl + Insert + C

Accessing JAWS utilties
Settings Center

Insert + 6

Accessing JAWS utilties
Dictionary Manager

Insert + D

Accessing JAWS utilties
Frame Viewer

Insert + 9

Accessing JAWS utilties
Keyboard Manager

Insert + 8

Accessing JAWS utilties
Script Manager

Insert + 0

Accessing JAWS utilties
Window Class Reassign

Insert + 7

Accessing JAWS utilties
Screen Sensitive Help Technical

Ctrl + Insert + F1

Accessing JAWS utilties
Say Special Window Classes

Ctrl + Insert + F2

Accessing JAWS utilties
Say Frame at Cursor

Insert + X

Table layer
List the keystrokes you can use in this layer


Table layer
Move to cell above, below, left, or right

← ↑ → ↓

Table layer
Move to the beginning of the current row


Table layer
Move to the end of the current row


Table layer
Jump to the first cell in a table

Ctrl + Home

Table layer
Jump to the last cell in a table

Ctrl + End

Table layer
Move to the beginning of the current column

Ctrl +

Table layer
Move to the bottom of the current column

Ctrl +

Table layer
Move to the beginning of the current row

Ctrl +

Table layer
Move to end of current row

Ctrl +

Table layer
Jump to next table

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

Table layer
Jump to prior table

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

Table layer
Read the current row

↑   Shift +

Table layer
Read from the current cell

Shift + Page Up

Table layer
Read to the current cell

↑   Shift + Home

Table layer
Read to the bottom of the column

Shift + Page Down

Table layer
Read from the top of the column

↑   Shift + End

Working in tables
Say Current Cell

Alt + Ctrl + Num 5

Working in tables
Cell to Right

Alt + Ctrl +

Working in tables
Cell to Left

Alt + Ctrl +

Working in tables
Cell Below

Alt + Ctrl +

Working in tables
Cell Above

Alt + Ctrl +

Working in tables
First Cell

Alt + Ctrl + Home

Working in tables
Last Cell

Alt + Ctrl + End

Working in tables
First Cell in Column

Alt + Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Working in tables
Last Cell in Column

Alt + Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Working in tables
First Cell in Row

Alt + Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Working in tables
Last Cell in Row

Alt + Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Working in tables
Read Next Row

Alt + Win +

Working in tables
Read Prior Row

Alt + Win +

Working in tables
Read Current Row

Alt + Win + ,

Working in tables
Read Current Row

Alt + Win + Num 5

Working in tables
Read from Start of Row

Insert + ↑   Shift + Home

Working in tables
Read to End of Row

Insert + Shift + Page Up

Working in tables
Read Next Column

Alt + Win +

Working in tables
Read Prior Column

Alt + Win +

Working in tables
Read Current Column

Alt + Win + .

Working in tables
Read from Top of Column

Insert + ↑   Shift + End

Working in tables
Read to Bottom of Column

Insert + Shift + Page Down

Working in tables
Toggle Revision Detection On or Off

Insert + Alt + R

Accessing help
Keyboard Help

Insert + 1

Accessing help
JAWS Help for Applications

Insert + F1 then F1

Accessing help
Hot Key Help

Insert + H

Accessing help
Window Key Help

Insert + W

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Prior Character

⇪ Caps Lock + M

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Next Character

⇪ Caps Lock + .

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Character

⇪ Caps Lock + ,

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Character Phonetically

⇪ Caps Lock + , then ,

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Prior Word

⇪ Caps Lock + J

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Next Word

⇪ Caps Lock + L

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Word

⇪ Caps Lock + K

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Spell Word

⇪ Caps Lock + K then K

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Prior Line

⇪ Caps Lock + U

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Next Line

⇪ Caps Lock + O

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Line

⇪ Caps Lock + I

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Spell Current Line

⇪ Caps Lock + I then I

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Prior Sentence

⇪ Caps Lock + Y

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Next Sentence

⇪ Caps Lock + N

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Sentence

⇪ Caps Lock + H

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Prior Paragraph

⇪ Caps Lock + Ctrl + U

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Next Paragraph.  (Note: For Internet Explorer, this command opens a list that shows the objects available on the current Web page. The HTML Object tag embeds content such as Flash movies, JAVA applets, images, audio, and video.)

⇪ Caps Lock + Ctrl + O

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Paragraph

⇪ Caps Lock + Ctrl + I

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Spell to Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + Home

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say to Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + J

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
or  Spell from Cursor

Caps Lock + Page Up

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say from Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + L

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Spell to Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + J then J

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Spell from Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + L then L

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say All

⇪ Caps Lock + A

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say All

⇪ Caps Lock +

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Selected Text

⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + A

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Selected Text

⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift +

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Color

⇪ Caps Lock + 5

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Font

⇪ Caps Lock + F

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Top Line of Window

⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + Y

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Bottom Line of Window

⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + N

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Report Battery Level

⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + B

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say ASCII or Hexadecimal Value

⇪ Caps Lock + then , then , then , then ,

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Say Current Table Cell

Alt + ↑   Shift + ,

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Move to Prior Table Cell

Alt + ↑   Shift + M

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Move to Next Table Cell

Alt + ↑   Shift + .

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Move Up One Table Cell

Alt + ↑   Shift + Y

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Move Down One Table Cell

Alt + ↑   Shift + N

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Start Skim Reading

Ctrl + ⇪ Caps Lock +

Laptop shortcuts for reading text and information
Skim Reading dialog box

Ctrl + ⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift +

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
(press twice quickly if the Touch Cursor is currently active) PC Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + ;

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
JAWS Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + P

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Invisible Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + P then P

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Touch Cursor

↑   Shift + ⇪ Caps Lock + ;

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Route PC Cursor to JAWS Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + '

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Route JAWS Cursor to PC Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + [

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Restrict JAWS Cursor or Virtual PC Cursor

⇪ Caps Lock + R

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Left Mouse Button

⇪ Caps Lock + 8

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Right Mouse Button

⇪ Caps Lock + 9

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Left Mouse Button Lock

Ctrl + Win + 8

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Right Mouse Button Lock

Ctrl + Win + 9

Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse
Drag and Drop

⇪ Caps Lock + ↑   Shift + 8

Similar combinations for other applications

(Windows) Increase task indent (Works only inside projects)
Creating and completing sub-tasks

Ctrl +

Most used text editing
Move cursor to beginning of next word
Editing words

Ctrl +

History forward

Ctrl +

Skip to end

Ctrl +

(or go right to next defined cell)
Windows shortcuts

Ctrl +

Make rows wider
Resizing rows and columns (Tableau Desktop)

Ctrl +

Google Chrome
Move your cursor to the back of the next word in a text field
Webpage shortcuts

Ctrl +

Move to the next word
Letter Editor

Ctrl +

SAP NetWeaver Business Client 5.0 for Desktop
Move Right

Ctrl +

Jupyter Notebook
Go one word right
Edit mode

Ctrl +

Move playhead to next frame
General timeline

Ctrl +

WorkZone Client
Select the next area on the page. If you have not selected any area yet, the first area in a dialog box will be selected
Navigate in dialog boxes

Ctrl +

Move selection right

Ctrl +

Ace Editor
Go to word right
Go to

Ctrl +

PyCharm 2018.2
Move the caret to the next word.
Basic editing

Ctrl +

QuickBooks Desktop
Move to the next word in a current text field
Standard Text Editing

Ctrl +

Total War: Attila
Both rotate right
Battles: Unit / group

Ctrl +

Adobe Bridge CC
Open disclosure triangle in Keywords panel
Other most used shortcuts

Ctrl +

Bluebeam Revu
Next page

Ctrl +

Seek to the next beginning or end of a subtitle

Ctrl +

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Wider letterspacing (kerning)
Edit and modify

Ctrl +

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018
Micro Nudge Right

Ctrl +

Adobe Lightroom Classic
Go to next page
Working in the Print module

Ctrl +

Bing Maps
Rotate right in Bird's eye view

Ctrl +

Nuance Power PDF
Go to next view

Ctrl +

Subtitles time correction + / Vobsub increase delay

Ctrl +

Microsoft Word 2016
One word to the right
Move around in a document

Ctrl +

Step forward. Hold keys to fast forward
Editor's timeline

Ctrl +

Move playhead forward to midpoint
2D compositing viewer

Ctrl +

Atom (Windows)
All shortcuts

Ctrl +

PDF-XChange Editor
Next page

Ctrl +

Next hyperstack slice

Ctrl +

Hatim 4
Go to next page

Ctrl +

Move to the right of the group after the cursor
General (Windows)

Ctrl +

Microsoft FrontPage
Move one word to the right.
Access and use edit boxes within dialog boxes

Ctrl +

Next Cutpoint
Move and Select Operations

Ctrl +

Chromebook and Chrome OS
Move to the end of the next word
Text editing

Ctrl +

Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows)
Trim Forward
Multi camera

Ctrl +

AWS Cloud9 IDE (Windows)
Goto Word Right

Ctrl +

Comodo IceDragon
Seek forward 10 %
Audio and Video

Ctrl +

Adobe Audition (Mac)
Move current-time indicator to next marker, clip, or selection edge
Playing and zooming audio

Ctrl +

Adobe Audition
Move current-time indicator to next marker, clip, or selection edge
Playing and zooming audio

Ctrl +

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)
Arrow  Edit.MoveControlRight
Windows Forms Designer

Ctrl +

LibreOffice Calc
Moves the current field one place to the right
Using the pivot table

Ctrl +

LibreOffice Impress
Go to start of next word
Editing text

Ctrl +


Ctrl +

Go to the word on the right

Ctrl +

Variable seek forward
Music visualisation

Ctrl +

Microsoft PowerPoint (Creating presentations)
Move one word to the right
Move around in text

Ctrl +

LibreOffice Writer
Go to start of next word

Ctrl +

Move to Beginning of next text or symbol

Ctrl +

Select next level right
Select and edit

Ctrl +

Valentina Studio
Move Word Right
Text - Navigation

Ctrl +

iPad Smart Keyboard
Go to end

Ctrl +

End of the next word
Text navigation

Ctrl +

Git Tower (Windows)
Expand all diffs in changeset
Remote interactions & commit history

Ctrl +

Next Map
File commands

Ctrl +

Edit: Move notes right one grid unit
Section: MIDI Inline Editor

Ctrl +

Multi Commander
Sync path to the Right
File manager-specific

Ctrl +

Guitar Pro
Fast forward

Ctrl +

Next tab (*)
Switch tabs

Ctrl +

VLC Media Player
Jump 60 seconds forward
Playback controls

Ctrl +

Displays the next image

Ctrl +

ACDSee Free
Displays the next image

Ctrl +

Moves one word right

Ctrl +

Microsoft Access 2016
Move one word to the right
Navigate in tables and cells: Move around in tables or cells

Ctrl +

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Moves the cursor one word to the right
Cursor movement

Ctrl +

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
In the Address bar, move the cursor right to the next break in the sentence
Address bar

Ctrl +

NVDA Screen Reader
Say next word
Reading text: Word

Ctrl +

Scroll right one page
Result list

Ctrl +

Seek forward

Ctrl +

Outlook 2016 and Outlook 2013
Go to the next day

Ctrl +

Firefox Quantum
Seek forward 10%
Media shortcuts

Ctrl +

GOM Player
Forward 60 sec
Playback control

Ctrl +

Microsoft OneNote
Move one word to the right
Type and edit notes

Ctrl +

Go to next page in history
Navigation: History

Ctrl +

Move selected photos backward
Animated GIFs

Ctrl +

Next track

Ctrl +

Windows 10 Maps

Ctrl +

Command Line
Move the selection point to the beginning of the next work on the current line

Ctrl +

Move the cursor one word to the right

Ctrl +

Move to next video (only in playlists)

Ctrl +

Google Drive
Move focus right
Item Selection

Ctrl +

Scrivener 1.9.9
Move item right

Ctrl +

Pinnacle Studio 22
Jump forward to cut
Playing and transport

Ctrl +