Hotkeys and shortcuts for WorkZone Client

(Total 49)

Ctrl + S
Navigate in dialog boxes
Save changes and close the dialog box (same as clicking Save)
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S
(Detail ribbon) Save
Ctrl + R
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + R
(Detail ribbon) Refresh
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N
Add item to a list
Navigate in dialog boxes
When the focus in on a list item – move focus to the list
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F
Create a new case search
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + D
Create a new document search
Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C
Create a new contact search
Ctrl + ⤶ Enter
Perform a search
Expand list for selected item (if available)
⤶ Enter
Add case/document/contact references dialog boxes
(when the focus is set on a list item) Add this item to another list
Collapse list for selected item (if available)
Alt + Q
Navigate in dialog boxes
Activate area selection for keyboard navigation
Mouse left click
Navigate between areas
Deactivate area selection for keyboard navigation
1 - 9
Navigate between areas
Press a number or a letter of an area in which you want to navigate
A - Z
Navigate between areas
Press a number or a letter of an area in which you want to navigate
⭾ Tab
Navigate in dialog boxes
Move forward between fields or buttons in the selected area of a dialog box
↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab
Navigate in dialog boxes
Move backward between fields or buttons in the selected area of a dialog box
Ctrl +
Navigate in dialog boxes
Select the next area on the page. If you have not selected any area yet, the first area in a dialog box will be selected
Ctrl +
Navigate in dialog boxes
Select the previous area on the page. If you have not selected any area yet, the last area in a page will be selected
↑  ↓
Add case/document/contact references dialog boxes
(when focus is set on a list item) Move to the previous / next item in a list
←  →
Navigate in an area
Expand / collapse a hierarchy
Navigate in lists
Select next list item
Navigate in lists
Select previous list item
Page Down
Navigate in lists
Display the next page of the list
Page Up
Navigate in lists
Display the previous page of the list
Navigate in lists
Display/hide the preview panel for the selected list item
Ctrl + A
Navigate in lists
Select/deselect all list items on current page
Navigate in lists
Select the first list item on current page
Navigate in lists
Select the last list item on current page
Ctrl +
Navigate in lists
Highlight next list item. Already selected list items remain selected
Ctrl +
Navigate in lists
Highlight previous list item. Already selected list items remain selected
Ctrl + Space
Navigate in lists
Select highlighted list items
Ctrl + Home
Navigate in lists
Select the first list item on the first page
Ctrl + End
Navigate in lists
Select the last list item on the last page
↑   Shift +
Navigate in lists
Select the next list item. Already selected list items remain selected
↑   Shift +
Navigate in lists
Select previous list item. Already selected list items remain selected
Ctrl + ↑   Shift +
Add case/document/contact references dialog boxes
Display Advanced Search fields
Ctrl + ↑   Shift +
Add case/document/contact references dialog boxes
Hide Advanced Search fields
Set a date
Add a date in the future
Set a date
Add a date in the past
Set a date
Set a date
Set a date
Set a date
Set a date
M then I
Set a date
Set a date