Linux Mint (Linux)


Show desktop

Win + D

All hotkeys for Linux Mint (Linux)

File Manager (Nemo) - Navigating Directories
New folder

Ctrl + Shift + N

File Manager (Nemo) - Navigating Directories
Focus the location bar

Ctrl + L

File Manager (Nemo) - Navigating Directories
Navigate to the home directory

Alt + Home

File Manager (Nemo) - Navigating Directories
Navigate up one directory

Alt + Arrow Up

File Manager (Nemo) - Navigating Directories
Navigate one directory forward / back

Alt + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

File Manager (Nemo) - Selecting Items
Select multiple items

Ctrl + left click

File Manager (Nemo) - Selecting Items
Select a range of items

Shift + left click

File Manager (Nemo) - Selecting Items
Select an item in the indicated direction

Arrow Keys

File Manager (Nemo) - Selecting Items
Select a range of items in the indicated direction

Shift + Arrow Keys

File Manager (Nemo) - Selecting Items
Select items matching a pattern (opens a dialog where you type in a pattern. All items matching that pattern are selected)

Ctrl + S

File Manager (Nemo) - Selecting Items
Select the first or last item in the window

Home / End

File Manager (Nemo) - Selecting Items
Select all items

Ctrl + A

File Manager (Nemo) - Selecting Items
Invert selection

Ctrl + Shift + I

File Manager (Nemo) - Interact with the Selected Item
Open selected item

Ctrl + O OR Alt + Arrow Down OR Enter

File Manager (Nemo) - Interact with the Selected Item
Open selected item in new tab

Ctrl + Shift + O

File Manager (Nemo) - Interact with the Selected Item
Properties of selected item

Alt + Enter

File Manager (Nemo) - Interact with the Selected Item
Preview selected item

Shift + Space

File Manager (Nemo) - Interact with the Selected Item
Rename selected item


File Manager (Nemo) - Interact with the Selected Item
Create shortcut to selected item

Ctrl + M

File Manager (Nemo) - Interact with the Selected Item
Delete selected item


File Manager (Nemo) - Change the View
Icon view

Ctrl + 1

File Manager (Nemo) - Change the View
List view

Ctrl + 2

File Manager (Nemo) - Change the View
Compact view

Ctrl + 3

File Manager (Nemo) - Change the View
Show hidden files

Ctrl + H

File Manager (Nemo) - Change the View
Increase / decrease icon size

Ctrl + = / - OR Ctrl + Mousewheel

File Manager (Nemo) - Change the View
Reset icon size

Ctrl + 0 (zero)

File Manager (Nemo) - Toggle Side Pane, Split View, and Terminal
Toggle Extra Pane (split view that shows two folder side by side)


File Manager (Nemo) - Toggle Side Pane, Split View, and Terminal
Toggle Terminal in top pane (require the Nemo Terminal plugin)


File Manager (Nemo) - Toggle Side Pane, Split View, and Terminal
Toggle left pane


File Manager (Nemo) - Toggle Side Pane, Split View, and Terminal
Edit bookmarks (Opens a dialog where you can sort, rename, and delete the shortcuts that appear in the left pane)

Ctrl + B

File Manager (Nemo) - Toggle Side Pane, Split View, and Terminal
Add bookmark (a shortcut in the left pane)

Ctrl + D

File Manager (Nemo) - Toggle Side Pane, Split View, and Terminal
Cycle focus between panes


File Manager (Nemo) - Toggle Side Pane, Split View, and Terminal
Resize panes. Press F8 to cycle through the separators between panes (the selected one will be highlighted). Then use the arrow keys to resize the separator.

F8 , then Arrow Keys

File Manager (Nemo) - Manage Tabs
New tab

Ctrl + T

File Manager (Nemo) - Manage Tabs
Switch to tab 1 ... 9

Alt + 1 ... 9

File Manager (Nemo) - Manage Tabs
Next / previous tab

Ctrl + Page Up / Page Down

File Manager (Nemo) - Manage Tabs
Move tab left / right

Ctrl + Shift + Page Up / Page Down

File Manager (Nemo) - Manage Tabs
Close tab

Ctrl + W

File Manager (Nemo) - General

Ctrl + F

File Manager (Nemo) - General
New window

Ctrl + N

File Manager (Nemo) - General
Open file menu


File Manager (Nemo) - General
Open the plugin manager

Alt + P

File Manager (Nemo) - General
Close all windows

Ctrl + Q

Open the Applications Menu


Show desktop

Win + D

Open File Manager

Win + E

Open the run dialog

Alt + F2

Open a terminal

Ctrl + Alt + T

Open the context menu of the selected item

Shift + F10 OR right click

Undo / redo

Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y

Copy selected item

Ctrl + C


Ctrl + V

Cut selected item

Ctrl + X

Manage Windows and Workspaces
Cycle through open windows on current Workspace

Alt + Tab

Manage Windows and Workspaces
Cycle through open windows of the same application on ANY Workspace

Alt + `

Manage Windows and Workspaces
Toggle Scale view (display all windows on current Workspace)

Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Down / Alt + Esc

Manage Windows and Workspaces
Toggle Expo view (display all Workspaces)

Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Up

Manage Windows and Workspaces
Move to left / right workspace

Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Manage Windows and Workspaces
Move current window to left /right workspace

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Manage Windows and Workspaces
Move current window to different monitor (left/right/up/down)

Win + Shift + Arrow Keys

Current Application Window
Close window

Alt + F4

Current Application Window
Unmaximize window

Alt + F5

Current Application Window
Resize window

Alt + F7

Current Application Window
Move window

Alt + F8

Current Application Window
Toggle maximize / unaximize window

Alt + F10

Current Application Window
Snap window to left/right/top/bottom half of screen. Use in combination to snap to corners, e.g. right then up. Key back toward the middle of the screen to unsnap (e.g., for a right-snapped window, push super+arrow left)

Win + Arrow Keys

Current Application Window
Tile window to the left/right/top/bottom half of the screen. Other maximized windows will fill in the remaining space.

Ctrl + Win + Arrow Keys

Current Application Window
Open window menu

Alt + Space

Lock screen

Ctrl + Alt + L

Log out

Ctrl + Alt + Delete

Open the Shut Down menu (Suspend / Restart / Shut Down)

Ctrl + Alt + End

Screenshots and Screen Recording
Take a screenshot

Print Screen

Screenshots and Screen Recording
Copy a screenshot to the clipboard

Ctrl + Print Screen

Screenshots and Screen Recording
Take a screenshot of the current window

Alt + Print Screen

Screenshots and Screen Recording
Copy a screenshot of the current window to the clipboard

Ctrl + Alt + Print Screen

Screenshots and Screen Recording
Toggle desktop recording (video will be saved to your Home folder)

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R

Launch Linux Mint online help


Restart Cinnamon, preserving all applications and windows (version 2.6+)

Ctrl + Alt + Esc

Re-detect display devices

Win + P

Toggle looking glass debugging tool

Win + L

Restart the X server (WARNING: this will close all running applications!)

Ctrl + Alt + Backspace

Zoom desktop in or out (Note: Zoom must be enabled in Universal Access settings)

Alt + Win + = / - or Alt + Mousewheel

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Minimize all windows on all Monitors. Press again to restore previous state
Managing 'Windows' in Windows 7 - Manage Multiple Windows

Win + D

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Minimize all windows on all Monitors. Press again to restore previous state
Windows Explorer - Manage Multiple Windows

Win + D

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Minimize all windows on all Monitors. Press again to restore previous state
Windows Admin - Manage Multiple Windows

Win + D

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Minimize all windows on all Monitors. Press again to restore previous state
Ease of Access and Magnifier - Manage Multiple Windows

Win + D

Microsoft Windows 10 (Windows)
Minimize all windows on all Monitors. Press again to restore previous state
Manage Start Button and Task Bar

Win + D

Windows 10
Show or hide desktop
Start Menu and Taskbar

Win + D

Hide all windows to show the desktop

Win + D

Linux Mint
Show desktop. Press again to return to the previous window
Frequently used shortcuts

Win + D

Microsoft Windows XP (Windows)
Minimizes all open Windows and return to a clean desktop. Pressing it again restores the previous state.
Keyboard shortcuts to work on the Windows XP Desktop

win + d

Unity Desktop (Linux)
Minimize all windows to show the desktop. Restore all windows by hitting again.
Manage Windows and Workspaces

Win + D

Microsoft Windows Vista (Windows)
Minimize all open Application Windows and return to a clean desktop. Pressing it again restores the previous state.
Working on the Vista Desktop

Win + D

Microsoft Windows Vista (Windows)
Display the Windows Desktop.
Use Vista Features with Shortcuts

Win + D