Microsoft Windows 10 (Windows)

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control

Create a new virtual desktop

Win + Ctrl + D

All hotkeys for Microsoft Windows 10 (Windows)

Manage Start Button and Task Bar
Activate Start Button. Then use Arrow Keys, Space and Enter to navigate within Start Menu


Manage Start Button and Task Bar
Close Start Menu


Manage Start Button and Task Bar
Opens new window/ instance of the same Application item

Shift +click on a Taskbar item

Manage Start Button and Task Bar
Switch to application in position N on Taskbar (or launch pinned application)

Win + 1 ... 9

Manage Start Button and Task Bar
Minimize all windows on all Monitors. Press again to restore previous state

Win + D

Manage Start Button and Task Bar
Set all windows to Minimized on current Monitor except active

Win + Home

Manage Start Button and Task Bar
Temporarily show the Desktop

Win + ,

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Start Windows Explorer

Win + E

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Open the Run window

Win + R

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Lock Windows

Win + L

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Choose Projection Mode (Switch between Screen and Projector, extend and duplicate displays)

Win + P

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Share Screenshot

Win + H

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Find Bluetooth

Win + K

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Windows Settings

Win + I

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Action Center

Win + A

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Start Windows 10 Context Menu (same as right-clicking start button)

Win + X

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Open Cortana, ready for voice input

Win + Q

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Open Cortana, ready for typed input

Win + S

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Change the keyboard language (if you have more than one chosen)

Win + Space

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Opens Windows Task Manager

Ctrl + Shift + Esc

Access Commonly Used Windows Features
Display System Properties which holds system properties, computer name, device manager and so on

Win + Pause/Break

Manage Screen Recordings
Start Xbox for Screen Recording Utility

Press Win , then type 'xbox', then press Enter

Manage Screen Recordings
Start Screen Recording Utility via the Xbox Game Bar. Confirm with 'Yes this is a game'

Win + G

Manage Screen Recordings
Start and Stop Screen Recording. Recording is saved under This PC\Videos\Captures

Win + Alt + R

Take and Share Screenshots
Take Screenshot

Print Screen

Take and Share Screenshots
Take Screenshot of the current active windows and place it on the Clipboard

Alt + Print Screen

Take and Share Screenshots
Take Screenshot of the virtual desktop and save it in This PC\Pictures\Screenshots

Win + Print Screen

Navigate File List and Navigation Pane
Navigate between files and folders

Arrow Keys

Navigate File List and Navigation Pane
Jump to first / jump to last item

Home / End

Navigate File List and Navigation Pane
Change the file name of active item


File List Views
Display or hide Preview Pane

Alt + P

File List Views
View details. Check View menu for more options

Alt + V then D

File List Views
Change size of icons

Ctrl +mouse scroll wheel

Select Items in File List and Navigation Pane
Select multiple adjacent items (directly above or below)

Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Select Items in File List and Navigation Pane
Select multiple non-adjacent items. Hold ctrl, use arrow keys to move to next item, and press space to add/remove from selection

Ctrl with Arrow keys and Space

Select Items in File List and Navigation Pane
Select all

Ctrl + A

Select Items in File List and Navigation Pane
Press the initial letter any item to jump to it. Continue typing the full name if multiple items start with the same letter

A ... Z and 1 .. 9

Manage Items in Explorer
Copy, Cut, Paste

Ctrl + C , Ctrl + X , Ctrl + V

Manage Items in Explorer
Undo an action

Ctrl + Z

Manage Items in Explorer
Redo an action

Ctrl + Y

Manage Items in Explorer
Delete an item and place it into the Recycle Bin


Manage Items in Explorer
Delete an item permanently without placing it into the Recycle Bin

Shift + Delete

Manage Items in Explorer
Create new folder

Ctrl + Shift + N

Manage Items in Explorer
Open Properties dialog box

Alt + Enter

Windows Power User Menu
Shutdown Options. Prefer this over Alt+F4, as it is cumbersome cycling through closing Windows before hitting the Windows Shutdown

Win + X , U

Windows Power User Menu
Control Panel (better: Win+R, then type 'control')

Win + X , P

Windows Power User Menu
Network Settings

Win + X , W

Windows Power User Menu
Task Manager

Win + X , T

Windows Power User Menu
Programs and Features

Win + X , F

Windows Power User Menu
Elevated Command Prompt (Admin cmd)

Win + X , A

Windows Power User Menu
Device Manager

Win + X , M

Windows Power User Menu
Computer Management

Win + X , G

Windows Power User Menu
Power Options

Win + X , O

Windows Power User Menu
Disk Management

Win + X , K

Windows Power User Menu
Mobility Center

Win + X , B

Windows Power User Menu
Command Prompt (better: Win+R, then 'cmd')

Win + X , C

Windows Magnifier Shortcuts
Start Magnifier

Win + [ + ]

Windows Magnifier Shortcuts
Exit Magnifier

Win + Esc

Windows Magnifier Shortcuts
With Magnifier activated, zoom in / zoom out

Win + [ + ] / -

Windows Magnifier Shortcuts
Invert colors in Magnifier display

Ctrl + Alt + I

Windows Dialog Boxes
Move forward / move backwards through tabs

Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Windows Dialog Boxes
Move forward / move backwards through options

Tab / Shift + Tab

Windows Dialog Boxes
Perform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter

Alt +underlined letter

Windows Dialog Boxes
Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box


Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Dock the active window to the left half of the monitor

Win + Arrow Left

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Dock the active window to the right half of the monitor

Win + Arrow Right

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Maximize the active window vertically and horizontally

Win + Arrow Up

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Restore of minimize the active window

Win + Arrow Down

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Maximize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width

Win + Shift + Arrow Up

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Restore or minimize the active window vertically, maintaining the current width

Win + Shift + Arrow Down

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
With multiple monitors, move the active windows to the monitor on the Left

Win + Shift + Arrow Left

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
With multiple monitors, move the active windows to the monitor on the Right

Win + Shift + Arrow Right

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Minimize all nonactive windows; restore on second keystroke (toggle)

Win + Home

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Opens the Task View interface (Displays active Windows and Virtual Desktops available-See Settings>System>Multitasking>Virtual desktops)

Win + Tab

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Switch between open Windows in Task View to make active selection

Alt + Tab

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Switch to the next virtual desktop to the Left

Win + Ctrl + Arrow Left

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Switch to the next virtual desktop to the Right

Win + Ctrl + Arrow Right

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Create a new virtual desktop

Win + Ctrl + D

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Close the current virtual desktop

Win + Ctrl + F4

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Close the current window

Alt + F4

Windows Virtual Desktop/ Window Control
Turn full page view on or off (unless overwritten by Application Shortcut, such as Excel 2013)


The Rest
Launch the Windows Feedback App

Win + ?

The Rest
Display Windows Help

Win + F1

The Rest
Prevent CD or DVD from automatically playing

Shift when inserting CD / DVD

The Rest
Move up one directory level

Alt + Arrow Up

The Rest
switch capital and small text

Caps Lock

The Rest
Rename file and folder


The Rest
Search file and folder


The Rest
Close dialog box for active window


The Rest
Open dialog box on active window

Alt + Space

The Rest
High contrast

Left Alt +left Shift + Print Screen

The Rest
Turn Mouse Keys on or off

Left Alt +left Shift + Num Lock

The Rest
Turn Filter Keys On and Off (Ease of Access)

Hold right Shift for 8 seconds

The Rest
Turn sound On or Off for Caps Lock (Ease of Access)

Hold Num Lock for 5 seconds

Similar combinations for other applications

Windows 10
Add new virtual desktop

Win + Ctrl + D