Multi Commander

File manager-specific

Go to Quick Path #10

Ctrl + 10

All hotkeys for Multi Commander

Core shortcuts
Go Back

Alt +

Core shortcuts
Go Forward

Alt +

Core shortcuts
Show History

Alt +

Core shortcuts
Tab - Close Tab

Ctrl + W

Core shortcuts
Tab - Duplicate Tab

Ctrl + T

Core shortcuts
File - View File


Core shortcuts
File - Edit File


Core shortcuts
File - Edit New File

↑   Shift + F4

Core shortcuts
File - Copy


Core shortcuts
File - Copy (Quick) (Copy to same location)

↑   Shift + F5

Core shortcuts
File - Move


Core shortcuts
Delete File - Delete


Core shortcuts
File - Pack Files

Alt + F5

Core shortcuts
File - Unpack Files

Alt + F6

Core shortcuts
Edit - Cut

Ctrl + X

Core shortcuts
Edit - Copy

Ctrl + C

Core shortcuts
Edit - Paste

Ctrl + V

Core shortcuts
View - Full width

Ctrl + F11

Core shortcuts
View - Log Panel

Ctrl + L

Core shortcuts
View - Menu Bar

Ctrl + M

Core shortcuts
View - Button Panel

Ctrl + B

Core shortcuts
View - Refresh


File Manager
File Tools - Calculate folder sizes

↑   Shift + Alt + ⤶ Enter

File Manager
File Tools - Create Folder


File Manager
File Tools - Rename

↑   Shift + F6

File Search
Pause a Search

Ctrl + P

File Manager
Send to clipboard - File/Folder name

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + P

File Manager
Send to clipboard - File/Folder path

↑   Shift + Alt + P

File Manager
Select using filter

Num +

File Manager
Unselect using filter

Num -

File Manager
Select All

Ctrl + A

File Manager
Unselect All

Ctrl + D

File Manager
Invert Selection

Num *

File Manager
Select all with same file extension

Ctrl + Num +

File Manager
Unselect all with same file extension

Ctrl + Num -

File Manager
Select all with same name

Alt + Num +

File Manager
Unselect all with same name

Alt + Num -

File Manager
Compare Source and Target, Select Missing/Newest

Ctrl + F10

File manager-specific
Show drive selection box (Left side)

Alt + F1

File manager-specific
Show drive selection box (Right side)

Alt + F2

File Search
Show / Hide Search window

Ctrl + F

File manager-specific
Start a Search from current path

Alt + F7

File manager-specific
Edit path

Ctrl + E

File manager-specific
Go to Quick Path #1

Ctrl + 1

File manager-specific
Go to Quick Path #2

Ctrl + 2

File manager-specific
Go to Quick Path #3

Ctrl + 3

File manager-specific
Go to Quick Path #4

Ctrl + 4

File manager-specific
Go to Quick Path #5

Ctrl + 5

File manager-specific
Go to Quick Path #6

Ctrl + 6

File manager-specific
Go to Quick Path #7

Ctrl + 7

File manager-specific
Go to Quick Path #8

Ctrl + 8

File manager-specific
Go to Quick Path #9

Ctrl + 9

File manager-specific
Go to Quick Path #10

Ctrl + 10

File manager-specific
Sync path to the Left

Ctrl +

File manager-specific
Sync path to the Right

Ctrl +

File manager-specific
Force Refresh (and flush cache)

↑   Shift + F2

File manager-specific
Go to parent folder (Go up)

⬅ Backspace

File manager-specific
Go to the root of the device

Ctrl + ⬅ Backspace

File manager-specific
Go to same path as target view

Ctrl + .

File manager-specific
Show file properties

Alt + ⤶ Enter

File Search
Save a Search

Ctrl + S

File Search
Load a Search

Ctrl + O

File Search
Start a Search

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

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