PhotoFiltre (Windows)
Selection, past and text
Move the selection one pixel at a time
Arrow keys (*)
All hotkeys for PhotoFiltre (Windows)
ToolsPipette tool |
K |
ToolsMagic wand tool |
L |
ToolsLine tool |
M |
ToolsFIll tool |
N |
ToolsSpray tool |
O |
ToolsPaintbrush tool |
P |
ToolsAdvanced paintbrush tool |
Q |
ToolsBlur tool |
R |
ToolsSmudge tool |
S |
ToolsClone stamp tool |
T |
ToolsScrolling tool |
U |
Selection, past and textSelect all |
Ctrl + A |
Selection, past and textCopy image or selection |
Ctrl + C |
Selection, past and textShow / Hide selection |
Ctrl + D |
Selection, past and textShow / Hide the image explorer |
Ctrl + E |
Selection, past and textShow manual settings window for the selection |
Ctrl + G |
Selection, past and textInvert selection |
Ctrl + I |
Selection, past and textAdd text |
Ctrl + T |
Selection, past and textPaste clipboard contents |
Ctrl + V |
Selection, past and textPaste clipboard contents as a new image |
Alt + Ctrl + V |
Selection, past and textCut the image or selection |
Ctrl + X |
Selection, past and textCancel paste or text / Hide selection |
Esc |
Selection, past and textValidate paste or text |
Enter |
Selection, past and textRectangle selection |
A |
Selection, past and textEllipse selection |
B |
Selection, past and textRounded rectangle selection |
C |
Selection, past and textRhombus selection |
D |
Selection, past and textBottom base triangle selection |
E |
Selection, past and textLeft base triangle selection |
F |
Selection, past and textTop base triangle selection |
G |
Selection, past and textRight base triangle selection |
H |
Selection, past and textLasso selection |
I |
Selection, past and textPolygon selection |
J |
Selection, past and textMove the selection one pixel at a time |
Arrow keys (*) |
Selection, past and textMove the selection eight pixels at a time |
Shift + Arrow keys (*) |
Selection, past and textShow / Hide the bounding box |
Double click |
Selection, past and textTransform selection to paste |
Ctrl + Double click |
Selection, past and textCute and transform selection to paste |
Alt + Ctrl + Double click |
Adjusting image viewView in full screen mode |
Ctrl + F |
Adjusting image viewZoom in |
+ |
Adjusting image viewZoom out |
- |
Adjusting image viewAutomatic zoom |
0 |
Adjusting image viewActual image size |
1 |
Navigation keysFirst image |
Home |
Navigation keysPrevious image |
Page Up |
Navigation keysNext image |
Page Down |
Navigation keysLast image |
End |
Image ManagerCopy image |
Shift + Ctrl + C |
Image ManagerMove image |
Shift + Ctrl + M |
Image ManagerRename image file |
F2 |
Image ManagerDelete the image |
Shift + Delete |
OthersStroke and fill |
Ctrl + B |
OthersImage size |
Ctrl + H |
OthersCanvas size |
Alt + H |
OthersCrop image |
Alt + Ctrl + H |
OthersShow image properties |
Ctrl + J |
OthersRepeat the last filter (Filter menu) |
Ctrl + K |
OthersShow / Hide the tool pallet |
Ctrl + L |
OthersNew image |
Ctrl + N |
OthersOpen an image |
Ctrl + O |
OthersPrint current image |
Ctrl + P |
OthersQuit PhotoFiltre |
Ctrl + Q |
OthersRevert the image with last saved version |
Ctrl + R |
OthersSave current image |
Ctrl + S |
OthersSave the image under a new name |
Shift + Ctrl + S |
OthersDuplicate the image currently being edited |
Ctrl + U |
OthersClose active image |
Ctrl + W |
OthersRedo last action |
Ctrl + Y |
OthersUndo last action |
Ctrl + Z |
OthersFade last acion |
Shift + Ctrl + Z |