Quicken 2018

Moving around in windows and fields

Last transaction in window

End then End then End

All hotkeys for Quicken 2018

Features and lists
Go to the Home tab

Alt + Home

Features and lists
Go to the Write Checks screen

Ctrl + W

Features and lists
Go to the Calendar

Ctrl + K

Features and lists
Go to the Account List

Ctrl + A

Features and lists
Go to the Category List

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Features and lists
Go to the Tag List

Ctrl + L

Features and lists
Go to the Bill & Income Reminders dialog

Ctrl + J

Features and lists
Go to the Manage Hidden Accounts dialog

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + M

Features and lists
Go to the Memorized Payee List

Ctrl + T

Features and lists

Ctrl + P

Features and lists
Select an item in a list

A - Z then



First day of this month


Last day of this month


First day of this year


Last day of this year


Go to date

Ctrl + G

Register and Write Checks
Switch to full register view


Moving around in windows and fields
Previous window

Alt +

Moving around in windows and fields
Next window

Alt +

Register and Write Checks
QuickFill, automatic completion

⭾ Tab

Moving around in windows and fields
Previous field or column

↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Moving around in windows and fields
Beginning of field


Moving around in windows and fields
First field in transaction or window or first report row

Home then Home

Moving around in windows and fields
First transaction in window

Home then Home then Home

Moving around in windows and fields
First transaction in register

Home then Home then Home then Home

Moving around in windows and fields
First transaction or upper left corner of report

Ctrl + Home

Moving around in windows and fields
End of field


Moving around in windows and fields
end  Last field in transaction or window, or last report row


Moving around in windows and fields
Last transaction in window

End then End then End

Moving around in windows and fields
Last transaction in register

End then End then End then End

Moving around in windows and fields
Last transaction or lower right corner of report

Ctrl + End

Moving around in windows and fields
Next window or check

Page Down

Moving around in windows and fields
Previous window or check

Page Up

Moving around in windows and fields
Next month

Ctrl + Page Down

Moving around in windows and fields
First day of month

Ctrl + Page Up

Moving around in windows and fields
Up or down one row

↑  ↓

File Operations
Back up a file

Ctrl + B

File Operations
Open a file

Ctrl + O

Decrease or increase a security price by 1/16


Decrease or increase a security price by 1/16


Register and Write Checks
Copy data from the field above the currently selected field in the Split Transaction dialog


Register and Write Checks
Copy a field in the register

Ctrl + Insert

Register and Write Checks
Cut a field in the register

↑   Shift + Del

Register and Write Checks
Paste a field in the register

↑   Shift + Insert

Register and Write Checks
Delete a transaction or split line

Ctrl + D

Register and Write Checks
Find a transaction

Ctrl + F

Register and Write Checks
Replace a transaction

Ctrl + H

Register and Write Checks
Go to a new transaction

Ctrl + N

Register and Write Checks
Insert a transaction

Ctrl + I

Register and Write Checks
Memorize a transaction

Ctrl + M

Register and Write Checks
QuickFill list, scroll up or down

Ctrl + ↑  ↓

Register and Write Checks
Open the calendar in the Date field; open a Payee, Tag, or Category window; or open the calculator in the Charge or Payment field

Alt +

Register and Write Checks
Record a transaction

⤶ Enter

Register and Write Checks
Record a transaction

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

Register and Write Checks
Open the Reconcile dialog

Ctrl + R

Register and Write Checks
Open the Split Transaction dialog

Ctrl + S

Register and Write Checks
Open the Enter Transaction dialog (accessibility feature)

Ctrl + 5

Register and Write Checks
Go to Transfer

Ctrl + X

Register and Write Checks
Void a transaction

Ctrl + V

Go to the Portfolio

Ctrl + U

Go to the Security List

Ctrl + Y

Help on the current window


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