QuickTime Player (MacOS)

Movie editing shortcuts

Flip horizontal

Shift + Command + H

All hotkeys for QuickTime Player (MacOS)

QuickTime Player basic tasks
New movie recording

Option + Command + N

QuickTime Player basic tasks
New audio recording

Ctrl + Option + Command + N

QuickTime Player basic tasks
New screen recording

Ctrl + Command + N

QuickTime Player basic tasks
Open file

Command + O

QuickTime Player basic tasks
Open location using a URL

Command + U

QuickTime Player basic tasks
Close window

Command + W

QuickTime Player basic tasks
Save/ Export

Shift + Command + S

QuickTime Player basic tasks
Export for the web

Shift + Command + E

QuickTime Player basic tasks
Minimize window

Command + M

QuickTime Player basic tasks
Show Movie Inspector

Command + I

QuickTime Player basic tasks
Show export Progress

Option + Command + P

Movie playback shortcuts
Play or pause


Movie playback shortcuts
Play or pause all movies

Command + Enter

Movie playback shortcuts
Stop playback and go back one frame

Arrow Left

Movie playback shortcuts
Stop playback and go forward one frame

Arrow Right

Movie playback shortcuts
Go to the beginning of a movie

Option + Arrow Left

Movie playback shortcuts
Go to the end of a movie

Option + Arrow Right

Movie playback shortcuts
Cycle through rewind speeds

Command + Arrow Left

Movie playback shortcuts
Cycle through fast forward speeds

Command + Arrow Right

Movie playback shortcuts
Turn volume up

Arrow Up

Movie playback shortcuts
Turn volume down

Arrow Down

Movie playback shortcuts
Turn the volume up to the maximum level

Option + Arrow Up

Movie playback shortcuts
Turn the volume down to the minimum level

Option + Arrow Down

Movie playback shortcuts
Show closed captioning

Option + Command + T

Movie playback shortcuts
Show chapters

Command + R

Movie playback shortcuts
Loop the movie

Command + L

Movie size shortcuts
Enter Full screen mode

Command + F

Movie size shortcuts
Exit Full screen mode

Command + F / Esc

Movie size shortcuts
Display movie at actual size

Command + 1

Movie size shortcuts
Fit the movie to the screen

Command + 3

Movie size shortcuts
Fill the screen with the movie

Command + 4

Movie size shortcuts
Display the movie in panoramic mode

Command + 5

Movie size shortcuts
Increase the movie size

Command + +

Movie size shortcuts
Decrease the movie size

Command + -

Movie editing shortcuts

Command + Z

Movie editing shortcuts

Shift + Command + Z

Movie editing shortcuts

Command + X

Movie editing shortcuts

Command + C

Movie editing shortcuts

Command + V

Movie editing shortcuts
Select all

Command + A

Movie editing shortcuts
Select all excluding silent portions

Shift + Command + A

Movie editing shortcuts
Rotate left

Shift + Command + L

Movie editing shortcuts
Rotate right

Shift + Command + R

Movie editing shortcuts
Flip horizontal

Shift + Command + H

Movie editing shortcuts
Flip vertical

Shift + Command + V

Movie editing shortcuts
Split clip

Command + Y

Movie editing shortcuts

Command + T

Similar combinations for other applications

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Small caps (on/off)
Working with Type

Shift + Command + H

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Hide/show all measurements
Measurement (PS Extended)

Shift + Command + H

Adobe Premiere CC (MacOS)
General Shortcuts

Shift + Command + H

Finder (MacOS)
Open the Home folder of the current macOS user account.

Shift + Command + H

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Show Target Path
Manage Views

Shift + Command + H

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Open the Home folder of the current macOS user account.
Finder Shortcuts

Shift + Command + H

Inkscape (MacOS)
Undo history

Shift + Command + H