Sublime Text (MacOS)

Other Shortcuts

Toggle Side Bar

Command + K + B

All hotkeys for Sublime Text (MacOS)

General Editing Shortcuts
Insert Line After

Command + Enter

General Editing Shortcuts
Insert Line Before

Command + Shift + Enter

General Editing Shortcuts
Move line Up

Command + Ctrl + Up Arrow

General Editing Shortcuts
Move line Down

Command + Ctrl + Down Arrow

General Editing Shortcuts
Select Line(Repeat to select next lines)

Command + L

General Editing Shortcuts
Select All Occurencs of Current Section

Command + Ctrl + G

General Editing Shortcuts
Select Word(Repeat select other Occurences

Command + D

General Editing Shortcuts
Selection Up

Command + Shift + Up Arrow

General Editing Shortcuts
Selection Down

Command + Shift + Down Arrow

General Editing Shortcuts
Cut Line

Command + X

General Editing Shortcuts
Delete Line

Command + Shift + K

General Editing Shortcuts
Delete from cursor to End of Line

Command + K + K

General Editing Shortcuts
Delete from cursor to start of Line

Command + K + Del

General Editing Shortcuts
Indent Current Lines

Command + ]

General Editing Shortcuts
Unindent Current Lines

Command + [

General Editing Shortcuts
Paste and Indent Correctly

Command + Shift + V

General Editing Shortcuts
Paste Line

Command + V

General Editing Shortcuts
Wrap Selection in HTML Tag

Option + Shift + W

General Editing Shortcuts
Close Current HTML Tag

Option + .

General Editing Shortcuts

Command + U

General Editing Shortcuts
Select Next AutoComplete Suggestion

Command + Spacebar

General Editing Shortcuts

Command + Y

General Editing Shortcuts
Duplicate Lines

Command + Shift + D

General Editing Shortcuts
Join Line below to end of current line

Command + J

General Editing Shortcuts
Comment/Uncomment Current Line

Command + /

General Editing Shortcuts
Block Comment Current Selection

Command + Shift + /

General Editing Shortcuts
Convert to Uppercase

Command + K + U

General Editing Shortcuts
Convert to Lowercase

Command + K + L

General Editing Shortcuts
Select all occurrences of current selection

Ctrl + Command + G

General Editing Shortcuts
Extra cursor on the line above

Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow

General Editing Shortcuts
Extra cursor on the line below

Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

General Editing Shortcuts
Jump to closing parentheses Repeat to jump to opening parentheses

Ctrl + M

General Editing Shortcuts
Select all contents of the current parentheses

Ctrl + Shift + M

General Editing Shortcuts
Move to beginning of line

Ctrl + A

General Editing Shortcuts
Move to beginning of text on line

Command+ Left Arrow

General Editing Shortcuts
Move to end of line

Command+ Right Arrow

General Editing Shortcuts
Command Palette

Command + Shift + P

General Editing Shortcuts
Python Console

Ctrl + '

General Editing Shortcuts
Switch FullScreen Mode

Command + Ctrl + F

General Editing Shortcuts
Switch DistractionFree Mode

Command + Ctrl + Shift + F

General Editing Shortcuts
Switch Side bar

Command + K + B

General Editing Shortcuts

Column Selection Shortcuts
Column Selection Up

Command + Option + Up Arrow

Column Selection Shortcuts
Column Selection Down

Command + Option + Down Arrow

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to line

Ctrl + G

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Word

Ctrl + ;

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Symbol

Command + R

Navigation Shortcuts
Immediately Open Files by Name

Command + T

Find and Replace Shortcuts

Command + F

Find and Replace Shortcuts

Command + Option + F

Find and Replace Shortcuts
Find in Files

Command + Shift + F

Navigation through Tabs
Cycle Up through Tabs

Command + PgUp

Navigation through Tabs
Cycle Down through Tabs

Command + PgDn

Navigation through Tabs
Find in Files

Command + Left Arrow

Navigation through Tabs
Close Current Tab

Command + W

Navigation through Tabs
Switch to Tab Number

Option + 1..9

Split Windows Shortcuts
Revert view to single column

Option + Command + 1

Split Windows Shortcuts
Split view into two columns

Option + Command + 2

Split Windows Shortcuts
Split view into three columns

Option + Command + 3

Split Windows Shortcuts
Split view into four columns

Option + Command + 4

Split Windows Shortcuts
Set view to Grid

Option + Command + 5

Split Windows Shortcuts
Split view into two rows

Option + Command + 8

Split Windows Shortcuts
Jump to group where num is 1..4

Ctrl + 1..4

Split Windows Shortcuts
Move file to specified group where num is 1..4

Ctrl + Shift + 1..9

Bookmarks Shortcuts
Next Bookmark


Bookmarks Shortcuts
Previous Bookmark

Shift + F2

Bookmarks Shortcuts
Switch Bookmark

Command + F2

Bookmarks Shortcuts
Clear Bookmarks

Command + Shift + F2

Other Shortcuts
Toggle Side Bar

Command + K + B

Other Shortcuts
Show Scope in status bar

Shift + Ctrl + P

Other Shortcuts
Clip text Upwards/Downwards

Command + Ctrl + Up Arrow / Down Arrow

Scrolling Shortcuts
Scroll down one page

Ctrl + V

Scrolling Shortcuts
Center current line vertically in page

Ctrl + L

Scrolling Shortcuts
Scroll to end of file

Command + Down Arrow

Scrolling Shortcuts
Scroll to start of file

Command + Up Arrow

Similar combinations for other applications