Visual Studio Code (Mac)
Multi-cursor and selection
Column (box) selection page up
Shift + Option + Command + Page Up
All hotkeys for Visual Studio Code (Mac)
GeneralF1 Show Command Palette |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + P then F1 |
NavigationGo to file |
⌘ Cmd + P |
GeneralNew window/instance |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + N |
File managementClose |
⌘ Cmd + W |
GeneralUser Settings |
⌘ Cmd + , |
GeneralKeyboard Shortcuts |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + S |
Basic editingCut line (empty selection) |
⌘ Cmd + X |
Integrated terminalCopy selection |
⌘ Cmd + C |
Basic editingMove line up/down |
⌥ Option + ↑ ↓ |
Basic editingCopy line up / down |
↑ Shift + ⌥ Option + ↑ ↓ |
Basic editingInsert line below |
⌘ Cmd + ⤶ Enter |
Basic editingInsert line above |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + ⤶ Enter |
Basic editingJump to matching bracket |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + \ |
Basic editingIndent/outdent line |
⌘ Cmd + ] |
Basic editingIndent/outdent line |
⌘ Cmd + [ |
Basic editingGo to beginning of line |
Home |
Basic editingGo to end of line |
End |
Basic editingGo to beginning of file |
⌘ Cmd + ↑ |
Basic editingGo to end of file |
⌘ Cmd + ↓ |
Basic editingScroll line up/down |
Ctrl + ↑ ↓ |
Basic editingScroll page up |
Control + Page Up |
Basic editingScroll page down |
Control + Page Down |
Basic editingFold (collapse) region |
⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + [ |
Basic editingUnfold (uncollapse) region |
⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + ] |
Basic editingFold (collapse) all subregions |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + [ |
Basic editingUnfold (uncollapse) all subregions |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + ] |
Basic editingFold (collapse) all regions |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + 0 |
Basic editingUnfold (uncollapse) all regions |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + J |
Basic editingAdd line comment |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + C |
Basic editingRemove line comment |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + U |
Basic editingToggle line comment |
⌘ Cmd + / |
Basic editingToggle block comment |
↑ Shift + ⌥ Option + A |
Basic editingToggle word wrap |
⌥ Option + Z |
NavigationShow all symbols |
⌘ Cmd + T |
NavigationGo to line |
Control + G |
NavigationGo to symbol |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + O |
NavigationShow Problems panel |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + M |
NavigationGo to next error or warning |
F8 |
NavigationGo to previous error or warning |
↑ Shift + F8 |
NavigationNavigate editor group history |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + ⭾ Tab |
NavigationGo back |
Ctrl + - |
NavigationGo forward |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + - |
NavigationToggle Tab moves focus |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + M |
Search and replaceFind |
⌘ Cmd + F |
Search and replaceReplace |
⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + F |
Search and replaceFind next |
⌘ Cmd + G |
Search and replaceFind previous |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + G |
Search and replaceSelect all occurences of Find match |
⌥ Option + ⤶ Enter |
Search and replaceAdd selection to next Find match |
⌘ Cmd + D |
Search and replaceMove last selection to next Find match |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + D |
Multi-cursor and selectionInsert cursor |
⌥ Option + Mouse left click |
Multi-cursor and selectionInsert cursor above / below |
⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + ↑ ↓ |
Multi-cursor and selectionUndo last cursor operation |
⌘ Cmd + U |
Multi-cursor and selectionInsert cursor at end of each line selected |
↑ Shift + ⌥ Option + I |
Multi-cursor and selectionSelect current line |
⌘ Cmd + I |
Multi-cursor and selectionSelect all occurrences of current selection |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + L |
Multi-cursor and selectionSelect all occurrences of current word |
⌘ Cmd + F2 |
Multi-cursor and selectionExpand selection |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + → |
Multi-cursor and selectionShrink selection |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + ← |
Multi-cursor and selectionColumn (box) selection |
↑ Shift + ⌥ Option + Mouse movement |
Multi-cursor and selectionColumn (box) selection left/right |
↑ Shift + ⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + ← → |
Multi-cursor and selectionColumn (box) selection page up |
Shift + Option + Command + Page Up |
Multi-cursor and selectionColumn (box) selection page down |
Shift + Option + Command + Page Down |
Rich languages editingTrigger suggestion |
Ctrl + Space |
Rich languages editingTrigger parameter hints |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + Space |
Rich languages editingFormat document |
↑ Shift + ⌥ Option + F |
Rich languages editingFormat selection |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + F |
Rich languages editingGo to Definition |
F12 |
Rich languages editingPeek Definition |
⌥ Option + F12 |
Rich languages editing12 Open Definition to the side |
⌘ Cmd + K then F12 |
Rich languages editingQuick Fix |
⌘ Cmd + . |
Rich languages editingShow References |
↑ Shift + F12 |
Rich languages editingRename Symbol |
F2 |
Rich languages editingTrim trailing whitespace |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + X |
Rich languages editingM Change file language |
⌘ Cmd + K then M |
Editor managementF Close folder |
⌘ Cmd + K then F |
Editor managementSplit editor |
⌘ Cmd + \ |
Editor managementFocus into first group |
⌘ Cmd + 1 |
Editor managementFocus into second group |
⌘ Cmd + 2 |
Editor managementFocus into third group |
⌘ Cmd + 3 |
Editor managementFocus into previous/next editor group |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + ← → |
Editor managementMove editor left |
⌘ Cmd + K then ↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + ← |
Editor managementMove editor right |
⌘ Cmd + K then ↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + → |
Editor managementht Move active editor group |
⌘ Cmd + K then ← → |
File managementNew File |
⌘ Cmd + N |
File managementOpen File |
⌘ Cmd + O |
File managementSave |
⌘ Cmd + S |
File managementSave As |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + S |
File managementSave All |
⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + S |
File managementClose All |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + W |
File managementReopen closed editor |
Ctrl + ↑ Shift + T |
File managementer Keep preview mode editor open |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⤶ Enter |
File managementOpen next |
Control + ⭾ Tab |
File managementOpen previous |
Control + ↑ Shift + ⭾ Tab |
File managementP Copy path of active file |
⌘ Cmd + K then P |
File managementR Reveal active file in Explorer |
⌘ Cmd + K then R |
File managementO Show active file in new window/instance |
⌘ Cmd + K then O |
DisplayToggle full screen |
Control + ⌘ Cmd + F |
DisplayToggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical) |
⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + 1 |
DisplayZoom in |
⌘ Cmd + = |
DisplayZoom out |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + - |
DisplayToggle Sidebar visibility |
⌘ Cmd + B |
DisplayShow Explorer / Toggle focus |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + E |
DisplayShow Search |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + F |
DisplayShow Source Control |
Control + ↑ Shift + G |
DisplayShow Debug |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + D |
DisplayShow Extensions |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + X |
DisplayReplace in files |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + H |
DisplayToggle Search details |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + J |
DisplayShow Output panel |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + U |
DisplayOpen Markdown preview |
↑ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + V |
DisplayV Open Markdown preview to the side |
⌘ Cmd + K then V |
DisplayZ Zen Mode (Esc Esc to exit) |
⌘ Cmd + K then Z |
DebugToggle breakpoint |
F9 |
DebugStart/Continue |
F5 |
DebugStop |
↑ Shift + F5 |
DebugStep into |
F11 |
DebugStep out |
↑ Shift + F11 |
DebugStep over |
F10 |
DebugShow hover |
⌘ Cmd + K then ⌘ Cmd + I |
Integrated terminalShow integrated terminal |
Control + ` |
Integrated terminalCreate new terminal |
Control + ↑ Shift + ` |
Integrated terminalScroll up/down |
⌘ Cmd + ↑ ↓ |
Integrated terminalScroll page up |
Page Up |
Integrated terminalScroll page down |
Page Down |
Integrated terminalScroll to top |
⌘ Cmd + Home |
Integrated terminalScroll to bottom |
⌘ Cmd + End |