Finale (MacOS)
Expression Tool
Add selected expression to all staves to top of system
Command + Home
All hotkeys for Finale (MacOS)
File MenuNew |
Command + N |
File MenuOpen |
Command + O |
File MenuClose |
Command + W |
File MenuSave |
Command + S |
File Menu |
Command + P |
File MenuQuit |
Command + Q / Option + F4 |
File Menu |
Edit MenuUndo |
Command + Z |
Edit MenuRedo |
Command + Y |
Edit MenuSelect All |
Command + A |
Edit MenuCut |
Command + X |
Edit MenuCopy |
Command + C |
Edit MenuPaste |
Command + V |
Edit MenuUse Filter |
Command + Option + F |
Edit MenuEdit Filter |
Command + Option + Shift + F |
Edit MenuInsert |
Command + I |
Edit MenuInsert and Filter |
Command + Shift + I |
Edit MenuPaste and Filter |
Command + Shift + V |
Edit MenuPaste Multiple |
Command + Option + V |
Edit MenuClear All items |
Delete |
Edit MenuDelete Measure track |
Del |
Utility MenuUpdate alyout |
Command + U |
Utility MenuLock System |
Command + L |
Utility MenuUnlock System |
Command + Shift + L |
Utility MenuFit measures dialog box |
Command + M |
Utility MenuApply Note Spacing |
Command + 4 |
Utility MenuApply Beat Spacing |
Command + 5 |
Utility MenuMove to Previous System |
Command + Up Arrow |
Utility MenuMove to next system |
Command + Down arrow |
Utility MenuTranspose down/up one step diatonically |
Command + 6 / Command + 7 |
Utility MenuTranspose down/up octave diatonically |
Command + 8 / Command + 9 |
Utility Menu |
View MenuSwitch Page/Scroll Views |
Command + E |
View MenuStudio View |
Command + Shift + E |
View MenuZoom in/Zoom out |
Command + = / Command + - |
View MenuCustom zoom 1 |
Command + 1 |
View MenuCustom zoom 2 |
Command + 2 |
View MenuCustom zoom 3 |
Command + 3 |
View MenuView at x% |
Command + 0 |
View MenuFit to window |
Command + [ |
View MenuFit width |
Command + ] |
View MenuChange Layer |
Shift + Option + 1..4 |
View Menu |
Windows Menushow/hide Score Manager |
Command + K |
Windows MenuShow/hide Mixer |
Command + Shift + M |
Windows MenuSwitch between windows |
Command + Tab |
Windows Menu |
Playback and General ShortcutsPlat |
Option + D + P |
Playback and General ShortcutsStop Playback |
Option + D + O |
Playback and General ShortcutsYes in dialog box |
Y |
Playback and General ShortcutsNo in dialog box |
N |
Playback and General ShortcutsSwitch to selection tool |
Esc |
Playback and General ShortcutsDefine shortcut for tool |
Shift + F2..F12 |
Playback and General ShortcutsChoose defined tool |
F2..F12 |
Playback and General ShortcutsApply metatool |
Command + Option + A |
Playback and General Shortcuts |
Navigation ShortcutsUp Full screen |
PgUp |
Navigation ShortcutsDown Full Screen |
PgDn |
Navigation ShortcutsLeft one screen |
Home |
Navigation ShortcutsRight One screen |
End |
Navigation ShortcutsFirst Page |
Command + Home |
Navigation ShortcutsLast Page |
Command + End |
Navigation ShortcutsPrevious part |
Command + Option + , |
Navigation ShortcutsNext part |
Command + Option + . |
Navigation ShortcutsLast Viewed Part |
Command + Option + / |
Navigation Shortcuts |
Selection ToolPrevious beat |
Shift + Left arrow |
Selection ToolNext beat |
Shift + Right arrow |
Selection ToolBeginning of measure |
Shift + Command + Left arrow |
Selection ToolEnd of measure |
Shift + Command + Right Arrow |
Selection ToolBeginning of score |
Shift + Home |
Selection ToolEnd of score |
Shift + End |
Selection ToolImplode Music |
1 |
Selection ToolExplode Music |
2 |
Smart Shape ToolFlip selected slur or bend direction |
F |
Smart Shape ToolSet selected slur or bend direction to automatic |
Option + Shift + F |
Smart Shape ToolMove between primary/secondary handles |
Tab |
Smart Shape ToolHide Secondary handles |
Esc |
Expression ToolMove expression without changing attachment point |
Option + Drag |
Expression ToolAdd selected expression to staff above |
Command + Up Arrow |
Expression ToolAdd selected expression to staff belo |
Command + Down arrow |
Expression ToolAdd selected expression to all staves to top of system |
Command + Home |
Expression ToolAdd selected expression to all staves to bottom of system |
Command + End |
Expression ToolAdd selected expression to all staves in system |
Option + Return |
Expression ToolAdd selected expression to specific staves |
Command + Option + Return |
Expression Tool |
Lyrics ToolPrevious verse/chorus/Section |
Up Arrow |
Lyrics ToolNext verse/chorus/section |
Down Arrow |
Lyrics ToolLeft justify |
Command + [ |
Lyrics ToolRight Justify |
Command + ] |
Lyrics ToolCReturn Justify |
Command + ' |
Lyrics ToolAlign syllable to left |
Command + Shift + [ |
Lyrics Toolalign syllable to right |
Command + Shift + ] |
Lyrics Toolalign cReturn syllable |
Command + Shift + ' |
Lyrics Tool |
Text ToolDecrease font size |
Command + Shift + , |
Text ToolIncrease font size |
Command + Shift + . |
Text ToolCustom Frame |
Command + Shift + M |
Text ToolFlat |
Command + Shift + F |
Text ToolNatural symbol |
Command + Shift + N |
Text ToolSharp symbol |
Command + Shift + S |
Text ToolInsert Page Number |
Command + Shift + P |
Text ToolFrame Attributes |
Command + Shift + T |
Text ToolLine Spacing |
Command + Shift + L |
Text ToolCReturn text block vertically |
Command + Shift + = |
Text ToolBold |
Command + B |
Text ToolItalic |
Command + I |
Text ToolUnderline |
Command + U |