Garageband 10 (MacOS)

Display Objects

Show/Hide the Tempo track

Shift + Command + T

All hotkeys for Garageband 10 (MacOS)

Track Operations
Create a new track

Option + Command + N

Track Operations
Create a new audio track

Option + Command + A

Track Operations
Create a new software instrument track

Option + Command + S

Track Operations
Duplicate the selected track

Command + D

Track Operations
Delete the selected track

Command + Delete

Track Operations
Rename the selected track

Shift + Return

Track Operations
Select the next higher track

Up Arrow

Track Operations
Select the next lower track

Down Arrow

Track Operations
Mute/Unmute the selected track


Track Operations
Solo/Unsolo the selected track


Track Operations
Turn monitoring for the selected track on/off

Ctrl + I

Track Operations
Show/Hide automation for the selected track


Track Operations
Delete all automation on the selected track

Ctrl + Shift + Command + Delete

Track Operations
Unmute all tracks

Ctrl + Option + Command + M

Track Operations
Unsolo all tracks

Ctrl + Option + Command + S

Edit Track

Command + Z

Edit Track

Shift + Command + Z

Edit Track

Command + X

Edit Track
Cut an arrangement marker together with its regions

Option + Command + Delete

Edit Track

Command + C

Edit Track

Command + V

Edit Track


MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Select all

Command + A

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Select previous region on the selected track

Left Arrow

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Select next region on the selected track

Right Arrow

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Split selected region or event at the playhead

Command + T

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Join selected regions or notes

Command + J

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Loop selected region continuously


MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Add selected region to the Apple Loops Library

Ctrl + Shift + O

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Rename the selected region

Shift + N

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Turn Snap to Grid on/off

Command + G

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Show/Hide alignment guides

Option + Command + G

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Start recording


MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Turn the Record Enable button for the selected track on/off

Ctrl + R

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Turn the cycle area on/off


MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Turn the metronome on/off


MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Turn count+in on/off

Shift + K

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Transpose selected notes up one semitone

Option + Up Arrow

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Transpose selected notes down one semitone

Option + Down Arrow

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Transpose selected notes up one octave

Option + Shift + Up Arrow

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Transpose selected notes down one octave

Option + Shift + Down Arrow

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Select the next score event

Right Arrow

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Select the previous score event

Left Arrow

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Select the next staff event

Down Arrow

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Select the previous staff event

Up Arrow

MIsellaneous Shortcuts
Print score notation

Command + P

Display Objects
Show/Hide the Musical Typing window

Command + K

Display Objects
Show/Hide Smart Controls


Display Objects
Show/Hide the Score Editor


Display Objects
Show/Hide the Piano Roll Editor


Display Objects
Show/Hide the Loop Browser


Display Objects
Show/Hide the Library


Display Objects
Show/Hide the Editor


Display Objects
Show/Hide the NotePad

Option + Command + P

Display Objects
Show/Hide the Media Browser


Display Objects
Show/Hide the Arrangement track

Shift + Command + A

Display Objects
Show/Hide the Movie track

Shift + Command + O

Display Objects
Show/Hide theTransposition track

Shift + Command + X

Display Objects
Show/Hide the Tempo track

Shift + Command + T

Display Objects
Show/Hide the Master track

Shift + Command + M

General Shortcuts
Open a Movie

Option + Command + O

General Shortcuts
Create a new project

Command + N

General Shortcuts
Open an existing project

Command + O

General Shortcuts
Close the current window or project

Command + W

General Shortcuts
Minimize the GarageBand window

Command + M

General Shortcuts
Save the current project

Command + S

General Shortcuts
Save As

Shift + Command + S

General Shortcuts
Show GarageBand preferences

Command + ,

General Shortcuts
Hide GarageBand

Command + H

General Shortcuts
Quit GarageBand

Command + Q

General Shortcuts
Open detailed Help (move the pointer over an interface item)

Command + ?

General Shortcuts
Start or stop playback


General Shortcuts
Go to beginning


General Shortcuts
Go to end of last region

Option + Return

General Shortcuts
Move forward


General Shortcuts
Move back


General Shortcuts
Move cycle area forward

Shift + Command + .

General Shortcuts
Move cycle area back

Shift + Command + ,

General Shortcuts
Move forward by visible width of the timeline


General Shortcuts
Move back by visible width of the timeline


General Shortcuts
Turn Catch mode on/off


General Shortcuts
Zoom out

Command + Left Arrow

General Shortcuts
Zoom in

Command + Right Arrow

Similar combinations for other applications

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Activate Tabs panel
Tabs Panel

Shift + Command + T

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Transform again
Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015 - Edit Basics

Shift + Command + T

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Transform again
Manage Panels - Edit Basics

Shift + Command + T

InDesign CC (MacOS)
Type Menu Shortcuts

Shift + Command + T

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Show styles
Formatting text

Shift + Command + T

Apple Calendar (MacOS)
Go to a specific date.
Calender Shortcuts

Shift + Command + T

Finder (MacOS)
Add selected Finder item to the Dock (OS X Mountain Lion or earlier)

Shift + Command + T

Finder (MacOS)
Show or hide a Finder tab.

Shift + Command + T

Show Guides
View Shortcuts

Shift + Command + T

Apple Photos (MacOS)
Show or hide titles

Shift + Command + T

Todoist (Web Application)
Show/Hide Todoist
Mac Global Shortcuts

Shift + Command + T

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Add selected Finder item to the Dock (OS X Mountain Lion or earlier)
Finder Shortcuts

Shift + Command + T

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Show or hide a Finder Tab.
Finder Shortcuts

Shift + Command + T

Adobe Acrobat Pro (MacOS)
Insert Blank Pages tool

Shift + Command + T

Panic Coda (MacOS)
Show Fonts
Editing Shortcuts

Shift + Command + T

Inkscape (MacOS)
Text and font

Shift + Command + T

DaVinci Resolve 14 (MacOS)
Publish Changes for Selected Clips

Shift + Command + T