Midnight Commander

File panel actions

move to the previous directory in the history

Alt + Y

All hotkeys for Midnight Commander

Refresh active panel

Ctrl + R

Opens chmod dialog for marked file

Ctrl + X then C

Opens chown dialog for marked file

Ctrl + X then O

Opens search dialog

Alt + ?

Open VFS list. If a ftp session times out, you can use this to free the open vfs so you can log in again.

Ctrl + X then A

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the previous entry in the panel

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the next entry in the panel

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the left

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the right

File panel actions
move the selection bar one page up

Page Up

File panel actions
move the selection bar one page up

Alt + V

File panel actions
move the selection bar one page down

Page Down

File panel actions
move the selection bar one page down

Alt + P

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the first entry in the panel


File panel actions
move the selection bar to the first entry in the panel

A then 1

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the first entry in the panel

Alt + <

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the last entry in the panel


File panel actions
move the selection bar to the last entry in the panel

C then 1

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the last entry in the panel

Alt + >

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the first visible entry in the panel

Alt + G

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the middle visible entry in the panel

Alt + R

File panel actions
move the selection bar to the last visible entry in the panel

Alt + J

File panel actions
start a quick filename search in the directory listing

Alt + S

File panel actions
change charset of current panel

Alt + E

Shell functions
Shows command line history

Alt + H

File panel actions
move to the next directory in the history

Alt + U

File panel actions
move to the previous directory in the history

Alt + Y

File panel actions
select (tag) a group of files


File panel actions
unselect a group of files


File panel actions
invert selection on the current panel

Alt + *

File panel actions
make the current directory of the current panel also the current directory of the other panel

Alt + I

File panel actions
If the currently selected file is a directory, load that directory on the other panel and moves the selection to the next file. If the currently selected file is not a directory, load the parent directory on the other panel and moves the selection to the next file

Alt + O

File panel actions
If the currently selected file is a link to the directory, load that directory on the other panel and moves the selection to the next file

Alt + L

File panel actions
move to the child directory

Ctrl + Page Down

File panel actions
move to the parent directory

Ctrl + Page Up

File panel actions
tag or untag files. To untag files, just retag a tagged file


File panel actions
tag or untag files. To untag files, just retag a tagged file

Ctrl + T

File panel actions
tag file and move the selection bar to the next entry

↑   Shift +

File panel actions
tag file and move the selection bar to the previous entry

↑   Shift +

Shell functions
Copies selected filename in command line

Alt + ⤶ Enter

Shell functions
Copies full path of selected file in the command line

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

Function keys


Function keys
Opens user menu


Function keys
View selected file content


Function keys
Opens file in internal text editor


Function keys
Copies selected file. Default is to another panel, but it asks first.


Function keys
Moving file. Default is to another panel, but it asks first.


Function keys
Make directory.


Function keys
Delete file or directory.


Function keys
Opens main menu at the top of the screen.


Function keys
Ends current action; editor, viewer, dialog window or ends mc program.


Similar combinations for other applications

Tally 9.0 (Windows)
Register Tally
General Shortcuts

Alt + Y

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
View Before and After top/bottom
Develop Module

Alt + Y

Qt Creator (Windows)
Activate File System pane

Alt + Y

Pro Tools (Windows)
Event operations - Select/split notes...
Event Menu

Alt + Y

FL Studio (Windows)
Open Score Flipper tool
Piano Roll Action

Alt + Y

Clink (Windows)
BASH (GNU Readline) Line Editing

Alt + Y

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
View Before and After top/ bottom
Develop Module

Alt + Y

Lightworks (Windows)
Paste Current Row
31 Shortcuts for Lightworks (Windows)

Alt + Y

Final Fantasy XV (Windows)
Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Yell

Alt + Y

Exact Audio Copy
Copy CD
Tools menu

Alt + Y

DaVinci Resolve 14 (Windows)
Select Clips Forward On All Tracks

Alt + Y

Cobalt (Windows)
70 Shortcuts for Cobalt (Windows)

Alt + Y

Gmsh 4.1.4
Set Y view

Alt + Y

KeyCreator (Windows)
Set Default Width
Set Various Entities

Alt + Y

Bluebeam Revu
Layers tab
Show tabs

Alt + Y

Adobe Lightroom Classic
View Before and After top/bottom
Working in the Develop module

Alt + Y

Arch Linux
Paste the second latest cut text
Terminal: Readline

Alt + Y

Qt Creator
Activate File System pane

Alt + Y

Guitar Pro
Artificial harmonic
Effects - General

Alt + Y

Paste current row

Alt + Y

Microsoft Access 2016
Open the Database Tools tab
Navigating the ribbon

Alt + Y

Colour syntax highlighting enable/disable
Enable / Disable settings

Alt + Y